Listing of All Skills

Combat Skills
Skill Name Skill Point Cost Prerequisite(s) Brief Description

Body One 1 None Have 1 body point total

Body Two 2 Body One Have 2 body points total

Body Three 3 Body Two Have 3 body points total

Body Four 4 Body Three Have 4 body points total.

Buckler Fighting 1 None Use a buckler

Shield Fighting 1 Buckler Fighting Use a shield

Melee Use 0 None Use non-martial weapons (under 35 inches long). Deal 1 damage in melee.

Melee Training 2 None Use martial weapons (35 - 45 inches long).

Great Weapon Training 2 Melee Training Use of great weapons (over 45 inches long)

Two Weapon Fighting 2 Melee Training Dual wield two non-martial weapons.

Two Weapon Expert 3 Two Weapon Fighting Dual wield one martial and one non-martial weapon.

Two Weapon Master 4 Two Weapon Expert Dual wield two martial weapons.

Melee Proficiency 3 Melee Training Deal 2 damage with melee weapons

Melee Expert 4 Melee Proficiency Deal 3 damage with melee weapons.

Melee Master 5 Melee Expert Deal 4 damage with melee weapons.

Missile Training 2 None Use missile weapons. Missile weapons deal 1 damage.

Missile Proficiency 2 Missile Training Missile weapons deal 2 damage or '1 pierce'.

Missile Expert 2 Missile Proficiency Missile weapons deal 3 damage or '1 pierce'.

Missile Master 2 Missile Expert Missile weapons deal 4 damage or '2 pierce'.

Thrown Weapon Training 2 None Use standard thrown weapons. Deal 1 damage with thrown weapons.

Thrown Weapon Master 3 Thrown Weapon Training Deal 2 damage with thrown weapons. Possibly use larger thrown weapons.

General and Knowledge Skills
Skill Name Skill Point Cost Prerequisite(s) Brief Description

Estimate Value 2 None Know monetary value of non-magical treasure

Identify Magic 2 None Know the function of magical treasure

First Aid 1 None Helps to prevent bleeding out. Allows feeding potions to helpless characters. You can heal blunt torso wounds. Ask simple questions about wounds.

Herbalist 2 None You can safely use poisonous alchemical items

Language Skills 1 None Speak and be literate in one common or (with plot marshal permission) a rare language, may be taken multiple times.

Read Magic 2 None Allows you to use magic scrolls

Production Skills
Skill Name Skill Point Cost Prerequisite(s) Brief Description

Production Points 1 None Gain 2 production points. May be taken up to ten times for a maximum total of 20 production points.

Alchemy One 1 Herbalist, 2 Production Points Produce level one alchemy compounds

Alchemy Two 2 Alchemy One Produce level two alchemy compounds

Alchemy Three 3 Alchemy Two Produce level three alchemy compounds.

Alchemy Four 4 Alchemy Three Produce level four alchemy compounds.

Alchemy Five 5 Alchemy Four Produce level five alchemy compounds.

Brew Potion 2 Any Level 1 Spell, 2 Production Points Use production points to create potions and oils from specific level 1-3 spells.

Scribe Scroll 4 Any Level One Spell, 2 Production Points, Read Magic Use production points to create magical scrolls

Tinker One 4 None Can use craft level 1 tinkering goods or produce level 1 trap tags.

Tinker Two 2 Tinker One Can craft level 2 tinkering goods or produce level 2 trap tags.

Tinker Three 3 Tinker Two Can craft level 3 tinkering goods or produce level 3 trap tags.

Tinker Four 4 Tinker Three Can craft level 4 tinkering goods or produce level 4 trap tags.

Tinker Five 5 Tinker Four Can craft level 5 tinkering goods or produce level 5 trap tags.

* Tinkering is not required for Savant

Crafting Skills
Skill Name Skill Point Cost Prerequisite(s) Brief Description

Craft Points 1 None Grants 2 craft points. May be taken up to ten times for a maximum of 20 total craft points.

Ornamenter One 4 None Craft non-weapon magic items with up to 4 craft points

Ornamenter Two 2 Ornamenter One Create non-weapon magic items with up to 8 craft points

Ornamenter Three 3 Ornamenter Two Create non-weapon magic items with up to 12 craft points

Ornamenter Four 4 Ornamenter Three Create non-weapon magic items with up to 16 craft points

Ornamenter Five 5 Ornamenter Four Create non-weapon magic items with up to 20 craft points

Tinker One 4 None Can use craft level 1 tinkering goods or produce level 1 trap tags.

