Terror Calls

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Terror Calls

A target struck by a terror call becomes helpless, cowering in fear moving as minimally as possible. They are also affected by disengage, silence, weaken, and pin. Each of these other effects last for the normal amount of time for each, starting at the moment the terror effect is delivered.

When first hit by this effect the target should stand as perfectly still as possible. The helpless effect lasts for 10 minutes or until the target is hit by a weapon or a tag bag, whichever comes first.

While the target is under the primary effect of terror they are helpless and may not move, speak, cast spells, draw weapons, etc., and must simply hold still as motionless as possible. The player is not allowed to speak in-game or make any other noise while under the primary effect . A terror victim should make appropriate game calls like "no effect" while helpless.

The terror call never inflicts damage.

Unless modified by another call (such as poison) terror is a compulsion spell effect. Compulsion spells do not count as compulsion spells if there is a type listed, such as dominate undead.

Related Rules

Helpless Condition

A character is considered to be helpless whenever they are affected by terror, unconscious, suffering from a torso wound, or dead. Whenever a character is helpless they can't execute any actions, even if they are conscious. Not even at will spells can be used because in order to cast an at will spell you still need to have a free hand.

Monstrous creatures who are helpless cannot remove mundane physical bonds for as long as they are helpless.

Poison Attacks Are Not Spells

When the poison call is added to any attack even a spell effect such as pin that attack no longer counts as a spell. This means that immunities to spell or compulsion effects no longer apply. The attack is now a poison effect.

Disengage Calls

The disengage call prevents it's victims from attacking or otherwise acting in a hostile manner towards the source of the call.

When struck with a disengage effect, a target cannot make any attacks against the disengage call's source for one minute. The target is also afflicted with a mild compulsion to avoid approaching the source of the call. The target should be focused on always staying at least five feet apart.

During this time the person affected by disengage is free to attack other people or take other actions. They do not forget that a hostile effect has been used on them.

If at any time the source of the disengage attacks the target or moves within five feet of the target with an unsheathed weapon or active spell tag bag, the disengage effect is broken. The target is now free to once again attack the source if they wish. Due to the compulsion to avoid the source a target can't break the effects of disengage simply by moving towards the source with an unsheathed a weapon or active spell.

The disengage call never inflicts damage.

Unless modified by another call (such as poison) disengage is a compulsion spell effect. Compulsion spells do not count as compulsion spells if there is a type listed, such as dominate undead.

Silence Calls

A target struck by this a silence call is unable to speak for one minute.

Spellcasters who are unable to speak their incants cannot cast spells.

Players should still call damage in combat as normal, but may not call out or say anything in-character. It is possible to still make noise through other means, such as banging two objects together.

The silence call never inflicts damage.

Unless modified by another call (such as poison) silence is a compulsion spell effect. Compulsion spells do not count as compulsion spells if there is a type listed, such as dominate undead.

Weaken Calls

The weaken effect causes it's victim to inflict half of their weapon damage (rounding down to a minimum of one) for the next 10 minutes. Multiple weaken effects do not stack.

Weaken does not reduce the damaged caused by spells or thrown poisons. It does affect blade poisons and effects that increase weapon damage (magic weapons, weapon with Enchant Weapon cast on them, etc.).

The weaken call never inflicts damage.

Unless modified by another call (such as poison) weaken is a compulsion spell effect. Compulsion spells do not count as compulsion spells if there is a type listed, such as dominate undead.

Pin Calls

A character affected by pin must keep their feet both firmly adhered to the ground for the next 10 minutes. The victim is otherwise unhindered and may turn and twist in any fashion they like so long as they do not move their feet. Nothing can prevent the character affected by pin from being attached to the ground by both feet. The only exception is that if the character is on their knees when the pin hits they will have their knees pinned instead of their feet.

If the pin was caused by a spell it represents the belief that you can't move your feet. When the pin come from a creature ability or an alchemy compound like a tanglefoot bag, it represents a substance keeping the character from moving their feet.

The pin call never inflicts damage.

Unless modified by another call (such as poison) pin is a compulsion spell effect. Compulsion spells do not count as compulsion spells if there is a type listed, such as dominate undead.

Source of Call Description Call

Terror Freezes, pins, silence, weakens, and disengages target 'Terror'

Categories: Combat Rules | Terminology | Terror Calls | Combat Calls | Spell Calls | Compulsion Calls | Silence Calls | Pin Calls | Weaken Calls | Disengage Calls

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