Tinkering Items

Production Skills
Skill Name Skill Point Cost Prerequisite(s) Brief Description

Production Points 1 None Gain 2 production points. May be taken up to ten times for a maximum total of 20 production points.

Alchemy One 1 Herbalist, 2 Production Points Produce level one alchemy compounds

Alchemy Two 2 Alchemy One Produce level two alchemy compounds

Alchemy Three 3 Alchemy Two Produce level three alchemy compounds.

Alchemy Four 4 Alchemy Three Produce level four alchemy compounds.

Alchemy Five 5 Alchemy Four Produce level five alchemy compounds.

Brew Potion 2 Any Level 1 Spell, 2 Production Points Use production points to create potions and oils from specific level 1-3 spells.

Scribe Scroll 4 Any Level One Spell, 2 Production Points, Read Magic Use production points to create magical scrolls

Tinker One 4 None Can use craft level 1 tinkering goods or produce level 1 trap tags.

Tinker Two 2 Tinker One Can craft level 2 tinkering goods or produce level 2 trap tags.

Tinker Three 3 Tinker Two Can craft level 3 tinkering goods or produce level 3 trap tags.

Tinker Four 4 Tinker Three Can craft level 4 tinkering goods or produce level 4 trap tags.

Tinker Five 5 Tinker Four Can craft level 5 tinkering goods or produce level 5 trap tags.

* Tinkering is not required for Savant

Production Points and Related Skills

Production points are used to create consumables such as potions, scrolls, and alchemical compounds. A character only spends production points when you first check-in for an event. In order to create items you'll have to learn to use the preproduction system. Characters can purchase additional production points each event for 3 coin per point (this includes the cost to use these points to produce items). Some items may also be turned in at check-in for additional production points.

Tinkering is used with production points for the creation of trap tags which are consumed by traps when they go off.

Characters are restricted to a cap of 20 production points from all sources.

Crafting Skills
Skill Name Skill Point Cost Prerequisite(s) Brief Description

Craft Points 1 None Grants 2 craft points. May be taken up to ten times for a maximum of 20 total craft points.

Ornamenter One 4 None Craft non-weapon magic items with up to 4 craft points

Ornamenter Two 2 Ornamenter One Create non-weapon magic items with up to 8 craft points

Ornamenter Three 3 Ornamenter Two Create non-weapon magic items with up to 12 craft points

Ornamenter Four 4 Ornamenter Three Create non-weapon magic items with up to 16 craft points

Ornamenter Five 5 Ornamenter Four Create non-weapon magic items with up to 20 craft points

Tinker One 4 None Can use craft level 1 tinkering goods or produce level 1 trap tags.

Tinker Two 2 Tinker One Can craft level 2 tinkering goods or produce level 2 trap tags.

Tinker Three 3 Tinker Two Can craft level 3 tinkering goods or produce level 3 trap tags.

Tinker Four 4 Tinker Three Can craft level 4 tinkering goods or produce level 4 trap tags.

Tinker Five 5 Tinker Four Can craft level 5 tinkering goods or produce level 5 trap tags.

Weaponsmith One 4 None Craft weapons worth up to 4 Craft Points

Weaponsmith Two 2 Weaponsmith One Craft weapons worth up to 8 craft points

Weaponsmith Three 3 Weaponsmith Two Craft weapons worth up to 12 craft points

Weaponsmith Four 4 Weaponsmith Three Craft weapons worth up to 16 craft points

Weaponsmith Five 5 Weaponsmith Four Craft weapons worth up to 20 craft points

Craft Points and Related Skills

Craft points are used with the ornamenter skill to craft magic objects, with the weaponsmith skill to craft enhanced weapons, and the tinker skill to creating tinkering items. A character only spends crafting points when you first check-in for an event. In order to create items you'll have to learn to use the pre-production system. Unlike production points you may not purchase additional crafting points at check-in.

Spells (generally only third level and lower) can be imbued into magic objects to create per event items with one use per event. The spell being imbued must be known by the character crafting that object or be provided by a consumable such as a scroll (the character must be able to read magic to use a scroll). Other characters, or other imbued items do not count as providing access to a spell.

Characters are capped at a total of 20 crafting points from all sources.

Master Craftsman Title

Any character with 20 craft points and rank five in at least two of weaponsmithing, ornamenting, or tinkering gains the title of master craftsman.

A master craftsman gains 4 additional craft points that can break the cap on crafting points. Coin does not need to be spent when using these four crafting points. These crafting points don't count against point total restrictions.

For example a character with weaponsmithing five is normally restricted to crafting at most 20 point items, but a master craftsman can use these four points with their regular 20 to create a 24 point item.

List of Item Slots

The table below lists each slot and the maximum allowed craft points when designing a magic item for that slot:

SlotMaximum number of craft points allowedExample PropUnacceptable Props
Shield20A ShieldThings that are not shields
Torso20Shirt, breastplate, vest, surcoat, really well constructed tabard, jacket, coat, tunic, bodice, chemise, dress, robe, chain hauberk.bandoleer, nipple piercing
Feet20Boots, sandals, shoes, sabatons. Items should be in pairs except in rare and exceptional circumstances.Ankle straps, spurs, toe rings, socks.
Head16Helmet, hat, elaborate headband, tiara, crown, coif, hood, mask.Scarf, bandanna, hair accessories, facial jewelry, earrings
Leg16Greaves, pants, full leg armor, non-armor skirt. Loincloths and other articles of clothing clearly worn beneath the waist. Leg items that can come in pairs should except in rare and exceptional circumstances.Leg warmers, ankle or boot wraps, garters.
Arm16Bracers, arm armor, rerebraces. Arm items come in pairs except in rare and exceptional circumstances.arm cuffs, arm warmers.
Waist12Belt, sash, chain skirt, war belt, cingulum militaire, waist cincher, elaborate chain belt.Simple Waist chain, belly button piercing.
Shoulder12Spaulders, mantle, pauldrons, elaborate shawl. Shoulder items that can come in pairs should except in rare and exceptional circumstances.Besegews, epaulettes, parrot.
Hand12Glove, Gauntlet, Ring+Chain+Bracelet combination-thingies. Hand items come in pairs except in rare and exceptional circumstances.Half-Gauntlets (modern anachronistic SCA Invention).
Back12Cloak, Cape 
Neck8Ornate or Elaborate Necklace, choker, gorget, chain of office, torc, collar, bevor, stole.Simple necklace or chain
Wrist8Cuffs, ornate or elaborate bracelet, manacles. Wrist items that can come in pairs should except in rare and exceptional circumstances.Simple bracelet or cuffs.
Ankle8Ornate or elaborate anklet, shackles, ankle cuffs. Ankle items that can come in pairs should, except in rare and exceptional circumstancesSimple anklet or ankle cuffs.
Ring 18Ring 
Ring 28Ring 
Accessory4Backpack, quiver, sheath, belt, pouch, haversack, frog, scabbard, earring, bandoleer, spurs and straps, glasses, goggles, scarf, anything worn on your body.Anything that obviously fits in another slot, anything not worn.

These are other items that you can carry a limited number of.

SlotExample Items
Wand 1A Wand
Wand 2A Wand
Rod or TomeA Rod or Tome

Altering Props with Tinkering

A character with the tinkering skill can use crafting points at check-in to replace the prop for an item with another of the same slot with comparable functionality.

For example a martial weapon must be replaced by another martial weapon and could not be replaced with a great or non-martial weapon. An ax should remain an ax, armor should be replaced with new armor of a comparable type. A plate chest piece should not be replaced by a cloth shirt (both are torso slot) or a chain shirt.

The primary benefit of doing this is to allow a character to take an epic item that does not fit them and replace it with a prop that does or to make considerable material improvements to a prop.

