No Effect Calls

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No Effect Calls

This is one of the few defensive calls in the system. It is used to indicate when an opponents offensive combat call doesn't have any impact on another character. This could be because of an immunity or because of a one use spell or effect such as from Spirit Shield.

A "No Effect" call must be made whenever an attack successfully hits you but does not inflict damage (or does not take effect in the case of spells) so that the attacker knows-that-you-know the attack successfully hit and so that they know they may need to attack with something different.

Related Rules


Characters can become immune to some combat calls by a variety of effects. When a character is hit by an attack that makes a call the character is immune to, that attack has no effect on the character. A "No Effect" call must be made whenever an attack successfully hits you but does not inflict damage (or does not take effect in the case of spells) so that the attacker knows-that-you-know the attack successfully hit and so that they know they may need to attack with something different.

If a character becomes immune to a school of magic, then any buffs from that school already on them remain for their normal durations, but no further effects can be applied to them for as long as the immunity remains. This includes spells cast, consumables (such as scrolls and potions) and rituals as well.

No combination of effects can make you invulnerable to all damage. The last effect received that would create an invulnerable situation is automatically prevented.

The following spells and effects may not stack with each other unless an ability explicitly allows them to:

Source of Call Description Call

No Effect Announces to another player that a previous call had no effect 'No Effect'

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