Tinkering Items

Production Skills
Skill Name Skill Point Cost Prerequisite(s) Brief Description

Production Points 1 None Gain 2 production points. May be taken up to ten times for a maximum total of 20 production points.

Alchemy One 1 Herbalist, 2 Production Points Produce level one alchemy compounds

Alchemy Two 2 Alchemy One Produce level two alchemy compounds

Alchemy Three 3 Alchemy Two Produce level three alchemy compounds.

Alchemy Four 4 Alchemy Three Produce level four alchemy compounds.

Alchemy Five 5 Alchemy Four Produce level five alchemy compounds.

Brew Potion 2 Any Level 1 Spell, 2 Production Points Use production points to create potions and oils from specific level 1-3 spells.

Scribe Scroll 4 Any Level One Spell, 2 Production Points, Read Magic Use production points to create magical scrolls

Tinker One 4 None Can use craft level 1 tinkering goods or produce level 1 trap tags.

Tinker Two 2 Tinker One Can craft level 2 tinkering goods or produce level 2 trap tags.

Tinker Three 3 Tinker Two Can craft level 3 tinkering goods or produce level 3 trap tags.

Tinker Four 4 Tinker Three Can craft level 4 tinkering goods or produce level 4 trap tags.

Tinker Five 5 Tinker Four Can craft level 5 tinkering goods or produce level 5 trap tags.

* Tinkering is not required for Savant

Production Points and Related Skills

Production points are used to create consumables such as potions, scrolls, and alchemical compounds. A character only spends production points when you first check-in for an event. In order to create items you'll have to learn to use the preproduction system. Characters can purchase additional production points each event for 3 coin per point (this includes the cost to use these points to produce items). Some items may also be turned in at check-in for additional production points.

Tinkering is used with production points for the creation of trap tags which are consumed by traps when they go off.

Characters are restricted to a cap of 20 production points from all sources.

Crafting Skills
Skill Name Skill Point Cost Prerequisite(s) Brief Description

Craft Points 1 None Grants 2 craft points. May be taken up to ten times for a maximum of 20 total craft points.

Ornamenter One 4 None Craft non-weapon magic items with up to 4 craft points

Ornamenter Two 2 Ornamenter One Create non-weapon magic items with up to 8 craft points

Ornamenter Three 3 Ornamenter Two Create non-weapon magic items with up to 12 craft points

Ornamenter Four 4 Ornamenter Three Create non-weapon magic items with up to 16 craft points

Ornamenter Five 5 Ornamenter Four Create non-weapon magic items with up to 20 craft points

Tinker One 4 None Can use craft level 1 tinkering goods or produce level 1 trap tags.

Tinker Two 2 Tinker One Can craft level 2 tinkering goods or produce level 2 trap tags.

Tinker Three 3 Tinker Two Can craft level 3 tinkering goods or produce level 3 trap tags.

Tinker Four 4 Tinker Three Can craft level 4 tinkering goods or produce level 4 trap tags.

Tinker Five 5 Tinker Four Can craft level 5 tinkering goods or produce level 5 trap tags.

Weaponsmith One 4 None Craft weapons worth up to 4 Craft Points

Weaponsmith Two 2 Weaponsmith One Craft weapons worth up to 8 craft points

Weaponsmith Three 3 Weaponsmith Two Craft weapons worth up to 12 craft points

Weaponsmith Four 4 Weaponsmith Three Craft weapons worth up to 16 craft points

Weaponsmith Five 5 Weaponsmith Four Craft weapons worth up to 20 craft points

Craft Points and Related Skills

Craft points are used with the ornamenter skill to craft magic objects, with the weaponsmith skill to craft enhanced weapons, and the tinker skill to creating tinkering items. A character only spends crafting points when you first check-in for an event. In order to create items you'll have to learn to use the pre-production system. Unlike production points you may not purchase additional crafting points at check-in.

Spells (generally only third level and lower) can be imbued into magic objects to create per event items with one use per event. The spell being imbued must be known by the character crafting that object or be provided by a consumable such as a scroll (the character must be able to read magic to use a scroll). Other characters, or other imbued items do not count as providing access to a spell.

Characters are capped at a total of 20 crafting points from all sources.

Master Craftsman Title

Any character with 20 craft points and rank five in at least two of weaponsmithing, ornamenting, or tinkering gains the title of master craftsman.

A master craftsman gains 4 additional craft points that can break the cap on crafting points. Coin does not need to be spent when using these four crafting points. These crafting points don't count against point total restrictions.

For example a character with weaponsmithing five is normally restricted to crafting at most 20 point items, but a master craftsman can use these four points with their regular 20 to create a 24 point item.