Slot Tinkering Rank Required Crafting Point Cost Coin Cost
Accessory 1 4 20
Neck 2 8 40
Wrist 2 8 40
Ankle 2 8 40
Ring 2 8 40
Waist 3 12 60
Shoulder 3 12 60
Hand 3 12 60
Back 3 12 60
Buckler 3 12 60
Head 4 16 80
Leg 4 16 80
Arm 4 16 80
Weapon 5 20 200
Shield 5 20 100
Torso 5 20 100
Feet 5 20 100

Weapon Crafting Point Costs

When you are crafting a new weapon you must pay a number of crafting points based on what you are creating. Every weapon will have a starting cost based on what type of weapon it is. From there you can select any feature you want, such as crafting the weapon from one or more special materials, giving special abilities to the weapon, or imbuing a spell into the weapon.

Weapon Crafting Costs

Must Choose Exactly One
Weapon Base Type Craft Points

Non-Martial Melee Weapon 0
Martial Melee Weapon 4
Great Weapon 16
Thrown Weapon 0
Bow or Crossbow 4
Arrows or Bolts 0

Special Material Craft Points

Goblin Iron (Poison) 8
Silver 8
Razorleaf (Nature) 8
Elven Steel 20*

  • Newly made weapons may not have Elven Steel with other special material types.
    • Existing weapons that are Elven Steel and other materials are exempt from this requirement.

Special Ability Description Craft Points

Masterwork This weapon deals +1 damage, limited by cap. 4
Mage Blade This rule is no longer available. Existing weapons get refunded this amount. 12
Master's Staff of Wizardry Select a school of magic. If the wielder is a master of that school of magic some of their spells cost fewer power points. Automatically a great weapon at no additional cost. Requires ornamenting 5 to craft. 24
Master's Blade If the wielder is a weapon master they gain an additional master's strike. Also gives 16 additional, free, craft points to spend on other features (such as weapon type). Requires Tinkering 5 to craft. 24

Imbued Spells Description Craft Points

Imbue with a 1st Level Spell The item can cast the chosen level one spell once per event. Can take multiple times to stack more uses per event. 4
Imbue with a 2nd Level Spell The item can cast the chosen level two spell once per event. Can take multiple times to stack more uses per event. 8
Imbue with a 3rd Level Spell The item can cast the chosen level three spell once per event. Can take multiple times to stack more uses per event. 12

Ornamenting Craft Point Costs

These are enhancements that can be added to magic objects, subject to normal stacking rules.

A +1 armor point bonus must be crafted onto a piece of worn armor. The bonus affects all worn armor not just the piece that has this ability. This bonus cannot be dispelled, it is treated as a permanent improvement to your armor's physical armor points that is always active. This bonus does not stack with the enhance armor spell. Physical armor has a cap of 4 points.

Items which grant +1 or +2 bonus magic power points are treated like gaining additional ranks of the magic power point skill which refresh at convergence as normal. A character can only spend a total of 20 magic power points between any two convergences unless an ability or effect explicitly allows them to break that limit.

Ornamenting Enhancement Costs

Stats Bonuses With Normal Caps Craft Points

+2 Production Points 4
+4 Production Points 8
+4 Craft Points 8
+1 Magic Power 8
+2 Magic Power 12

Enhancements Description Craft Points

+1 Armor Point to Armor Increase the armor points of armor by 1, (see here for details). 8
Nature Immunity Grants immunity to nature damage until removed. 12

Imbued Spells Description Craft Points

Imbue with a 1st Level Spell The item can cast the chosen level one spell once per event. Can take multiple times to stack more uses per event. 4
Imbue with a 2nd Level Spell The item can cast the chosen level two spell once per event. Can take multiple times to stack more uses per event. 8
Imbue with a 3rd Level Spell The item can cast the chosen level three spell once per event. Can take multiple times to stack more uses per event. 12
WandsCraft Points
Lesser Wand4
Normal Wand8
Major Wand12

RodsCraft Point Costs
Rod of 1st Level Spell8
Rod of 2nd Level Spell12
Rod of 3rd Level Spell16

Tinkering Gear

Specialized gear that can only be crafted with the tinkering skill.

Tinkering Gear
Name Slot Used Skill Required to Create Crafting Costs Encampment Item Lootable Description

Light Tubes None Tinkering 1 4 crafting points, 20 coin No Yes A single bulb flashlight or a 1-3 LED light

Lock and Keys None Tinkering 1 4 crafting points, 20 coin No Yes A lock and key

Magic Lock Box None Tinkering 1 4 crafting points, 20 coin No Yes A magic box that casts magic lock once per gd

Ritual Candle None Tinkering 1 4 crafting points, 20 coin No Yes A specially made candle used when performing rituals

Ritual Quill None Tinkering 1 4 crafting points, 20 coin No Yes A quill used in the production of level 4 and 5 scrolls

Grounding Wire Ankle Tinkering 2 8 crafting points, 40 coin No Yes Protects against magic damage once per event

Shackles of Grounding None Tinkering 2 8 crafting points, 40 coin No Yes Magical shackles permanently ground the wearer.

Magic Lock Picks None Tinkering 4 16 crafting points, 80 coin No Yes Dispels magic locks, and automatically picks mundane locks on containers 4/ event.

Contraption Accesory Master Tinkering 24 crafting points, 100 coin No Yes A portable trap that can contain a beneficial effect up to level 5

Elven Steel Dish None Legacy Item Uncraftable No Yes A single dish (bowl or cup) that cannot be poisoned


Containers or tripwire traps crafted with tinkering which can then load trap tags

Name Slot Used Skill Required to Create Crafting Costs Encampment Item Lootable Description

Trap - Level One None Tinkering 1 4 crafting points, 20 coin No No A trap that can be armed with a single trap tag

Trap - Level Two None Tinkering 2 8 crafting points, 40 coin No No A trap that can be armed with up to 2 trap tag

Trap - Level Three None Tinkering 3 12 crafting points, 60 coin No No A trap that can be armed with up to 3 trap tags

Trap - Level Four None Tinkering 4 16 crafting points, 80 coin No No A trap that can be armed with up to 4 trap tags

Trap - Level Five None Tinkering 5 20 crafting points, 100 coin No No A trap that can be armed with up to 5 trap tags

Encampment Items

Non-lootable items kept at adventuring groups in-game homes.

Encampment Items
Name Slot Used Skill Required to Create Crafting Costs Encampment Item Lootable Description

Basin of Purify Spirit None Tinkering 2 8 crafting points, 40 coin Yes No Casts purify spirit 6/ event with a head dunk.

Workshop None Tinkering 2 8 crafting points, 40 coin Yes No Grants 4 addition craft points to a single character.

Anvil of Mend Armor None Tinkering 2 8 crafting points, 40 coin Yes No Casts mend armor 10/ event.

Carpet of Dissipate None Tinkering 2 8 crafting points, 40 coin Yes No Casts dissipate on users.

Font of Insight None Tinkering 2 8 crafting points, 40 coin Yes No Cast diagnosis on yourself up to 10/ event

Grounding Stone None Tinkering 3 12 crafting points, 60 coin Yes No Everyone in the encampment becomes grounded.

Shielding Stone None Tinkering 3 12 crafting points, 60 coin Yes No Spend 10 minutes at your encampment to gain anti-magic shield.

Barrier Stone None Tinkering 3 12 crafting points, 60 coin Yes No After one minute in your encampment gain 4 points of magic armor 2/ event.

Curtains of Magic Lock None Tinkering 4 16 crafting points, 80 coin Yes No Casts magic lock 20/ event.

Greater Workshop None Tinkering 4 16 crafting points, 80 coin Yes No Grants 8 craft points per event for one character.

Music Box of Sanctuary None Tinkering 4 16 crafting points, 80 coin Yes No Creates sanctuary effect as long as music plays, 6/ event.

