Unhallow Calls

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Unhallow Calls

Unhallow seals a building with foul magical energy that prevents the living from entering. Unhallow will not protect temporary buildings. This effect does not prevent creatures from casting spells or firing missile weapons into a protecting building.

Limited use effects like anti-magic shield and aura of reflection will not allow a creature to pass through the barrier. A dispel effect can end the unhallow effect. Living creatures under the effects of the spells ghastly visage, abomination, or anti-magic aura, as well as the alchemy compound ethereal sealant may enter an unhallowed area.

When cast on a building, all of the building’s doors and windows glow with magical energy and no living creatures, regardless of their level, may enter. When cast on a period tent, the doors are considered to be the only valid entry points; no other means of escape or access are permitted, such illegal actions include, but are not limited to : crawling under walls, disassembling tents, and so on.

An unhallow effect's creator must be inside the building when the effect begins but does not need to remain present for the effect to continue afterwards (and in fact they may be forced to leave the area by the effect). The unhallow effect will force out any living creatures that are in a building once the effect is created. Creatures being forced out of the building may cast spells as they are exiting, and any affected creatures that become dissipated count as having exited the building. If a living creature's only means of exit is blocked by enemies, the affected creature(s) may fight their way out of the building. Should escape be impossible, they will instead cower in terror, taking no action.

With in one minute of creating this effect every ingress and egress point of the building must have a blue flag visibly attached to it. If the creator fails to do this, the effect fails and creatures may freely move in and out of the building. It is not legal to hang blue flags on portals in preparation to create this effect, however it is not required that the creator hang the flags personally and may employ as many free hands as needed to get the flags in place.

Source of Call Description Call

Unhallow Prevents the living from entering an area. 'Unhallow'

Related Rules

Building Structures

A building is defined as any permanent structure with four walls, a roof, floor, and some sort of portal such as a door or window. Period tents and the Lean-to's of Camp Kingsley are also counted as buildings.

A temporary building is defined as non-period tents or open air extensions to buildings such as a porch.

Tents should only be put up in areas designated by the Props Marshal or Second. Modern tents can be used for sleeping at night but must be taken down during the hours game is taking place and are therefore not recommended unless they are very easy to put up and take down.

Players are allowed to designate a portion of a building as out-of-game using barriers such as screens, or hanging cloth. It is helpful to mark these areas with orange strips periodically along the barrier. When this is done only out-of-game activities should take place in the barricaded portion of the building. If a character is paying in game for a service, the roleplaying of that service should take place in an in-game area. Designated out-of-game areas should be for storing out of game items, personal gear, out-of-game sleeping, sanitary preparation of food, hiding obviously modern objects that can't be moved, and other similar goals. They should not be created for locations characters might go.

Any other barriers should be exactly what they are. If you create a blanket fort, it is not an in game fort, it is a series of blankets that anyone can bypass. A screen dividing a room is fine, understand that characters can and will move the screen. Buildings are what they are, you can't add fake walls using any material to change their appearance. If you do not like an arch that is present, you can hang a tapestry (or other approved setting appropriate item) to cover it, but characters can come through that area just fine.

Dispelling Magic Area Effects

It is possible to target a magical field (spells that affect an area instead of single person or object) with a dispel effect. Magical fields include effects like sanctuary or sanctify. To do so simply requires the dispeller to hit the specific object protected (such as a building protected by Sanctify?) by the field or the ground inside the field’s area of effect. Magical fields are always separate from the caster who created them, defenses their caster might personally have active are irrelevant to preventing the area effect from being dispelled in this way.

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