Scholar Level Five

Scholar Level Five
Skill Tree:Roleplaying Skills
Skill Point Cost:4
Brief Description:Gain a rare language, immunity to memory loss, create a hallmark spell and a custom ritual.

Scholar Level Five

Learn one language from the rare languages list.

Gain immunity to memory loss.

Work with rules staff to create a hallmark spell. A hallmark spell is generally a boosted version of an existing spell at a cost of +1 power. This spell can be cast once per event.

The scholar may create a custom master ritual with the help of rules staff and plot staff. This ritual can only be performed by it's creator. You receive one free copy of the prop, it may be replaced if lost for 200 coin.

May substitute basic ritual components for any other basic ritual components any number of times per event.

Related Rules


Characters can become immune to some combat calls by a variety of effects. When a character is hit by an attack that makes a call the character is immune to, that attack has no effect on the character. A "No Effect" call must be made whenever an attack successfully hits you but does not inflict damage (or does not take effect in the case of spells) so that the attacker knows-that-you-know the attack successfully hit and so that they know they may need to attack with something different.

If a character becomes immune to a school of magic, then any buffs from that school already on them remain for their normal durations, but no further effects can be applied to them for as long as the immunity remains. This includes spells cast, consumables (such as scrolls and potions) and rituals as well.

No combination of effects can make you invulnerable to all damage. The last effect received that would create an invulnerable situation is automatically prevented.

The following spells and effects may not stack with each other unless an ability explicitly allows them to:

Related Skills

Language Skills

The language skill allow a character to read, speak, and write in one single chosen language. This skill can be taken more than once, and each time a character takes this skill they may select one language to learn. You can find information on the languages in the game here.

Common languages may be learned without a tutor and can be taken by starting characters freely. Characters who wish to be illiterate are welcome to do so voluntarily with any languages they feel is appropriate to do so with.

Uncommon languages are not actively spoken in the world. Characters learn uncommon languages? through the scholar roleplaying skill.

Rare languages must have plot marshal approval (from Ryan Green) and require a special tutor to learn or can be acquired through long term advancement in the scholar roleplaying skill. A player who knows a rare language cannot teach another player that language, only certain special npcs are capable of passing on these languages.

The language of the druids can only be learned through druid skills.

Characters who have learned a language may request the key from logistics to translate that language on props.

Categories: PC Creation | Skills | Roleplaying Skills | Titles | Memory Loss Calls

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