Ablative Armor

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Ablative Armor
Type: Enchantment
Level: 4
Prerequisite: Level 3 Enchantment Spell
Duration: Game day or until discharged
Range: Touch
Target: Worn armor
Flag Required: Armor
Dispel: Yes
Brief Description: Gives worn armor 2 points of monstrous armor.

Ablative Armor

Ablative armor creates two monstrous armor points. These two armor points automatically take any damage they are eligible to take before any magic armor you might have. Because this spell doesn't actually change your armor's number of physical armor points (and therefore cannot be mended) these 2 monstrous armor points are not subject to the physical armor cap.

All of this means that the next two attacks that don't have "pierce", that hit your armor are reduced to one damage.

Ablative armor must be cast on physical worn armor, it cannot be cast on a character or on a helmet.

Detailed Information

Slay Damage and Ablative Armor

If you are hit by an attack with the "slay" call that damage will consume the 2 bonus armor first then apply any further damage normally. It will be applied first to any magic armor you might have before continuing to consume physical armor. You will not benefit from monstrous armor for any further hits as it has been consumed.

Detailed Information

Monstrous Armor

Monstrous armor points are gained from specific types of worn armor. These points takes damage just like ordinary armor points do but reduce any damage dealt to them without the "Slay" call to one. With monstrous physical armor only the physical armor points benefit from this damage reduction, damage dealt to magic armor and body are not reduced.

Monstrous armor does not give any of the other benefits granted to a monstrous creature.

Armor Rules

Armor is something that a character must physically wear to benefit from. It must pass safety inspection to ensure safety for both the user and other combatants. Characters in armor must still also wear appropriate costuming. This includes wearing racial make up under helmets. Wearing multiple armors at once will only give you the bonus of your best armor.

It is the responsibility of those wearing armor to learn when a legal hit takes place even if the armor prevents them from feeling it.

Different armors grants between 1 and 4 points of protection in the form of armor points also called physical armor points. Should armor be made of ineffective material or be visibly damaged it may have its armor points downgraded.

These points of protection only apply to where the armor is physically on your body. A hit to a spot where the armor is not covering cannot be applied to your armor points.


You can gain an additional universal armor point for a helmet. Because the head is not a legal hit location, the point of armor from a helmet works like body and covers any possible hit location. The point from a helmet can break the cap on armor points making the maximum possible benefit from armor 5 armor points.

Plate and Half-Plate

Half-plate and plate armors count as monstrous armor. This benefit only applies in hit locations where you are wearing the half-plate or plate armor. If at least 75% of the location is covered by half-plate or plate the entire hit location counts as covered by that half-plate or plate.

When less than 75% of a hit location has plate or half-plate and some of the rest of that hit location is covered by other types of armor, a hit to that other type of armor will not benefit from monstrous armor. Damage in full will be subtracted from armor points, which is likely disadvantageous.

Limbs cannot benefit from monstrous armor if the armor on a player's torso isn't of at least the same quality.

Players wearing plate armor are required to wear some form of padding or safety equipment that is hidden (such as modern safety equipment like elbow pads) or props approved (such as a padded gambeson or arming jack).

Armor Values

One point armors include:

  • A full costume approved by staff. (may not be combined with a helmet or other armor)
  • Studded Leather (Leather too thin to count as light leather must have studs to count as anything)
  • Light Leather
  • Fur (Real animal hides with the fur on, unless the leather itself counts for a higher value)
  • Brigandine (Light leather backing with light plates)

Two point armors include:

  • Studded Light Leather
  • Heavy Leather
  • Scale Armor/ Lamellar (Overlapping light leather pieces)
  • Brigandine (Leather or light leather with heavy leather plates)
  • Riveted Aluminum Chain Mail

Three point armors include:

  • Studded Heavy Leather
  • Scale Armor/ Lamellar (Overlapping heavy leather pieces)
  • Chain Armor (Interlocking butted or riveted metal wire, note that aluminum is only 2 points)
  • Metal Scale or Lamellar Armor
  • Brigandine (Heavy leather backing with heavy leather plates)
  • Brigandine (Any backing with metal plates)
  • Half-Plate (Metal armor, no articulated joints, up to 25% chain/leather)
    • Lorica Segmentata is half-plate armor.
    • A 2-piece back-and-breast is half-plate armor
    • Half-Plate armor counts as monstrous armor.

Four point armors include:

  • Articulated Plate Armor
    • Plate armor with flexible joints that can bend and move with the movements of the player while still providing complete coverage. Must be a complete harness. For example articulated arms would contain a full vambrace, articulated elbow, rerebrace, and pauldrons.
    • Wearing incomplete articulated plate (such as wearing a back-and-breast without fauld, tassets, and a gorget) make it half plate armor.
    • Plate armor counts as monstrous armor.

Categories: Enchantment Spells | Spells | Level Four Spells | Slay Calls | Pierce Calls

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