Scholar Level Three

Scholar Level Three
Skill Tree:Roleplaying Skills
Skill Point Cost:4
Brief Description:Gain 2 uncommon languages, 2 ritual skills, additional lore between events, a personal ritual focus, and may craft tomes

Scholar Level Three

Learn two languages from the uncommon languages list.

Learn two ritual skill without meeting any prerequisites. For each choice if you have paid a skill point for a ritual skill previously you may refund that point instead of taking a new ritual skill.

At this level scholars may submit an additional lore request after each event (which will be answered before the next one).

The scholar may pick one item between games to act as a personal focus. This item may be changed any time between events as often as desired, but should not be changed during an event. A personal focus may be used in the place of a ritual candle for performing any ritual.

Finally the scholar may also craft tomes using crafting points during preproduction. The rules for tome crafting can be found here.

Related Rules

Lore Requests

Lore allows a character to ask one in-game related question to the game masters between games by using this form.

Lore request emails are due a week after an event and can be represent any actions taken during downtime that your character might use to gather information.

Tome Crafting

Tomes may be crafted by characters who have earned scholar three. They do this using crafting points.

Using preproduction a scholar can either start a new tome or add a spell (or spells) to an existing tome they created for the crafting point cost listed below. A scholar can only add spells with a level equal to or less than their level of scholar. Player crafted tomes may only contain spells from one school. This costs 5 coin per crafting point used and requires a ritual quill. Crafting a tome does not require any other crafting skills.

Spell LevelCrafting Points


Tomes are a type of spellbook that contain various spells from a single school of magic. A tome allows a character to cast spells they do not know. When you use a tome the spells are not consumed and can be reused any number of times. In order to use a tome a character must have the read magic skill and know at least one spell from the school of magic contained in the tome. Epic tomes may contain spells from more than one school of magic. Standard crafted tomes may only have spells from one school of magic.

Written items such as scrolls, rituals, and tomes have a fixed incant written down on them. When using one of these items you must read the incant exactly as it appears in writing. Even if you have these words memorized you are required to have enough light to read the text by and are expected to role-play reading the text from the paper.

Characters are limited to either one rod or one tome.

In all other ways using a tome follows the rules for casting a spell.

Language Skills

The language skill allow a character to read, speak, and write in one single chosen language. This skill can be taken more than once, and each time a character takes this skill they may select one language to learn. You can find information on the languages in the game here.

Common languages may be learned without a tutor and can be taken by starting characters freely. Characters who wish to be illiterate are welcome to do so voluntarily with any languages they feel is appropriate to do so with.

Uncommon languages are not actively spoken in the world. Characters learn uncommon languages? through the scholar roleplaying skill.

Rare languages must have plot marshal approval (from Ryan Green) and require a special tutor to learn or can be acquired through long term advancement in the scholar roleplaying skill. A player who knows a rare language cannot teach another player that language, only certain special npcs are capable of passing on these languages.

The language of the druids can only be learned through druid skills.

Characters who have learned a language may request the key from logistics to translate that language on props.

Categories: PC Creation | Skills | Roleplaying Skills

Page last modified on September 07, 2022, at 02:15 AM
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