Plating Pool None Tinkering 4 16 crafting points, 80 coin Yes No Casts enchant weapon 6/ event"

Talisman of Warding None Tinkering 4 16 crafting points, 80 coin Yes No Prevents Wraiths, Banshees, and Poltergeists from entering a structure. Counters the detect life call.

Library None Tinkering 5 20 crafting points, 100 coin Yes No Grants a party one free lore request per event

Soothing Masterpiece None Tinkering 5 20 crafting points, 100 coin Yes No After 10 seconds benefit from heal body and mend armor 12/ event

Veil of Warding None Tinkering 5 20 crafting points, 100 coin Yes No Creates a sanctify or unhallow effect for 10 minutes 6/ event

Alchemist's Laboratory None Master Tinkering,
Ornamenting 5
24 crafting points, 100 coin Yes No Savants may use to gain 5 production points breaking cap

Annulment Statue None Master Tinkering 24 crafting points, 100 coin Yes No Prevents sanctify and unhallow effects in your encampment.

Ley Line Beacon None Master Tinkering 24 crafting points, 100 coin Yes No When ley lines brings you to this item you arrive dissipated.

Totem of Resilience None Master Tinkering 24 crafting points, 100 coin Yes No After 1 minute gain resilience which refreshes.

Related Rules

Tinker One

Allows the crafting of level 1 tinkering items and the production of level 1 trap tags. Also allows characters to alter the props for magic items.

Craft Points and Related Skills

Craft points are used with the ornamenter skill to craft magic objects, with the weaponsmith skill to craft enhanced weapons, and the tinker skill to creating tinkering items. A character only spends crafting points when you first check-in for an event. In order to create items you'll have to learn to use the pre-production system. Unlike production points you may not purchase additional crafting points at check-in.

Spells (generally only third level and lower) can be imbued into magic objects to create per event items with one use per event. The spell being imbued must be known by the character crafting that object or be provided by a consumable such as a scroll (the character must be able to read magic to use a scroll). Other characters, or other imbued items do not count as providing access to a spell.

Characters are capped at a total of 20 crafting points from all sources.

Categories: Crafting and Production Rules | Crafted Items | Tinkering Items | Item Rules | Items

Chosen Roleplaying Skill
Skill Name Skill Point Cost Prerequisite(s) Brief Description

Chosen Level One 4 Game Master Approval Gain a title. Create a semi-permanent shrine that can protect an area.

Chosen Level Two 4 Game Master Approval, Chosen One Pray at shrine 1/ gd to affect many with a single spell casting.

Chosen Level Three 4 Game Master Approval, Chosen Two Choose permanently to either: be able to declare mortal enemies, gaining combat bonuses OR lead a sermon to buff your flock

Chosen Level Four 4 Game Master Approval, Chosen Three Cast an improved spell, gain bonus magic power 1/ gd

Chosen Level Five 4 Game Master Approval, Chosen Four Choose permanently to be able to: Smite enemies or lead grand sermons, buffing your flock.

Druid Roleplaying Skill
Skill Name Skill Point Cost Prerequisite(s) Brief Description

Druid Level One 4 Game Master Approval Gain a title. Allows special druid communication with some specific creatures that normally cannot be communicated with.

Druid Level Two 4 Game Master Approval, Druid One Cast charm nature 1/ gd

Druid Level Three 4 Game Master Approval, Druid Two Permanently gain your choice of: Free tanglefoot bags, free casts of elemental weapon, permanent nature immunity or extra body.

Druid Level Four 4 Game Master Approval, Druid Three Can attack for Primal damage 1/ gd

Druid Level Five 4 Game Master Approval, Druid Four Create and gain a custom aspect of nature.

Medium Roleplaying Skill
Skill Name Skill Point Cost Prerequisite(s) Brief Description

Medium Level One 4 Game Master Approval Gain a title. Can communicate with spirits. Can see reaped sparks.

Medium Level Two 4 Game Master Approval, Medium One Cast Reap Spirit always with no incant and 1/ gd at will.

Medium Level Three 4 Game Master Approval, Medium Two May return reaped sparks, use special compulsion effects on ghosts

Medium Level Four 4 Game Master Approval, Medium Three Cast dominate spirit 1/ gd. Can trap spirits in gems.

Medium Level Five 4 Game Master Approval, Medium Four Can speak with dead characters and force them to answer truthfully.

Merchant Roleplaying Skill
Skill Name Skill Point Cost Prerequisite(s) Brief Description

Merchant Level One 4 Game Master Approval Gain a title. Can pay for check in with valuables.

Merchant Level Two 4 Game Master Approval, Merchant One Exchange consumables for other consumables.

Merchant Level Three 4 Game Master Approval, Merchant Two Exchange valuable items, run a bank

Merchant Level Four 4 Game Master Approval, Merchant Three Gain free scarce items at sign in.

Merchant Level Five 4 Game Master Approval, Merchant Four Gain a large blue box that can't be interacted with by others.

The Scholar Roleplaying Skill
Skill Name Skill Point Cost Prerequisite(s) Brief Description

Scholar Level One 4 Game Master Approval Gain a title. Research lore between events. Learn one uncommon Language and one ritual skill.

Scholar Level Two 4 Scholar Gain one uncommon language, 2 ritual skills and may substitute basic ritual components 2/event.

Scholar Level Three 4 Scholar Gain 2 uncommon languages, 2 ritual skills, additional lore between events, a personal ritual focus, and may craft tomes

Scholar Level Four 4 Scholar Enhanced title. Learn one uncommon language, one rare language, two ritual skills, substitute 2 more ritual components each event, learn a signature spell

Scholar Level Five 4 Scholar Gain a rare language, immunity to memory loss, create a hallmark spell and a custom ritual.

Status Roleplaying Skill
Skill Name Skill Point Cost Prerequisite(s) Brief Description

Status Level One 4 Game Master Approval Gain a title. Earn a coin stipend each event.

Status Level Two 4 Game Master Approval, Status One Throw 'disengage' tag bags 4/ gd at will.

Status Level Three 4 Game Master Approval, Status Two Charm aura on NPC's from nation/organization.

Status Level Four 4 Game Master Approval, Status Three Call 'dominate nation/ organization' 1/ gd at will.

Status Level Five 4 Game Master Approval, Status Four Grants immunity to various mind effects.

Combat Skills
Skill Name Skill Point Cost Prerequisite(s) Brief Description

Body One 1 None Have 1 body point total

Body Two 2 Body One Have 2 body points total

Body Three 3 Body Two Have 3 body points total

Body Four 4 Body Three Have 4 body points total.

Buckler Fighting 1 None Use a buckler

Shield Fighting 1 Buckler Fighting Use a shield

Melee Use 0 None Use non-martial weapons (under 35 inches long). Deal 1 damage in melee.

Melee Training 2 None Use martial weapons (35 - 45 inches long).

Great Weapon Training 2 Melee Training Use of great weapons (over 45 inches long)

Two Weapon Fighting 2 Melee Training Dual wield two non-martial weapons.

Two Weapon Expert 3 Two Weapon Fighting Dual wield one martial and one non-martial weapon.

Two Weapon Master 4 Two Weapon Expert Dual wield two martial weapons.

Melee Proficiency 3 Melee Training Deal 2 damage with melee weapons

Melee Expert 4 Melee Proficiency Deal 3 damage with melee weapons.

Melee Master 5 Melee Expert Deal 4 damage with melee weapons.

Missile Training 2 None Use missile weapons. Missile weapons deal 1 damage.

Missile Proficiency 2 Missile Training Missile weapons deal 2 damage or '1 pierce'.

Missile Expert 2 Missile Proficiency Missile weapons deal 3 damage or '1 pierce'.

