Props and Atmosphere Work Group

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Props and Atmosphere Work Group

The players who help out with props and atmosphere are responsible for making sure that items brought into the game look appropriate to maintain the proper atmosphere for the game. They also work on creating costumes for NPCs representing the creatures that players might encounter.

The Props and Atmosphere marshal is Christina Mevec and the second is Liska Gutierrez.

During a shift one or two members of the make-up team will be on hand in logistics to apply make up as needed to creatures before they head out the door. They are always in need of volunteers to work the table. If you are interested you should contact Enya Patterson.

Keep in mind they can be very busy depending on the needs of the game master, and it is not their responsibility to make sure you are properly garbed. If you have any questions about a plot's? costuming needs, the make up staff will try to help, but you may need to check with a lead npc, a member of the logistics staff or a game master to make sure you have your costuming right.

Between games Christina Mevec or Liska Gutierrez will periodically have special work days where everyone gets together and builds, repairs or otherwise works on some aspect of our props. One work day might be to build a new costume for a new monster that will be entering the game. Or to repair or upgrade the existing costumes for a creature. Watch for announcements about these events they are fun ways to help the game grow.

Remember at the beginning and end of every event needs your assistance in getting logistics set up and broken down.

Categories: Real World Rules | Staff Titles | Terminology | Work Groups

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