Craft Points and Related Skills

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Craft Points and Related Skills

Craft points are used with the ornamenter skill to craft magic objects, with the weaponsmith skill to craft enhanced weapons, and the tinker skill to creating tinkering items. A character only spends crafting points when you first check-in for an event. In order to create items you'll have to learn to use the pre-production system. Unlike production points you may not purchase additional crafting points at check-in.

Spells (generally only third level and lower) can be imbued into magic objects to create per event items with one use per event. The spell being imbued must be known by the character crafting that object or be provided by a consumable such as a scroll (the character must be able to read magic to use a scroll). Other characters, or other imbued items do not count as providing access to a spell.

Characters are capped at a total of 20 crafting points from all sources.

Related Rules

Weapon Crafting

Characters with the weaponsmith skill can craft weapons using crafting points. A character only spends crafting points when you first check-in for an event. In order to create items you'll have to learn to use the pre-production system.

Weapons created with the weaponsmith skill can have multiple enhancements purchased for them. The crafting point cost to make an enhanced weapon is based on this table. For each craft point spent an additional 10 coins must be spent to create an enhanced weapon.

If ammunition is imbued with a spell only one is produced at a time. When crafting other enhancements 4 pieces of ammunition are created with the enhancement.

Magic Item Crafting

Characters with the ornamenter skill can craft non-weapon magic items using crafting points. A character only spends crafting points when you first check-in for an event. In order to create items you'll have to learn to use the pre-production system.

Magic objects created with the ornamenter skill can have multiple enhancements purchased for them. The crafting point cost to make a magic object is based on this table. For each craft point spent an additional 5 coins must be spent to create a magic object.

Objects have a maximum crafting point value based on the location on the body they are worn.

Tinker Crafting

Characters with the tinker skill can craft tinkering items using crafting points. In order to craft tinkering items a character does not need to know any particular spells even if the item being crafted casts a spell. A character only spends crafting points when you first check-in for an event. In order to create items you'll have to learn to use the pre-production system.

Tinkering items cost a fixed number of crafting points to create. It additionally costs 5 coin per crafting point spent to create a tinkering item.

You can also use tinkering to change the prop for a magic item to a different prop of the same item type. This is done by following this table.

Special Weapons

In addition to a weapon needing to meet standards for safety the appearance of the weapon indicates certain information. The following colors are reserved for (and required by) weapons made of special materials:

  • Elven steel weapons or other items must be covered with black paint then decorated with natural looking thin white/silver veins coursing through it.

  • Primal weapons (or other custom specialty items) must be covered with red paint then decorated with natural looking thin black veins coursing through it.

  • Weapons made of more than one exceptional material must conform to all color requirements, usually this is done by coloring each cutting edge of a sword as a different material.

While not a special materials these items deserves note.

  • A master's blade must have an above average looking prop to represent it.

  • Weapons with spells in them must be covered with blue paint to indicate they are magical.

Craft PointsTwenty Points

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