Tinker Two 2 Tinker One Can craft level 2 tinkering goods or produce level 2 trap tags.

Tinker Three 3 Tinker Two Can craft level 3 tinkering goods or produce level 3 trap tags.

Tinker Four 4 Tinker Three Can craft level 4 tinkering goods or produce level 4 trap tags.

Tinker Five 5 Tinker Four Can craft level 5 tinkering goods or produce level 5 trap tags.

Weaponsmith One 4 None Craft weapons worth up to 4 Craft Points

Weaponsmith Two 2 Weaponsmith One Craft weapons worth up to 8 craft points

Weaponsmith Three 3 Weaponsmith Two Craft weapons worth up to 12 craft points

Weaponsmith Four 4 Weaponsmith Three Craft weapons worth up to 16 craft points

Weaponsmith Five 5 Weaponsmith Four Craft weapons worth up to 20 craft points

Magic Skills
Skill Name Skill Point Cost Prerequisite(s) Brief Description

Magic Power Points 1 None Gain one power point. This skill may be taken up to twenty times.

Rituals of Aegis 1 20 Power Points, All Aegis spells Participate in Aegis Rituals

Rituals of Battle 1 20 Power Points, All Battle Spells Participate in Battle Rituals

Rituals of Compulsion 1 20 Power Points, All Compulsion Spells Participate in Compulsion Rituals

Rituals of Enchantment 1 20 Power Points, All Enchantment Spells Participate in Enchantment Rituals

Rituals of Nature 1 20 Power Points, All Nature Spells Participate in Nature Rituals

Rituals of Necromancy 1 20 Power Points, All Necromancy Spells Participate in Necromancy Rituals

Rituals of Restoration 1 20 Power Points, All Restoration Spells Participate in Restoration Rituals

Aegis Magic School
Spell Cost/ Level Prerequisite Duration Range Target Flag Dispel Brief Description

Magic Armor 1 1 Magic Power Point Game day or until expended Touch Character person Yes Target touched gains 2 points of magic armor

Toughness 1 1 Magic Power Point 10 minutes Touch Character person Yes Target touched gains 2 body points

Spirit Shield 2 Level 1 Aegis Spell Game day or until discharged. Touch Character person Yes Prevents next poison or acid effect against target.

Anti-Magic Shield 2 Level 1 Aegis Spell Game day or until discharged Touch Character person Yes Prevents the next spell to hit the target

Sanctuary 3 Level 2 Aegis Spell 10 minutes Touch Fixed location focal point ground Yes Creates a 20 foot protective bubble around caster

Improved Magic Armor 3 Level 2 Aegis Spell Game day or until expended Touch Character person Yes Target touched gains 4 points of magic armor

Anti-Magic Aura 4 Level 3 Aegis Spell One minute Touch Character person No Target is protected against all spells

Synchronize 4 Level 3 Aegis Spell Special Touch Character person Yes Target gains the effects of most Aegis spells up to level 3

Poison Immunity 5 Level 4 Aegis Spell Game Day Touch Character person Yes Target is immune to all poison and acid attacks.

Aura of Reflection 5 Level 4 Aegis Spell Game day or until discharged Touch Character person Yes Deflects the next 4 spell that hit the target.

Battle Magic School
Spell Cost/ Level Prerequisite Duration Range Target Flag Dispel Brief Description

Magic Strike 1 1 Magic Power Point 10 Minutes or Until Discharged Touch Melee weapon weapon Yes Melee weapon's next hit deals '4 damage'

Strength 1 1 Magic Power Point 10 Minutes Touch Character person Yes Target inflcits +1 melee damage

Magic Swarm 2 Level 1 Battle Spell Instant Tag Bag Character(s) hit n/a Creates four darts dealing 4 'magic' damage

Spellburst 2 Level 1 Battle Spell 10 minutes Touch Character Yes The next spell you cast generates handfuls tag bags.

Slaying Swarm 3 Level 2 Battle Spell Instant Tag Bag Character(s) hit n/a Creates four tag bags that deal 4 'magic slay' damage.