Missile Master 2 Missile Expert Missile weapons deal 4 damage or '2 pierce'.

Thrown Weapon Training 2 None Use standard thrown weapons. Deal 1 damage with thrown weapons.

Thrown Weapon Master 3 Thrown Weapon Training Deal 2 damage with thrown weapons. Possibly use larger thrown weapons.

Weapon Master Title

A character who has learned all 20 of the combat skills earns the title of "weapon master".

Twice per game day a weapon master may execute a "master's strike". This lets the weapon master add either the "slay" or the "pierce" call to a weapon attack. Furthermore that attack allows the character to hit for the appropriate amount of damage with a cap of up to 4 damage if they would normally be capped at a lower amount of damage.

A weapon master may wield great javelins or great spears with a second weapon or a shield. When they do this normal caps apply. While this is taking place you are only allowed to make stabbing attacks with the great javelin, never swinging attacks. A weapon held in the off hand can be swung as normal.

General and Knowledge Skills
Skill Name Skill Point Cost Prerequisite(s) Brief Description

Estimate Value 2 None Know monetary value of non-magical treasure

Identify Magic 2 None Know the function of magical treasure

First Aid 1 None Helps to prevent bleeding out. Allows feeding potions to helpless characters. You can heal blunt torso wounds. Ask simple questions about wounds.

Herbalist 2 None You can safely use poisonous alchemical items

Language Skills 1 None Speak and be literate in one common or (with plot marshal permission) a rare language, may be taken multiple times.

Read Magic 2 None Allows you to use magic scrolls

Savant Title

A character who has learned all of the following skills earns the title of "savant".

Savants may produce a copy of any alchemical item, potion, or scroll in their possession as if they knew/ possessed the requirements (such as the spell) to make it. All other normal production rules (such as costs) still apply.

Savants also gain an additional 5 points of production which break cap.

Magic Skills
Skill Name Skill Point Cost Prerequisite(s) Brief Description

Magic Power Points 1 None Gain one power point. This skill may be taken up to twenty times.

Rituals of Aegis 1 20 Power Points, All Aegis spells Participate in Aegis Rituals

Rituals of Battle 1 20 Power Points, All Battle Spells Participate in Battle Rituals

Rituals of Compulsion 1 20 Power Points, All Compulsion Spells Participate in Compulsion Rituals

Rituals of Enchantment 1 20 Power Points, All Enchantment Spells Participate in Enchantment Rituals

Rituals of Nature 1 20 Power Points, All Nature Spells Participate in Nature Rituals

Rituals of Necromancy 1 20 Power Points, All Necromancy Spells Participate in Necromancy Rituals

Rituals of Restoration 1 20 Power Points, All Restoration Spells Participate in Restoration Rituals


Rituals are reusable items that allow a character to create effects similar to spells but more powerful. Some specific rituals are one use consumable items, the ritual will indicate if this is the case. In addition to the requirements listed here each ritual has its own additional conditions that must be met in order to cast it.

Most rituals will require specific components that are consumed or items that must be present to perform the ritual, these items must be on hand. Ritual components are always consumed unless the ritual says otherwise, other components the ritual will state if they are consumed or not. Some components list an item as a focus. A focus is an object that must be present for the ritual to work, but it is never consumed when the ritual is cast.

The caster of a ritual must have all appropriate ritual skills for each school in the ritual, a physical copy of the ritual that is being cast, and the correct ritual components to cast the ritual (which will be listed on the ritual you are casting). Some rituals require more than one eligible caster to perform.

Written items such as scrolls, rituals, and tomes have a fixed incant written down on them. When using one of these items you must read the incant exactly as it appears in writing. Even if you have these words memorized you are required to have enough light to read the text by and are expected to role-play reading the text from the paper.

If you meet all of these criteria all you must do to perform the ritual is follow the directions that are written on the ritual you are casting.

Some rare rituals can only be obtained by acquiring a variety of scarce components. At minimum these rituals require a ritual quill (which is consumed in the crafting of the ritual), 5 doses or ritual ink, ritual paper, ritual binding elixir, the essence of the ritual in question (which may list additional required components), and the intent for the ritual (which will determine the incantation the finished ritual will have). When these items are gathered and turned in via pre-production a permanent copy of a ritual is created. Some of these rituals can only be used by the person who created it and are labeled as "Creator Bound"

Magical School Master Title

A character that has taken the magic power point skill 20 times, knows all 10 spells from a specific school, and knows the corresponding ritual skill for that school, earns the title "magical school master" or "master mage" for short.

A master mage can choose one spell from that school (on the character sheet circle the spell you select). When casting the chosen spell they pay one less magic power points to a minimum of 1. This does not stack with other reductions to cost unless the other source says it stacks.

Aegis Magic School
Spell Cost/ Level Prerequisite Duration Range Target Flag Dispel Brief Description

Magic Armor 1 1 Magic Power Point Game day or until expended Touch Character person Yes Target touched gains 2 points of magic armor

Toughness 1 1 Magic Power Point 10 minutes Touch Character person Yes Target touched gains 2 body points

Spirit Shield 2 Level 1 Aegis Spell Game day or until discharged. Touch Character person Yes Prevents next poison or acid effect against target.

Anti-Magic Shield 2 Level 1 Aegis Spell Game day or until discharged Touch Character person Yes Prevents the next spell to hit the target

Sanctuary 3 Level 2 Aegis Spell 10 minutes Touch Fixed location focal point ground Yes Creates a 20 foot protective bubble around caster

Improved Magic Armor 3 Level 2 Aegis Spell Game day or until expended Touch Character person Yes Target touched gains 4 points of magic armor

Anti-Magic Aura 4 Level 3 Aegis Spell One minute Touch Character person No Target is protected against all spells

Synchronize 4 Level 3 Aegis Spell Special Touch Character person Yes Target gains the effects of most Aegis spells up to level 3

Poison Immunity 5 Level 4 Aegis Spell Game Day Touch Character person Yes Target is immune to all poison and acid attacks.

Aura of Reflection 5 Level 4 Aegis Spell Game day or until discharged Touch Character person Yes Deflects the next 4 spell that hit the target.

Battle Magic School
Spell Cost/ Level Prerequisite Duration Range Target Flag Dispel Brief Description

Magic Strike 1 1 Magic Power Point 10 Minutes or Until Discharged Touch Melee weapon weapon Yes Melee weapon's next hit deals '4 damage'

Strength 1 1 Magic Power Point 10 Minutes Touch Character person Yes Target inflcits +1 melee damage

Magic Swarm 2 Level 1 Battle Spell Instant Tag Bag Character(s) hit n/a Creates four darts dealing 4 'magic' damage

Spellburst 2 Level 1 Battle Spell 10 minutes Touch Character Yes The next spell you cast generates handfuls tag bags.

Slaying Swarm 3 Level 2 Battle Spell Instant Tag Bag Character(s) hit n/a Creates four tag bags that deal 4 'magic slay' damage.

Transcendence 3 Level 2 Battle Spell Game Day Touch Character Person Yes Generate extra tag bags.

Combat Prowess 4 Level 3 Battle Spell 10 Minutes or Until Discharged Touch Character Person Yes Gain access to all combat skills or if you already have them an extra master's strike

Maelstrom 4 Level 3 Battle Spell One Minute Tag Bag Character(s) hit n/a Throw unlimited tag bags for 1 minute dealing 4 'magic' each.

Battle Mastery 5 Level 4 Battle Spell Game Day Touch Character person Yes You may use any weapon or shield, and are immune to all magic damage.

