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Type: Compulsion
Level: 4
Prerequisite: Level 3 Compulsion Spell
Duration: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: Character
Flag Required: Person
Dispel: Yes
Brief Description: Set body to 10, but take a wound after battle


When this spell is first cast on a target set their body to 10, breaking cap. While this spell is in effect their body cannot be healed through any means. If when the spell ends the target has lost any body they receive a torso wound.

Detailed Information

Body Stat

Body represents advanced physical conditioning that allows a character to take more hits in combat before succumbing to serious wounds.

Body is a stat possessed by both characters and creatures. When a character is damaged by an attack once the characters armor has been overcome the damage is next applied to the characters body. Location does not matter, body is applied to damage taken in any location. Limb wounds and torso wounds occur when a character takes damage after all body has been used up.

Effects that give characters additional body points can be healed for as long as the effect lasts.

Body has a cap of 4 points.

Wound Calls

This very rare call comes from extremely powerful attacks that inflict massive damage. The wound call will always come with a location attached, for example 'torso wound'. If you are affected by this call you immediately take the wound(s) indicated.

When the wound call comes from an attack in combat, a limb wound becomes a torso wound if that limb is already injured (just like any other weapon hit to that location would become a torso wound). If the call comes from a trap it does not upgrade to a torso wound (if you somehow fall into a pit trap with broken legs, there is no further effect).

By itself this call cannot be prevented. However if it is combined with another call and that call can be prevented the wound can be prevented. For example a "poison torso wound" would be prevented by something that prevents poison.

Limits (Caps) to Character Stats

Each character has a natural maximum limit on certain stats generally referred to as a "cap" that can only ever be exceeded by rare effects which explicitly allow a character to break that cap. Rules and abilities that exceed a cap are said to "break cap" or say a character can go past a certain limit. Non-player characters follow these same rules when they are from the playable PC races but may be exempt from these limits if they are other races or creature types.

Weapon damage, body, magic power points, production points, crafting points, physical armor, and magical armor are all affected by these caps. There is also a limit on using spells imbued in magic objects.

Categories: Compulsion Spells | Spells | Level Four Spells | Potions | Limit Breaks

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