Medium Level Four

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Medium Level Four
Skill Tree:Roleplaying Skills
Prerequisite(s):Game Master Approval, Medium Three
Skill Point Cost:4
Brief Description:Cast dominate spirit 1/ gd. Can trap spirits in gems.

Medium Level Four

A fourth rank medium may cast dominate spirit once per game day with a incant but no magic power point cost.

The medium also gain the unique spirit capture ability.

With this ability the medium can create a spirit pouch or bag with the ability to hold spirits. This is a numbered item with no cost to create or re-create between games. You supply the prop and get the number from a logs staff person at check in.

A spirit dominated by the medium can be forced into any gem worth at least 10 coin. After 15 minutes, the spirit escapes the gem unless the gem is stored in a spirit bag. If an occupied gem is still in a spirit bag at convergence the spirit is automatically released. A single occupied gem is a valid target for the final rest ritual.

Related Rules


Each character has a spark that represents the essence of their life force. A character without a spark can't benefit from any healing effects including but not limited to alchemy, scrolls, potions or spells. This means that a fatally wounded character without a spark cannot be revived.

When a spark is stolen the character who has lost their spark is said to have been "reaped". A character can only hold one reaped spark at a time unless they have a special ability allowing them to carry more. If a character holding a reaped spark dies, it will release the spark back to the person originally holding it. After 60 minutes a reaped spark automatically returns to its owner.

Only mediums are able to see that a character has a stolen life-spark. To check for stolen sparks, the medium must be close enough to whisper out-of-character, “I am a medium, are you holding any sparks?”. The person being addressed must then out-of-character give the truthful answer.

Medium's may also identify if a person is currently in possession of their own spark.

Diagnosis will detect the presence of the target's own spark.

Characters holding the spark of others are expected to remain in play to allow an opportunity for the owner to get back their missing spark.

Powerful rituals are capable of destroying stolen sparks forever, resulting in permanent character death.

Dominate Calls

A dominate call causes its victim to follow one of five standard orders from the dominate's source. It is also possible to issue custom orders. A dominate call lasts for ten minutes. Some domiante calls have limits on what type of creatures it can affect. If the call includes a creature type after the word dominate, only that type of creature is affected. For example if you are hit by a "dominate undead" call you will only be affected if you are playing an undead.

The five basic orders that can be issued to the controlled being are: “attack”, “defend”, “move”, "stop", or "loot yourself". A character affected by a dominate effect doesn't know in-character that they are being controlled and must role-play to the best of their ability following orders as if the order were their own idea.

When orders other than the five basic orders are issued, the person being commanded should exercise reasonable judgement on how to comply. If the spontaneous order is something the player is uncomfortable doing they are not required to carry out that command. This should not be seen as an excuse to avoid doing something you don't want to do in-character, but rather is specifically related to doing things you don't want to do out-of-character.

Attack: The attack order allows the dominate's source to point at a target and compels the controlled creature to attack at once. The controlled creature will attack the target without question or concern for its own preservation and will use every available power and ability to carry out the attack. It is possible to word the attack order in a fashion that will compel the controlled creature to attack multiple targets. For example the source could order the creature to “attack all humans”.

Defend: A defend order allows the dominate's source to point at a target, such as a person, and compels the controlled creature to defend that target. In this case the controlled creature will attack anything that comes near the object or person it was ordered to defend, and may never move more than five feet from the object it was ordered to defend. Like an attack order, it is possible to word the defend order in a fashion that will compel the controlled being to defend multiple targets or large areas. For example, the dominate's source could order the controlled creature to, “defend all living things in the town”.

Move: A move order simply compels the controlled creature to move in a direction of the dominate source’s choice for the duration of the effect. The controlled creature will move at any speed the source desires that it is physically able to do and will only walk/run/float when under orders to move. It is legal for the dominate's source to order the controlled being to follow them or walk in front of them. The creature will not perform even the simplest of actions such as the opening of a door or dropping of weapons, but will move into a situation that might cause it harm or injury, such as ordering a waspoid to walk into an open pit.

Stop: The stop order compels the controlled creature to halt a particular action, as demanded by the dominate's source. Some examples include: "stop talking", "stop moving", "stop killing my friends", and so on.

Loot Yourself: The affected creature should place any valuables not contained in a blue bag into a convenient pile on the ground

The controlled creature will not attack the source of the dominate that controls it, unless for some reason the dominate's source orders it to do so.

Living creatures who are dominated are allowed to deal themselves a killing blow at any time to represent their final act of defiance to their controller, or to avoid taking an action they cannot morally accept, such as murdering someone.

The dominate call never inflicts damage.

Unless modified by another call (such as poison) dominate is a compulsion spell effect. Compulsion spells do not count as compulsion spells if there is a type listed, such as dominate undead.

Categories: PC Creation | Skills | Roleplaying Skills | Dominate Calls

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