Site Index | > Character Rules | > Skills | > Role-Playing Skills | > Medium | > Medium Rank Three |
Skill Tree: | Roleplaying Skills |
Prerequisite(s): | Game Master Approval, Medium Two |
Skill Point Cost: | 4 |
Brief Description: | May return reaped sparks, use special compulsion effects on ghosts |
Medium Level Three
Twice per event the medium may use one of the following options, each is done with no incant and no tag bag. Simply point at the spirit to be affected and loudly declare the effect:
- Call disengage spirit. This may be done twice when chosen.
- Call silence spirit
- Call charm spirit. Spirits affected by this call are also under the effects similar to a truth serum.
The medium may act as a physical conduit between a living reaper of a stolen spark and the owner of that spark allowing the revive spell to be cast. When using this ability with an unwilling reaper it will typically require restraints. Once revived this way the previously dead character automatically regains their stolen spark.
Related Rules
Each character has a spark that represents the essence of their life force. A character without a spark can't benefit from any healing effects including but not limited to alchemy, scrolls, potions or spells. This means that a fatally wounded character without a spark cannot be revived.
When a spark is stolen the character who has lost their spark is said to have been "reaped". A character can only hold one reaped spark at a time unless they have a special ability allowing them to carry more. If a character holding a reaped spark dies, it will release the spark back to the person originally holding it. After 60 minutes a reaped spark automatically returns to its owner.
Only mediums are able to see that a character has a stolen life-spark. To check for stolen sparks, the medium must be close enough to whisper out-of-character, “I am a medium, are you holding any sparks?”. The person being addressed must then out-of-character give the truthful answer.
Medium's may also identify if a person is currently in possession of their own spark.
Diagnosis will detect the presence of the target's own spark.
Characters holding the spark of others are expected to remain in play to allow an opportunity for the owner to get back their missing spark.
Powerful rituals are capable of destroying stolen sparks forever, resulting in permanent character death.
Categories: PC Creation | Skills | Roleplaying Skills