Identify Magic

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Identify Magic
Skill Tree:General Skills
Skill Point Cost:2
Brief Description:Know the function of magical treasure

Identify Magic

Characters with the identify magic skill are proficient in deciphering the workings and purposes of magical objects.

Each magic item or valuable object in the Kingdoms of Novitas is indelibly marked with one of these letters (followed by a number):

  • "E": A Former Feb Feast Item - This item has lost its Feb Feast properties and is now keepable/ lootable (its easiest to turn an F into an E)
  • "F": A Feb Feast item - Return it to its owner by the end of the event.
  • "H": A hybrid item - a magic item that is also valuable
  • "K": A keepable/ lootable item - This item can be looted. (The letter L is not used so it isn't mistaken for a 1)
  • "N": A non-keepable/ lootable item - This item cannot be looted. Plagues are also listed with this letter.
  • "Q": A quest item - Something that needs to be returned to logistics by the end of the event. It cannot be kept long term.
  • "V": A Valuable item - This item needs estimate value to identify.
  • None: Older items have no letter, some of these items are not on the magic item list, and are listed on the estimate value list.

This page lists the magical abilities of every magical item in the game. A character with this skill is allowed to use this identify magic list to identify items.

Players can also use this lookup page to identify their magical loot.

Related Rules

Props - Creating and Using

Real world props are used to represent in game items. These can be made of many different materials, too much to give a definitive allowed and banned list here. Weapons in particular have very strict requirements for safety reasons. For props not related to combat a general guideline is that objects made out of historically appropriate materials are likely to be ok (though for safety reasons glass should generally only be used for encampment items - things that won't move around a lot or be near combat). For many props what materials are visible is more important than what the prop is made out of. It's worth noting specifically that duct tape which is a common feature of many other larps is not ever allowed to be visible at Kingdoms of Novitas.

A player's personal property such as the tunic you wear in game cannot be stolen in-game. However if you were to use that same tunic to represent a magic item with the ornamenting skill it would be given an identification number, so that players with identify magic can ID it. Props that have ID numbers, referred to as "numbered items" can be stolen during the game. Because you still own the tunic out-of-game the player who steals the tunic from you should contact you after the game is done to work out what will happen with the tunic. You can choose to sell them the tunic for in-game coin, real world money, or you can have them return the tunic to you, but you will not be allowed to use it any longer for your character - in-game it was stolen after all.

All non-personal treasure (the stuff that doesn't belong to a specific player) is the property of Kingdoms of Novitas. As such it can be stolen during the game.

At any time game masters can remove props from play (typically for story reasons), rules staff members can remove props from play (typically for safety reasons or to deal with rules issues), and props and atmosphere staff can remove props from play (typically for aesthetic reasons).

Players are responsible for keeping, between games, any props they acquire during the game. Should a prop become too damaged for play it should be removed from the game permanently. Retired props provided by the game should be returned to logistics so they can repair it to someday be introduced as a brand new different item.

A player can turn a prop into an item worth coin at any time by bring both the prop and the coin it will be worth to logistics. There a staff member will assign the prop an item number and from that point on, the prop will be an item that can be traded or looted, with an associated coin value. Some items are listed in the tinkering zero list that can't be given value.

Categories: PC Creation | Skills | General and Knowledge Skills | Prop Rules

Page last modified on August 28, 2022, at 02:36 PM
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