Status Level Two

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Status Level Two
Skill Tree:Roleplaying Skills
Prerequisite(s):Game Master Approval, Status One
Skill Point Cost:4
Brief Description:Throw 'disengage' tag bags 4/ gd at will.

Status Level Two

A character with rank two status can throw four tag bags per game day at will, which call for "disengage".

Related Rules

Disengage Calls

The disengage call prevents it's victims from attacking or otherwise acting in a hostile manner towards the source of the call.

When struck with a disengage effect, a target cannot make any attacks against the disengage call's source for one minute. The target is also afflicted with a mild compulsion to avoid approaching the source of the call. The target should be focused on always staying at least five feet apart.

During this time the person affected by disengage is free to attack other people or take other actions. They do not forget that a hostile effect has been used on them.

If at any time the source of the disengage attacks the target or moves within five feet of the target with an unsheathed weapon or active spell tag bag, the disengage effect is broken. The target is now free to once again attack the source if they wish. Due to the compulsion to avoid the source a target can't break the effects of disengage simply by moving towards the source with an unsheathed a weapon or active spell.

The disengage call never inflicts damage.

Unless modified by another call (such as poison) disengage is a compulsion spell effect. Compulsion spells do not count as compulsion spells if there is a type listed, such as dominate undead.

Tag Bags

Tag bags are used as a form of attack for spells, items, and occasionally for monster abilities. When a tag bag hits a friendly target it still has its full effect. Tag bags that miss still expend a use of whatever attack was being delivered. Only the first object hit is affected by a tag bag, so if a tag bag bounced off the ground and then hits a target, that target is not affected.

A player can only throw one tag bag at a time unless an ability allows them to throw more than one. When an ability allows a player to throw more than one tag bag, a player that is hit by multiple tag bags at the same time only takes the effect of that attack once no matter how many tag bags hit them.

A player may not carry tag bags in their hands unless they have cast a spell within the last minute that has a range of tag bag. This is meant to ensure that if you see someone holding a tag bag, it is clear they have an active spell (they are "armed" with a magical ball of eldritch energy). Tag bags created by a spell become inert after 1 minute if not thrown.

In order to deliver a spell with a range of tag bag you MUST throw the tag bag, you may not reach out and touch the person with the tag bag.

Spells with a range of tag bag can be delivered by missile weapons. Bows and crossbows may be fired instead of throwing a tag bag, replacing the normal weapon call with the call for the spell. When this happens the projectile fired follows all the rules for a tag bag making the same call.

Spells and some items use tag bags. If a tag bag makes contact with anything worn by a player it counts as hitting that player where ever that item makes contact with the player (so arm for a melee weapon, torso for a cloak). Tag bags never hit too light. Although tag bags should not be aimed at the head if they happen to hit a player's head the player should take the hit to their torso.

If a shield is struck by a tag bag what happens is based on what kind of attack struck the shield. When the tag bag represents a spell or other magical effect you take any effects the tag bag would inflict to the arm holding the shield. When a tag bag deals normal damage with no additional calls it may be fully blocked by a shield preventing that damage with no further effect. A shield may fully block any attack that makes the poison call, preventing any effect to the bearer. When a shield blocks an attack with the acid call it prevents the effect of that attack to the bearer but this has an effect on the shield, which could become destroyed.

At Will Abilities

Abilities listed as being used "at will" can be cast or used with no incant. At will spells and abilities have no magic power point cost. Spells that are cast at will still require a free hand.

Previously if an at will ability did not indicate how many times it could be used it could be used an unlimited number of times. This is being changed so that at will no longer indicates how many times an ability can be used (the ability should give that answer). If you encounter an at will ability that doesn't specify how many times it may be used please notify the site administrator.

Categories: PC Creation | Skills | Roleplaying Skills | Disengage Calls

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