Great Weapon Rules

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Great Weapon Rules

A great weapon is any melee weapon over 45 inches (114.3cm) in length.

Great weapons must be generally wielded with both hands. There are only two times that you are allowed to wield a great weapon with one hand; When making a straight thrust after which the weapon must immediately return to being carried with both hands. Or when blocking an attack with the weapon.

The damage a character deals with any melee weapon starts at 1. This can be increased by skills, consumables, spells and other similar effects that increase melee weapon damage. Melee weapons have a natural limit on how much damage they can deal.

When wielded by themselves melee weapons have a cap of 4 damage

The wielder of a great weapon is able to halve their melee damage (rounded down) in order to add the slay call to an attack. If the wielder is capable of overcoming the natural limit on melee weapon damage this ability continues to scale always dealing half rounded down "slay" damage.

A great weapon requires the great weapon training skill to wield. Normally great weapons may not be wielded with a second weapon or a shield, weapon's masters with great javelins are an exception this. With the correct skill a great weapon can be wielded with a passive buckler.

A weapon master may wield great javelins or great spears with a second weapon or a shield. When they do this normal caps apply. While this is taking place you are only allowed to make stabbing attacks with the great javelin, never swinging attacks. A weapon held in the off hand can be swung as normal.

Related Rules

Slay Calls

Monstrous creatures only take, at most, one point of damage from any attack without the "slay" call.

Monstrous armor points are gained from specific types of worn armor. These points takes damage just like ordinary armor points do but reduce any damage dealt to them without the "Slay" call to one. With monstrous physical armor only the physical armor points benefit from this damage reduction, damage dealt to magic armor and body are not reduced.

Melee Weapons

Melee weapons are hand-held weapons used for close-range, personal combat.

Melee weapons are further divided into three sub-categories based on length:

Carrying a melee weapon in each hand is referred to as "dual wielding" or "two weapon fighting". Players may not carry a melee weapon in each hand at any time unless they have the appropriate skills needed to dual wield.

The damage a character deals with any melee weapon starts at 1. This can be increased by skills, consumables, spells and other similar effects that increase melee weapon damage. Melee weapons have a natural limit on how much damage they can deal.

When wielded by themselves melee weapons have a cap of 4 damage

While dual wielding your melee damage is capped at 2.

Wielding a shield in combat limits your melee damage to a cap of 2. Note that passive bucklers do not have this cap.

Weapon Master Title

A character who has learned all 20 of the combat skills earns the title of "weapon master".

Twice per game day a weapon master may execute a "master's strike". This lets the weapon master add either the "slay" or the "pierce" call to a weapon attack. Furthermore that attack allows the character to hit for the appropriate amount of damage with a cap of up to 4 damage if they would normally be capped at a lower amount of damage.

A weapon master may wield great javelins or great spears with a second weapon or a shield. When they do this normal caps apply. While this is taking place you are only allowed to make stabbing attacks with the great javelin, never swinging attacks. A weapon held in the off hand can be swung as normal.

Thrown Weapon Rules

A thrown weapon is any weapon designed to primarily be thrown and are required to look like weapons (no throwing rocks). You may not fight in melee with most thrown weapons. Throwing weapons that contain a core can be used as a melee weapon. When used this way they follow all the rules for a melee weapon.

Thrown weapons are further divided into three subcategories based on length:

  • A standard throwing weapon is one greater than 6 and less than or equal to 30 inches.
  • A javelin is a throwing weapon greater than 30 and less than or equal to 45 inches.
  • A great javelin is a throwing weapon greater than 45 inches and less than or equal to 84 inches.

The damage a character deals with any thrown weapon starts at 1. This can be increased by skills, and sometimes other effects that increase thrown weapon damage. Thrown weapons have a natural cap on how much damage they can deal. Great javelins may deal a characters melee damage instead of thrown damage.

Using throwing weapons:

melee training to use.

Thrown weapon damage has a cap of 2.

Categories: Combat Rules | Weapon Rules | Item Rules | Slay Calls | Terminology

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