Devastation 5 Level 4 Battle Spell 1 minute Tag bag Character(s) hit N/A Throw unlimited tag bags for one minute dealing 4 magic slay damage each

Compulsion School of Magic
Spell Cost/ Level Prerequisite Duration Range Target Flag Dispel Brief Description

Disengage 1 1 Magic Power Point 1 Minute Tag Bag Character(s) hit Yes Creates four darts that cause 'disengage'

Weaken 1 1 Magic Power Point 10 Minutes Tag Bag Character hit Yes Creates two darts that inflict weaken.

Charm 2 Level 1 Compulsion Spell 10 minutes Tag bag Character hit Yes Creates a dart that causes 'charm'

Silence 2 Level 1 Compulsion Spell 1 Minute Tag bag Character hit Yes Creates 2 tag bags that cause 'silence'

Pin 3 Level 2 Compulsion Spell 10 Minutes Tag Bag Character hit Yes Creates a dart that causes 'pin'.

Memory Loss 3 Level 2 Compulsion Spell Permanent after next event Tag bag OR Touch Character hit Yes, until next Event Creates a dart that causes 'memory loss'.

Heroism 4 Level 3 Compulsion Spell 10 minutes Touch Character Person Yes Set body to 10, but take a wound after battle

Terror 4 Level 3 Compulsion Spell 10 minutes Tag Bag Character Yes Generates 1 tag bag that calls for terror

Dominate 5 Level 4 Compulsion Spell 10 minutes Tag bag Character hit Yes Creates two darts that cause 'dominate'

Mind Blank 5 Level 4 Compulsion Spell Game Day Touch Character person Yes Target is immune to all compulsion spells

Enchantment School of Magic
Spell Cost/ Level Prerequisite Duration Range Target Flag Dispel Brief Description

Magic Lock 1 1 Magic Power Point Game day Touch An entryway or container building or object Yes Magically hold a door or container closed

Enhance Armor 1 1 Magic Power Point Game day Touch Worn armor armor Yes Armor's protection increases by +1 point

Enchant Shield 2 Level 1 Enchantment Spell Game day or until discharged Touch Shield shield Yes Shield touched absorbs next effect that would bypass or damage it

Silvershine 2 Level 1 Enchantment Spell 10 Minutes Touch Weapon weapon Yes Weapon touched deals 'silver'

Enchant Weapon 3 Level 2 Enchantment Spell 10 minutes Touch Weapon weapon Yes Weapon touched deals 'elven steel' damage

Spellstore 3 Level 2 Enchantment Spell Event or until expended Touch Weapon weapon Yes Stores a spell in a weapon to be cast later.

Dispel Magic 4 Level 3 Enchantment Spell Instant Tag bag Character, object, or magic field n/a Creates a dart which causes 'dispels magic'.

Ablative Armor 4 Level 3 Enchantment Spell Game day or until discharged Touch Worn armor armor Yes Gives worn armor 2 points of monstrous armor.

Shadow Skin 5 Level 4 Enchantment Spell 10 Minutes Touch Character person Yes Target touched is immune to normal damage.

Wraithbane 5 Level 4 Enchantment Spell Game Day Touch Weapon weapon Yes A weapon deals +1 'elven steel' damage

Nature School of Magic
Spell Cost/ Level Prerequisite Duration Range Target Flag Dispel Brief Description

Conjure Stones 1 1 Magic Power Point 1 Minute Tag Bag Character(s) hit Yes For 1 minute throw an infinite number of 1 damage tag bags

Mend Armor 1 1 Magic Power Point Instant Touch Worn armor, natural armor, or shield n/a Repairs physical armor.

Dissipate 2 Level 1 Nature Spell 10 minutes Touch Character above head Yes (circumstancially) Target dissipates.

Pin Nature 2 Level 1 Nature Spell 10 Minutes Tag Bag Character(s) hit Yes Generates four pin nature tag bags

Elemental Weapon 3 Level 2 Nature Spell 10 Minutes Touch Character weapon Yes Weapons carried deal nature damage or generate four 4 nature damage tag bags or generate two 4 primal damage tag bags.

Stoneskin 3 Level 2 Nature Spell Game day Touch Character Person Yes Gain 2 points of natural armor.

Banish 4 Level 3 Nature Spell 10 minutes Tag bag Character hit Yes (if caster can see through dissipate) Creates a dart which inflicts 'banish'

Ruin 4 Level 3 Nature Spell 1 Minute Tag Bag or Touch Character(s) hit or weapon none or weapon Varies For 1 minute a weapon deals acid damage or throw unlimited 4 acid damage tag bags.

Ley Lines 5 Level 4 Nature Spell Instant Self Self Above head n/a Allows the caster to magically move to their designated home

Primal Form 5 Level 4 Nature Spell 10 Minutes Touch Character person Yes Take on aspects of an elemental.

Necromancy School of Magic
Spell Cost/ Level Prerequisite Duration Range Target Flag Dispel Brief Description

Ghastly Visage 1 1 Magic Power Point 10 minutes Touch Character person Yes Target may call 'Brains'.

Reap Spirit 1 1 Magic Power Point Special Touch Unconscious or dead character No Steal a target's spark.

Pin Undead 2 Level 1 Necromancy Spell 10 minutes Tag Bag Character(s) hit Yes Generate four tag bags that call for pin undead.

Creeping Rot 2 Level 1 Necromancy Spell 10 minutes or 1 minute Touch or tag bag Weapon or creature(s) hit none or weapon Yes or n/a Enhance a weapon or create two darts to deal 4 Poison damage

Brackish Boon 3 Level 2 Necromancy Spell 10 Minutes Touch character yes Yes Poison heals the target instead of normal healing

Curse 3 Level 2 Necromancy Spell 10 minutes Tag bag Character hit Yes Creates a dart which inflicts 'curse'

Enfeeble 4 Level 3 Necromancy Spell 10 Minutes Tag Bag Creature Hit no Yes Creates a tag bag that causes enfeeble

Detect Spark 4 Level 3 Necromancy Spell 10 Minutes Touch Character Touched no Yes Target may call Detect Life and/ or Detect Undead 4 times in any combination.

Abomination 5 Level 4 Necromancy Spell 10 minutes Touch Character person Yes Target touched gains monstous body and other bonuses

Dreadlord 5 Level 4 Necromancy Spell 10 Minutes Self Self yes Yes Gain undead traits and control undead

Restoration School of Magic
Spell Cost/ Level Prerequisite Duration Range Target Flag Dispel Brief Description

Heal Body 1 1 Magic Power Point Instant Touch Character n/a Target heals all lost body.

Diagnosis 1 1 Magic Power Point Instant Touch Character n/a Reveals all various ailments, presence of a spark.

Restore Limb 2 Level 1 Restoration Spell Instant Touch Character n/a Target heals all limb wounds.

Purify Spirit 2 Level 1 Restoration Spell Instant Touch Character n/a Cures target of poisons and physical afflictions.

Heal Mortal Wound 3 Level 2 Restoration Spell Instant Touch Other Character n/a Target heals a torso wound.

Resilience 3 Level 2 Restoration Spell 10 minutes Touch Character person Yes All damage dealt to target is converted to 'blunt'

Panacea 4 Level 3 Restoration Spell Instant Touch Character n/a Heals all body and torso & limb wounds of target.

Triage 4 Level 3 Restoration Spell One minute Touch Character n/a For one minute the caster may cast level 1 & 2 restoration spells with no cost.

Revive 5 Level 4 Restoration Spell Instant Touch Other Character n/a Brings a willing target touched, back from the dead.

Second Breath 5 Level 4 Restoration Spell Game day or until discharged Self Self person Yes Caster receives a revive after dying.

Everyone should know these basic game information calls.

Game Information Calls
Source of Call Description Call

Game Hold Everyone stops what they are doing immediately and repeats the call 'Game Hold' or 'Hold'

Game On Used after a game hold or time stop to indicate a return to normal play '3, 2, 1, Game On'

Time Stop Players stop what they are doing and cover their eyes and ears 'Time Stop'

These are the only calls in the game that are used to respond to another players attack. Every player should know what these calls mean.

