Magical School Master Title

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Magical School Master Title

A character that has taken the magic power point skill 20 times, knows all 10 spells from a specific school, and knows the corresponding ritual skill for that school, earns the title "magical school master" or "master mage" for short.

A master mage can choose one spell from that school (on the character sheet circle the spell you select). When casting the chosen spell they pay one less magic power points to a minimum of 1. This does not stack with other reductions to cost unless the other source says it stacks.

Related Rules

Schools of Magic

Related Items

Master's Staves

A staff of wizardry more commonly referred to as a "Master's Staff" when used by a master mage with the great weapon training skill (which is required to wield the staff) allows the user to reduce the magic power point cost of all spells of the master mages chosen school by one to a minimum of one. This discount does not stack with the benefits of mastering a school. Each master's staff will only benefit a single school. Any given master's staff can only be used by one character per event. Once a master's staff has been used by one character other characters cannot benefit from it that event.

A master's staff may only be crafted by a master craftsman who knows the ornamenter five and weaponsmith five skills. It costs 24 crafting points and 200 coins to create a staff of wizardry. This is automatically a great weapon, which should be in the form of a staff, without paying additional crafting points.

Categories: Skills | PC Creation | Titles | Magic Power Points

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