Aura of Reflection

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Aura of Reflection
Type: Aegis
Level: 5
Prerequisite: Level 4 Aegis Spell
Duration: Game day or until discharged
Range: Touch
Target: Character
Flag Required: Person
Dispel: Yes
Brief Description: Deflects the next 4 spell that hit the target.

Aura of Reflection

Aura of reflection creates a powerful magic field around the recipient that no effects the next four offensive spells that hit it. This affects the first four tag bag spells (or reap spirit spells) that hit the character.

For one minute after each of these no effect calls the target may throw a tag bag with the exact same call that was no effected at any other target of their choice. These tag bags do not benefit from the Transcendence spell.

There are two special exceptions. The dispel call and the reap spirit spell are both still prevented, consuming one charge each, but do not allow you to throw a tag bag.

Aura of reflection prevents creature special abilities if they are manifested as a “spell effect” such as a 'terror' attack from a bagman.

Detailed Information

Poison Attacks Are Not Spells

When the poison call is added to any attack even a spell effect such as pin that attack no longer counts as a spell. This means that immunities to spell or compulsion effects no longer apply. The attack is now a poison effect.

Acid Attacks Are Not Spells

When the acid call is part of an attack, that attack never counts as a spell. This means that an immunity to spell effects does not apply. The attack is an acid effect.

Blight Attacks Are Not Spells

When the blight call is added to any attack even a spell effect such as pin that attack no longer counts as a spell. This means that immunities to spells or compulsion effects no longer apply. The attack is now a poison effect.

Detailed Information

Medium Five's Speak With Dead and Aegis Spells

The spells anti-magic shield, anti-magic aura, and aura of reflection (and the alchemy compound ethereal sealant) all prevent spells from affecting you. Because the medium five ability "speak with dead" is treated as a spell that is cast on a dead character's body, each of these effects will prevent the speak with dead spell, preventing one casting of it. A "No Effect" call must be made whenever an attack successfully hits you but does not inflict damage (or does not take effect in the case of spells) so that the attacker knows-that-you-know the attack successfully hit and so that they know they may need to attack with something different.

Aura of Reflection and Anti-Magic Shield

Both aura of reflection and anti-magic shield are prevention-type effects with limited charges. Because aura of reflection is a higher level spell, it will take effect first, no effecting a valid attack before the anti-magic shield prevents the attack. When hit by a valid attack you would call "no effect", expending one charge from your aura of reflection (generating a tag bag) and your anti-magic shield would remain for a future hit.

Aura of Reflection and Dispel Magic

Dispel magic removes all spell effects from a target, aura of reflection is a spell effect that prevents effects like dispel magic. These two spells come directly into conflict. In this scenario aura of reflection works a little differently than normal. It partially prevents the dispel magic, stopping it from dispelling other spell effects on the defender at the cost of one of the charges of aura of reflection.

Categories: Aegis Spells | Spells | Level Five Spells | No Effect Calls | Spell Calls

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