Transcendence 3 Level 2 Battle Spell Game Day Touch Character Person Yes Generate extra tag bags.

Combat Prowess 4 Level 3 Battle Spell 10 Minutes or Until Discharged Touch Character Person Yes Gain access to all combat skills or if you already have them an extra master's strike

Maelstrom 4 Level 3 Battle Spell One Minute Tag Bag Character(s) hit n/a Throw unlimited tag bags for 1 minute dealing 4 'magic' each.

Battle Mastery 5 Level 4 Battle Spell Game Day Touch Character person Yes You may use any weapon or shield, and are immune to all magic damage.

Devastation 5 Level 4 Battle Spell 1 minute Tag bag Character(s) hit N/A Throw unlimited tag bags for one minute dealing 4 magic slay damage each

Compulsion School of Magic
Spell Cost/ Level Prerequisite Duration Range Target Flag Dispel Brief Description

Disengage 1 1 Magic Power Point 1 Minute Tag Bag Character(s) hit Yes Creates four darts that cause 'disengage'

Weaken 1 1 Magic Power Point 10 Minutes Tag Bag Character hit Yes Creates two darts that inflict weaken.

Charm 2 Level 1 Compulsion Spell 10 minutes Tag bag Character hit Yes Creates a dart that causes 'charm'

Silence 2 Level 1 Compulsion Spell 1 Minute Tag bag Character hit Yes Creates 2 tag bags that cause 'silence'

Pin 3 Level 2 Compulsion Spell 10 Minutes Tag Bag Character hit Yes Creates a dart that causes 'pin'.

Memory Loss 3 Level 2 Compulsion Spell Permanent after next event Tag bag OR Touch Character hit Yes, until next Event Creates a dart that causes 'memory loss'.

Heroism 4 Level 3 Compulsion Spell 10 minutes Touch Character Person Yes Set body to 10, but take a wound after battle

Terror 4 Level 3 Compulsion Spell 10 minutes Tag Bag Character Yes Generates 1 tag bag that calls for terror

Dominate 5 Level 4 Compulsion Spell 10 minutes Tag bag Character hit Yes Creates two darts that cause 'dominate'

Mind Blank 5 Level 4 Compulsion Spell Game Day Touch Character person Yes Target is immune to all compulsion spells

Enchantment School of Magic
Spell Cost/ Level Prerequisite Duration Range Target Flag Dispel Brief Description

Magic Lock 1 1 Magic Power Point Game day Touch An entryway or container building or object Yes Magically hold a door or container closed

Enhance Armor 1 1 Magic Power Point Game day Touch Worn armor armor Yes Armor's protection increases by +1 point

Enchant Shield 2 Level 1 Enchantment Spell Game day or until discharged Touch Shield shield Yes Shield touched absorbs next effect that would bypass or damage it

Silvershine 2 Level 1 Enchantment Spell 10 Minutes Touch Weapon weapon Yes Weapon touched deals 'silver'

Enchant Weapon 3 Level 2 Enchantment Spell 10 minutes Touch Weapon weapon Yes Weapon touched deals 'elven steel' damage

Spellstore 3 Level 2 Enchantment Spell Event or until expended Touch Weapon weapon Yes Stores a spell in a weapon to be cast later.

Dispel Magic 4 Level 3 Enchantment Spell Instant Tag bag Character, object, or magic field n/a Creates a dart which causes 'dispels magic'.

Ablative Armor 4 Level 3 Enchantment Spell Game day or until discharged Touch Worn armor armor Yes Gives worn armor 2 points of monstrous armor.

Shadow Skin 5 Level 4 Enchantment Spell 10 Minutes Touch Character person Yes Target touched is immune to normal damage.

Wraithbane 5 Level 4 Enchantment Spell Game Day Touch Weapon weapon Yes A weapon deals +1 'elven steel' damage

Nature School of Magic
Spell Cost/ Level Prerequisite Duration Range Target Flag Dispel Brief Description

Conjure Stones 1 1 Magic Power Point 1 Minute Tag Bag Character(s) hit Yes For 1 minute throw an infinite number of 1 damage tag bags

Mend Armor 1 1 Magic Power Point Instant Touch Worn armor, natural armor, or shield n/a Repairs physical armor.

