Post Event Letters (PEL)

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Post Event Letters (PEL)

A Post-Event Letter (PEL for short) is an optional recap of what you did during an event. Turning in a PEL will earn two experience points. The goal of a PEL is to give the game masters a good understanding of what happened during an event and why. Useful details to include in a PEL include major events your player character participated in, and any story impact that non-player characters you played might have had. It is also very useful to mention if an NPC you played might have value in appearing again at a future event.

A PEL must be submitted no later than 1 weeks after an event takes place by using this form. The information should be concise and proof-read, as there are often many of these for plot staff to read through. There is no specific format that what your writing needs to have.

Categories: Real World Rules | Email Addresses | Terminology | PC Creation

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Page last modified on September 07, 2021, at 09:17 PM
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