Defensive Information Calls
Source of Call Description Call

No Effect Announces to another player that a previous call had no effect 'No Effect'

Immunity Announces to another character that a previous call had no effect. 'No Effect'

Light Blows If blows are significantly too light, players within reason can ignore the hit 'Light'

Fast Blows If blows are too rapid, players within reason can ignore the hit 'Too Fast'

Hard Blows If an opponent is hitting too hard they need to know it 'Hard'

Hand An opponent hits your hand which is holding a weapon so you don't take the hit. 'Hand'

These calls indicate that a special kind of damage is being dealt. Some of them give negative conditions if you take damage from them. Every player should know what these calls do.

Combat Information Calls (Special Information for an attack)
Source of Call Description Call

Numbers The amount of damage an attack will deal if successful. No number means 1 damage. '1', '2', '3', etc

Normal A standard attack. No special call required. 'nothing' or 'Normal'

Wound Causes a wound to a specified location that typically cannot be prevent 'Torso Wound'

Blunt Blunt wounds last only 10 minutes or can be healed normally. 'Blunt'

Poison Causes the poisoned condition. Makes a spell call mundane, shield-blockable, 'Poison'

Goblin Iron Deals poison damage. 'Poison'

Disease If wounded or body points are damaged gives the diseased condition. 'Disease'

These calls cause attacks to ignore certain specific defense abilities. You only need to know these calls if you have a defense (such as armor, shields, and spell effects) that tells you to pay attention to one of these calls.

Modifier Calls
Source of Call Description Call

Acid Destroys shields after four damage. Makes effects mundane, always shield-blockable. 'Acid'

Slay Deals full damage to monstrous creatures. 'Slay'

Pierce Ignores a target's armor 'Pierce'

Smite Removes damage requirements, kill conditions, and ability to dissipate or cast ley lines 'Smite'

These calls modify the type of damage an attack deals. Some creatures require a certain type of damage to be hurt and others are immune to some types of damage. You only ever need to know any of these calls if you have a weapon or ability that attacks for that damage type, or you have a defense related to one of these calls.

Damage Type Calls
Source of Call Description Call

Magic A damage type created by some spells 'Magic'

Silver Some targets are only hurt by this call. 'Silver'

Elven Steel Counts as silver and elven steel for overcoming defenses. 'Elven Steel'

Poison Causes the poisoned condition. Makes a spell call mundane, shield-blockable, 'Poison'

Blight Counts as poison, and blight for overcoming defenses. Causes the poisoned condition 'Blight'

Nature Some targets are only hurt by this call. 'Nature'

Primal Counts as 'nature', and 'primal' damage for overcoming defenses. 'Primal'

Traps - Using and Encountering Traps

There are three types of traps in the game: level based traps, "zero-level" traps, and contraptions.

Zero-level traps are stationary, simple traps such as a pit trap. They can't be armed or disarmed, they simply exist. Each zero-level trap has a fixed effect on anyone who is impacted by it. If someone falls into a pit trap they take two leg wounds and cannot leave the pit, for example. Players can't normally create zero-level traps.

Level based traps may or may not be stationary depending no the trap, and are armed with a trap tag. A level based trap typically has a buzzer in it that indicates when the trap has been sprung. Other traps could potentially exist with rules and plot approval on a case by case basis. These traps must be created to be disarmable in some fashion. Any character can attempt to disarm a trap - prevent the buzzer or triggering mechanism from functioning. If the buzzer doesn't go off the trap has been avoided.

Level based traps are each armed with trap tags indicating what the trap does if the trigger is hit. A level based trap can be armed with a number of trap tags equal to or less than it's level. When the trap is sprung, each of these tags take effect going from front to back, then the trap tags should be destroyed. Only the player who triggers the trap is affected by any trap tags included. It is helpful if traps have a clothes pin inside of them to hold the trap tags, but this is not a requirement. When a trap has been disarmed, trap tags can be removed and even kept for later use. The exception to this is if the trap tag say it is "fragile". Fragile trap tags can be disarmed but should be destroyed immediately whether the trap went off or not.

Level based traps that are in containers can be armed and moved, but the person carrying the trap is the one affected by it if the buzzer goes off for any reason. Those which take the form of trip wires, pressure plates, etc should are stationary once armed and should only be moved if disarmed.

Contraptions function like level based traps in that they have a trigger, typically a buzzer that indicates when they are activated. Instead of being armed with trap tags though, a contraption is armed with a single beneficial scroll, potion or alchemical. The item is consumed when the contraption is triggered.

Contraptions are always personal items. When triggered, regardless of how they are triggered, the effect contained in the contraption affects the person who owns and is wearing the contraption.

Traps never inflict killing blows unless they explicitly say that they do.

Pit Traps

A pit traps is a zero-level trap, represented in game by tarps on the ground. If a player touches the tarp in any way their character is considered to have "fallen" into the pit.

The default effect of falling into a pit is two automatic leg wounds. When an effect causes an "automatic wound", ignore any armor (of any kind) or body the character may have. An appropriate immunity effect can still prevent an automatic wound, however damage requirements will NOT prevent automatic wounds.

If a pit has other effects a NPC will be around to inform players of what those effects are. Once a character has fallen into a pit they are stuck in it until another character assists them in getting out through role-playing.

Ingested Poisons

An ingested poison is a type of poison. Ingested poisons are consumables generally given to other characters through subterfuge and trickery (or just when they are helpless). It should be noted that ingested poisons only give the poisoned condition if they cause a poison call or otherwise specifically say they do. Even if they do not give the poisoned condition a character with an immunity to poison is still immune to ingested poisons.

To use an ingested poison it must be role-played being poured into a drink or onto food (assuming you can't somehow trick someone into drinking the poison straight out of the vial), then a green dot is applied to the container, typically on the bottom. This green dot gives characters with the herbalist skill a chance to identify that the food or drink is not safe before anyone ingests it. In the event that someone ingests the poison they should then be notified of exactly which poison they consumed.

Blade poisons, ingested poisons, and thrown poisons all require the herbalist skill to use. If a character attempts to use any of these types of alchemy compounds they fail to use the item successfully and suffer the effects as if the item were used on them.

Limits (Caps) to Character Stats

Each character has a natural maximum limit on certain stats generally referred to as a "cap" that can only ever be exceeded by rare effects which explicitly allow a character to break that cap. Rules and abilities that exceed a cap are said to "break cap" or say a character can go past a certain limit. Non-player characters follow these same rules when they are from the playable PC races but may be exempt from these limits if they are other races or creature types.

Weapon damage, body, magic power points, production points, crafting points, physical armor, and magical armor are all affected by these caps. There is also a limit on using spells imbued in magic objects.

Casting Spells

In order to cast a spell a character must know the spell and have at least as many magic power points as the cost (which by default is the level) of the spell they want to cast. Some spells may have additional specific requirements detailed in the spell's entry. Finally the caster must also have at least one hand free.

A hand is considered free if there is nothing held in that hand and the arm has free unrestricted movement. You must be able to fully raise your hand and can't hold anything between your arm and your body. When using an item to cast a spell if that item is not worn on your body you must have it in hand, in which case it does not count against your hand being 'free'. If the target of a spell is an object the caster has in hand, that does not count against your hand being 'free'. Characters with both arms wounded cannot cast spells. Worn gear never hinders casting by itself (such as armor and passive bucklers).

If these conditions are met, the player will then make a incantation for the spell. After this has happened the magic power points for the spell are consumed and the spell is successfully cast. If the spell requires a flag you must provide it at this time.

Spells have ranges to determine what they can affect. You are not required to be able to see your target in order to cast a spell.