Dissipate 2 Level 1 Nature Spell 10 minutes Touch Character above head Yes (circumstancially) Target dissipates.

Pin Nature 2 Level 1 Nature Spell 10 Minutes Tag Bag Character(s) hit Yes Generates four pin nature tag bags

Elemental Weapon 3 Level 2 Nature Spell 10 Minutes Touch Character weapon Yes Weapons carried deal nature damage or generate four 4 nature damage tag bags or generate two 4 primal damage tag bags.

Stoneskin 3 Level 2 Nature Spell Game day Touch Character Person Yes Gain 2 points of natural armor.

Banish 4 Level 3 Nature Spell 10 minutes Tag bag Character hit Yes (if caster can see through dissipate) Creates a dart which inflicts 'banish'

Ruin 4 Level 3 Nature Spell 1 Minute Tag Bag or Touch Character(s) hit or weapon none or weapon Varies For 1 minute a weapon deals acid damage or throw unlimited 4 acid damage tag bags.

Ley Lines 5 Level 4 Nature Spell Instant Self Self Above head n/a Allows the caster to magically move to their designated home

Primal Form 5 Level 4 Nature Spell 10 Minutes Touch Character person Yes Take on aspects of an elemental.

Necromancy School of Magic
Spell Cost/ Level Prerequisite Duration Range Target Flag Dispel Brief Description

Ghastly Visage 1 1 Magic Power Point 10 minutes Touch Character person Yes Target may call 'Brains'.

Reap Spirit 1 1 Magic Power Point Special Touch Unconscious or dead character No Steal a target's spark.

Pin Undead 2 Level 1 Necromancy Spell 10 minutes Tag Bag Character(s) hit Yes Generate four tag bags that call for pin undead.

Creeping Rot 2 Level 1 Necromancy Spell 10 minutes or 1 minute Touch or tag bag Weapon or creature(s) hit none or weapon Yes or n/a Enhance a weapon or create two darts to deal 4 Poison damage

Brackish Boon 3 Level 2 Necromancy Spell 10 Minutes Touch character yes Yes Poison heals the target instead of normal healing

Curse 3 Level 2 Necromancy Spell 10 minutes Tag bag Character hit Yes Creates a dart which inflicts 'curse'

Enfeeble 4 Level 3 Necromancy Spell 10 Minutes Tag Bag Creature Hit no Yes Creates a tag bag that causes enfeeble

Detect Spark 4 Level 3 Necromancy Spell 10 Minutes Touch Character Touched no Yes Target may call Detect Life and/ or Detect Undead 4 times in any combination.

Abomination 5 Level 4 Necromancy Spell 10 minutes Touch Character person Yes Target touched gains monstous body and other bonuses

Dreadlord 5 Level 4 Necromancy Spell 10 Minutes Self Self yes Yes Gain undead traits and control undead

Restoration School of Magic
Spell Cost/ Level Prerequisite Duration Range Target Flag Dispel Brief Description

Heal Body 1 1 Magic Power Point Instant Touch Character n/a Target heals all lost body.

Diagnosis 1 1 Magic Power Point Instant Touch Character n/a Reveals all various ailments, presence of a spark.

Restore Limb 2 Level 1 Restoration Spell Instant Touch Character n/a Target heals all limb wounds.

Purify Spirit 2 Level 1 Restoration Spell Instant Touch Character n/a Cures target of poisons and physical afflictions.

Heal Mortal Wound 3 Level 2 Restoration Spell Instant Touch Other Character n/a Target heals a torso wound.

Resilience 3 Level 2 Restoration Spell 10 minutes Touch Character person Yes All damage dealt to target is converted to 'blunt'

Panacea 4 Level 3 Restoration Spell Instant Touch Character n/a Heals all body and torso & limb wounds of target.

Triage 4 Level 3 Restoration Spell One minute Touch Character n/a For one minute the caster may cast level 1 & 2 restoration spells with no cost.

Revive 5 Level 4 Restoration Spell Instant Touch Other Character n/a Brings a willing target touched, back from the dead.

Second Breath 5 Level 4 Restoration Spell Game day or until discharged Self Self person Yes Caster receives a revive after dying.

Categories: Redundant Pages - skills

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