  • Tag Bag: This is the longest range a spell can have. These spells are delivered by a tag bag which is thrown at the target.
  • Touch: A touch effect is delivered to a willing or helpless target by "touch"
  • Self: A spell with a range of self can only benefit the caster. When a consumable is made from a spell with a range of self, only someone who knows that spell can use that consumable.

All spells have a duration they will last. When the duration runs out the effect is over. Each spell's description will indicate how long that spell lasts. Spells last their full duration unless the effect is dispelled first. A caster can voluntarily dispel a spell they have cast at any time by touching the spell's target. If the target is conscious and unwilling to have the effect dispelled then they may not be dispelled this way. If the caster of a spell dies, spells they have cast continue functioning as normal. A spell that is dispelled ends immediately as if its duration ran out.

After a spell is successfully cast you may need to explain to the target what effect the spell will have. Combat related spells typically explain what they do through combat calls made, other spells may require more explanation because players should not be required to know the effects of every possible spell. Try to be especially patient when explaining effects to new players who may be required to break character in order to understand what effect a spell will have.

The Magic Power Point Stat

Magic power points also called "power points" are a resource used to cast magic. A character gains a number of magic power points based on how many times they have taken the magic power point skill. These points automatically refresh to full each shift when convergence happens. If a player cannot remember how many magic power points they have spent they are honor bound to assume they have spent the highest number they believe they have spent, even if this brings them to 0 points remaining.

It is possible to refresh magic power points before convergence occurs, generally through alchemy items, but sometimes through other means. Even with the benefit of such items, a character can only use so many magic power points between convergences. A character can only spend a total of 20 magic power points between any two convergences unless an ability or effect explicitly allows them to break that limit.

At will spells and abilities have no magic power point cost.

Spell and Item Effects - Stacking Effects

Any time a spell, potion, poison, magic item, alchemical item, tinkering item, ritual, etc. does something to a player that is known as an "effect". When a character is affected by multiple effects there are rules on how they interact.

For the purposes of this page a one-time effect is any effect that has a limited number of times it happens. This could mean something that applies to your next attack, or your next four attacks.

A character cannot benefit at the same time from a spell (or effect) with the same name twice. In all circumstances the second instance of that spell (or effect) has no impact (as if it had never been cast or used).

Effects that apply to the "next" time something happens can't stack either. A character can't use two of the same blade poison that applies to their next attack, in order to have it apply to the next two attacks. The second blade poison in this scenario would be wasted.

If multiple spells (or effects) have different names but the same type of bonus (such as increasing body or magic armor) they can stack together. This will likely result in a character being impacted by a cap. Only effects that explicitly let you go beyond a cap of a stat let you break those limits. When crafting each bonus crafted onto a piece of gear is counted as a separate effect and therefore you couldn't craft the same bonus onto an item multiple times unless that bonus says it can be crafted more than once.

When an effect allows you to call for something different with a weapon than you would normally call, you must choose which call to use when you make your attacks. If the something different only applies to the "next successful hit", and you choose not to use it when you make that hit, the effect is wasted.

For example if a character who deals 2 damage with each melee attack has a sword that deals "Nature" damage and they apply Scorpion's Kiss to that weapon so that it can deal "poison weaken" damage for the next successful hit. When they make that successful hit against an opponent they can choose to call "2 nature" or "poison weaken". They may not call "2 Nature poison weaken". Regardless of the effect they choose, the Scorpion's Kiss will be expended after that successful hit.

With defenses a relevant immunity applies before any one-time effects apply.

If a character has two different one-time effects that both prevent an attack the higher level one applies first. Should two one-time effects be the same level, the one that is more limited in what it applies to is used first.

No combination of effects can make you invulnerable to all damage. The last effect received that would create an invulnerable situation is automatically prevented.

The following spells and effects may not stack with each other unless an ability explicitly allows them to:


The game runs because we all make it run for each other. To make that happen everyone who's been at game more than a year should join a working group (many of the groups are happy to take volunteers sooner). We're all in this game together, they all need help, they all need new blood, and you should have a good enough idea of how the game works after a year to make a good contribution!

Come get a look behind the curtain, because the curtain only needs to be there during your PC shift.

Working groups have someone leading them, called a Marshal. They're the final say in their little domain. Under them are people who are learning to be a marshal one day, we call them Seconds. Anybody can be in those positions, you've just gotta be competent, trustworthy, and around long enough to get the ambition (and pain) of wanting to manage your friends.

Once or twice a year the Marshals, Seconds, and one or two wildcards get together for something called a "Staff Retreat" where they talk about what worked, what didn't work, and where they're going to steer their working group in the year ahead.

Each marshal heads a different aspect of the Kingdoms of Novitas game. The marshals each oversee a variety of staff that work with them to help them make the game happen.

Marshal List

Links on players names will take you to their forum profiles on the Kingdoms of Novitas forums so you can contact them.

  • The First Marshal: Oversees the operation of all of Novitas, has the final say in all matters. Is supported by the Ombudsman who can make high level decisions when he is not available. These are the people you should talk to about matters of extreme importance.
    • First Marshal: Christina Mevec, James Vertucci, and Ryan Green
    • Ombudsman:
  • Logistics: Handles character sheets, running sign-in, managing magical loot, paperwork, assigning item numbers, assisting the GMs during shifts with loot, and more. Also handles all internal paperwork, manages waivers & releases.
    • Marshal: Frank Tamburrino
    • Second: Taylor Dean
  • Marketing and Player Outreach: Covers recruiting new players, discreetly handling OOG conflict between players, managing player retention, and more. Manages advertising, KoN evangelism & recuriting on other forums & sites, sometimes t-shirts, conventions.
    • Marshal: Brandon Febles
    • Second: Michael Maneri
  • Operations: Care and feeding of the ranger, care and upkeep of the site, taxes, corporate business, finances, and more. Handles all external paperwork, manages website back end stuff and forum administration. Oversees bookkeeping, maintains physical site repairs and improvements. Manages any corporate reporting.
    • Marshal: Chris Soukup
    • Second: John Spencer
  • Plot and Continuity: Writing plots, approves backstories, runs the NPCs of each shift, responds to lore requests, manages PELs, and more. Handles metaplot, shift plots, continuity, post event letters, character backgrounds, world background, lore requests, and roleplaying skill adjucation. Selects and oversees the game masters who run stories during shifts.
    • Marshal: Ryan Green
    • Second: Gabby Bonilla
  • Props and Atmosphere: Caring for our existing props, ensuring that every player/monster/prop fits with the aesthetic we want at KoN, acquiring new props, painting all you nerds, and more. Checks garb & encampments, handles prop maintenance, organized the prop shed, creates monster & npc costuming, builds npc weapons, and manages racial makeup
    • Marshal: Christina Mevec
    • Second: Liska Gutierrez
  • Rules and Balancing: Making sure the rules are as simple as possible, making rules available to players & GMs who need them, carefully balancing rules while making changes as seldom as possible, and more. Identifies rules & mechanics in need of fixing, handles playtesting, approves new creatures & epic items, manages the games economy, and issues errata or clarifications as necessary.
    • Marshal: Pat Lane
    • Second: James Vertucci

Other Staff

These individuals are NOT marshals or seconds, but still handle some of the labor that keeps the game functioning.

  • Medical:Keeps the first aid kit stocked.
    • Currently Vacant
  • IT Services: Handles back end technical details for the Novitas Forums and this wiki.
    • Frank Tamburrino
  • Inn Director: Oversees the volunteers who run the inn during games. Manages the food: getting it to site, cooking it, and serving it. Takes care of the props and tools needed in the inn.
    • Hannah Vary
  • Set-Up/ Break Down Coordinator: Organizes volunteers to set up and break down the Logistics building before and after each event. Manages the storage shed.
  • Make-Up Coordinator: Run's the make up table during shifts. In charge of keeping the table stocked between games. During games oversees scheduling of the table, training of people running the table, and consistency with creature make-up.
    • Enya Patterson
  • Wiki Administrator: Oversees the information in this wiki. Updates information as needed based on what other Marshals (particularly Rules) tell them.
    • Ryan Green

These calls indicate an offensive spell effect. They never inflict damage. If the call is paired with poison the attack is not a spell. Every player should try to know what these calls mean. If you have to ask questions to learn an effect, don't be afraid to do so, these can take a while to learn.

Offensive Spell Calls
Source of Call Description Call

Banish Forces a target to dissipate for 10 minutes 'Banish'

Charm Forces a target to become more friendly for 10 minutes 'Charm'

Curse Inflicts the curse condition, reducing body to 1 'Curse'

Disengage Prevents others from acting with hostility towards the caller. 'Disengage'

Dispel Removes magical effects from target. 'Dispel'

Dominate Forces a target to follow 'Attack, Defend, Move, Stop, or Loot Yourself' orders 'Dominate'

Enfeeble Prevents target from incanting for spells or rituals 'Enfeeble'

Grounding Keeps a character from vanishing or benefiting from illusions 'Grounding'

Memory Loss Erases victims memory of the last 10 minutes. 'Memory Loss'

Pin Traps targets feet to the ground. 'Pin'

Silence Prevents a target from using their voice in-game. 'Silence'

Terror Freezes, pins, silence, weakens, and disengages target 'Terror'

Weaken Causes the victim to strike for half damage with physical attacks. 'Weaken'

These calls announce information about a spell effect and are never used offensively. The player affecting group are likely to affect players and they should try to learn them. The NPC affecting ones generally only impact NPC's, so players can take more time to learn what they do.

Player Affecting Announcement Spell Calls
Source of Call Description Call

Detect <Type> A call used to detect things of the type called. You must respond out of game with the type listed if you match it!' 'Detect <Type>'

Dissipate Allows a character to escape danger by becoming intangible and unfindable. 'Dissipate'

Sanctuary Creates a 20 foot bubble of physical peace around the caster. 'Sanctuary'

Unhallow Prevents the living from entering an area. 'Unhallow'

NPC Affecting Announcement Spell Calls
Source of Call Description Call

Ghastly Visage Caller tricks undead into thinking they are also undead. 'Brains'

Sanctify Creates hallowed ground that drives off undead 'Sanctify'


Poisoned Condition

A character who has the poisoned condition cannot have wounds or their body points healed until the poisoned condition is removed. There are a variety of different ways that a character might gain the poisoned condition but not all poison effects give the poisoned condition

Typically the poisoned condition is removed by the spell Purify Spirit or an item such as a Theriac or a Catholicon.

Diseased Condition

A diseased character is not allowed to run, they are too ill to move quickly. Furthermore while diseased the character has -1 to their total body and -1 to any weapon damage.

The diseased condition is challenging to remove, there are no spells that accomplish this goal. Instead alchemical items must be used such as a Theriac, a Catholicon or a Rejuvination Elixir.

Lycanthropy Condition

A character can become a lycanthrope after becoming infected by the lycanthropy condition and not being cured in time.

All lycanthropes have two forms, their natural form, and their bestial form.

Whenever a character takes a wound or body damage from any melee attack delivered by a lycanthrope in their bestial form they become infected by the lycanthropy condition. The lycanthropy condition is not a disease. Characters must be treated with items such as wolfsbane or theriac that specifically cure the lycanthropy condition before the end of the next event after being afflicted (representing being treated before the current phase of the moon comes again). If this does not happen, an infected PC effectively dies, becoming an NPC were-creature from then on.

Checking In to an Event

At the start of each event it is each player's responsibility to head to the Logistics desk and sign-in. Here you will pay the event entry-fee which is $30, and they will take your name to indicate you are present. The person taking your sign in will register what shifts you are going to PC. Players are expected to NPC at least half of the shifts they play during the weekend.

If you have a player character any experience you have earned since the last event you played will be applied to your character sheet. You may choose not to take that experience if you want to save it for a different character or for a point when you are going to immediately archive your sheet.

If you gain new experience points, calculate your new level and then record it on a new character sheet. Copy your existing skills over, and then, on the new sheet, spend any new skill points you wish to spend. Bring your new and old character sheet to the person running the archive on the logistics desk. They will double check your math and then file your old character sheet into the archive so that if you ever lose your current sheet there is a back up. If you lose your current sheet you will forced to make a copy from the archived sheet and any experience you have earned in the mean time may be gone. So seriously, back up your sheet regularly.

After you have done these things if you have any production skills and filled out a preproduction request before the event head down the table to the logistics person handling that. If a player is NPCing all 4 shifts, they may still select one character to use production points and crafting points.

Here you'll pay any in-game costs on what you are producing and pick up items slips, or item numbers of anything you had made. Remember that you are responsible for any props needed, you are only picking up the paperwork to make those props officially part of the game. At this point you are now successfully checked in.

During the shifts that you signed up to NPC be sure to once more check-in with the logistics personnel at the main desk to let them know you are there for the shift, and then one more time at the end of the shift to let them know you stayed the entire shift (and so they know they don't have to go searching the woods for you because no one saw you come back).

The first time a player signs-in with a new character they will receive a new character consumable package. When a character does preproduction for the first time they do not have to pay any coin costs to use production points or crafting points.

Experience Points

Experience points are generally earned by performing activities that enhance the game. One of the primary ways to earn them is from your mandatory NPC shifts during each event. Assisting with setting up and break down, performing extra NPC shifts, writing post-event letters (PELs) are some examples of other activities that can earn you more experience. Experience points are earned by individual players, and can't be gifted by that player to other players. In the event that you have more than one character you may choose which character will receive any experience you earn.

A player will earn 1 experience point for each $10 given to the game, including the $30 sign-in. They earn one experience point for each of the first two shifts they NPC. If you choose to NPC additional shifts you will get 2 experience points for each additional shift you choose to NPC beyond the first two. Each player may also turn in 10 coin in order to gain 1 additional experience point once during each sign-in.

Experience points determine character level, which in turn determines how many skill points you have to purchase new skills. New characters begin at level zero with zero experience points. Each level up to level 20 requires five experience points. After level 20 each level requires an additional ten experience points.

Each character sheet has a box to record new experience points earned in. Don't immediately update your sheet with these points. Instead when you want to use these new experience points, fill out a brand new sheet, and on that sheet update your level with the new experience points. Take your new sheet to logistics to be approved and archive the old one.

Skill Points

Skill points are earned whenever a character gains a level. These points can be spent immediately to purchase skills or saved for later. Each skill lists how many skill points it costs to learn.

Characters should have a total number of skill points equal to their: (Character Level x 2) + 10

Language Skills

The language skill allow a character to read, speak, and write in one single chosen language. This skill can be taken more than once, and each time a character takes this skill they may select one language to learn. You can find information on the languages in the game here.

Common languages may be learned without a tutor and can be taken by starting characters freely. Characters who wish to be illiterate are welcome to do so voluntarily with any languages they feel is appropriate to do so with.

Uncommon languages are not actively spoken in the world. Characters learn uncommon languages? through the scholar roleplaying skill.

Rare languages must have plot marshal approval (from Ryan Green) and require a special tutor to learn or can be acquired through long term advancement in the scholar roleplaying skill. A player who knows a rare language cannot teach another player that language, only certain special npcs are capable of passing on these languages.

The language of the druids can only be learned through druid skills.

Characters who have learned a language may request the key from logistics to translate that language on props.

Page last modified on September 27, 2021, at 07:30 PM
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