List of Item Slots

The table below lists each slot and the maximum allowed craft points when designing a magic item for that slot:

SlotMaximum number of craft points allowedExample PropUnacceptable Props
Shield20A ShieldThings that are not shields
Torso20Shirt, breastplate, vest, surcoat, really well constructed tabard, jacket, coat, tunic, bodice, chemise, dress, robe, chain hauberk.bandoleer, nipple piercing
Feet20Boots, sandals, shoes, sabatons. Items should be in pairs except in rare and exceptional circumstances.Ankle straps, spurs, toe rings, socks.
Head16Helmet, hat, elaborate headband, tiara, crown, coif, hood, mask.Scarf, bandanna, hair accessories, facial jewelry, earrings
Leg16Greaves, pants, full leg armor, non-armor skirt. Loincloths and other articles of clothing clearly worn beneath the waist. Leg items that can come in pairs should except in rare and exceptional circumstances.Leg warmers, ankle or boot wraps, garters.
Arm16Bracers, arm armor, rerebraces. Arm items come in pairs except in rare and exceptional circumstances.arm cuffs, arm warmers.
Waist12Belt, sash, chain skirt, war belt, cingulum militaire, waist cincher, elaborate chain belt.Simple Waist chain, belly button piercing.
Shoulder12Spaulders, mantle, pauldrons, elaborate shawl. Shoulder items that can come in pairs should except in rare and exceptional circumstances.Besegews, epaulettes, parrot.
Hand12Glove, Gauntlet, Ring+Chain+Bracelet combination-thingies. Hand items come in pairs except in rare and exceptional circumstances.Half-Gauntlets (modern anachronistic SCA Invention).
Back12Cloak, Cape 
Neck8Ornate or Elaborate Necklace, choker, gorget, chain of office, torc, collar, bevor, stole.Simple necklace or chain
Wrist8Cuffs, ornate or elaborate bracelet, manacles. Wrist items that can come in pairs should except in rare and exceptional circumstances.Simple bracelet or cuffs.
Ankle8Ornate or elaborate anklet, shackles, ankle cuffs. Ankle items that can come in pairs should, except in rare and exceptional circumstancesSimple anklet or ankle cuffs.
Ring 18Ring 
Ring 28Ring 
Accessory4Backpack, quiver, sheath, belt, pouch, haversack, frog, scabbard, earring, bandoleer, spurs and straps, glasses, goggles, scarf, anything worn on your body.Anything that obviously fits in another slot, anything not worn.

These are other items that you can carry a limited number of.

SlotExample Items
Wand 1A Wand
Wand 2A Wand
Rod or TomeA Rod or Tome

Altering Props with Tinkering

A character with the tinkering skill can use crafting points at check-in to replace the prop for an item with another of the same slot with comparable functionality.

For example a martial weapon must be replaced by another martial weapon and could not be replaced with a great or non-martial weapon. An ax should remain an ax, armor should be replaced with new armor of a comparable type. A plate chest piece should not be replaced by a cloth shirt (both are torso slot) or a chain shirt.

The primary benefit of doing this is to allow a character to take an epic item that does not fit them and replace it with a prop that does or to make considerable material improvements to a prop.

Slot Tinkering Rank Required Crafting Point Cost Coin Cost
Accessory 1 4 20
Neck 2 8 40
Wrist 2 8 40
Ankle 2 8 40
Ring 2 8 40
Waist 3 12 60
Shoulder 3 12 60
Hand 3 12 60
Back 3 12 60
Buckler 3 12 60
Head 4 16 80
Leg 4 16 80
Arm 4 16 80
Weapon 5 20 200
Shield 5 20 100
Torso 5 20 100
Feet 5 20 100

Weapon Crafting Point Costs

When you are crafting a new weapon you must pay a number of crafting points based on what you are creating. Every weapon will have a starting cost based on what type of weapon it is. From there you can select any feature you want, such as crafting the weapon from one or more special materials, giving special abilities to the weapon, or imbuing a spell into the weapon.

Weapon Crafting Costs

Must Choose Exactly One
Weapon Base Type Craft Points

Non-Martial Melee Weapon 0
Martial Melee Weapon 4
Great Weapon 16
Thrown Weapon 0
Bow or Crossbow 4
Arrows or Bolts 0

Special Material Craft Points

Goblin Iron (Poison) 8
Silver 8
Razorleaf (Nature) 8
Elven Steel 20*

  • Newly made weapons may not have Elven Steel with other special material types.
    • Existing weapons that are Elven Steel and other materials are exempt from this requirement.

Special Ability Description Craft Points

Masterwork This weapon deals +1 damage, limited by cap. 4
Mage Blade This rule is no longer available. Existing weapons get refunded this amount. 12
Master's Staff of Wizardry Select a school of magic. If the wielder is a master of that school of magic some of their spells cost fewer power points. Automatically a great weapon at no additional cost. Requires ornamenting 5 to craft. 24
Master's Blade If the wielder is a weapon master they gain an additional master's strike. Also gives 16 additional, free, craft points to spend on other features (such as weapon type). Requires Tinkering 5 to craft. 24

Imbued Spells Description Craft Points

Imbue with a 1st Level Spell The item can cast the chosen level one spell once per event. Can take multiple times to stack more uses per event. 4
Imbue with a 2nd Level Spell The item can cast the chosen level two spell once per event. Can take multiple times to stack more uses per event. 8
Imbue with a 3rd Level Spell The item can cast the chosen level three spell once per event. Can take multiple times to stack more uses per event. 12

Ornamenting Craft Point Costs

These are enhancements that can be added to magic objects, subject to normal stacking rules.

A +1 armor point bonus must be crafted onto a piece of worn armor. The bonus affects all worn armor not just the piece that has this ability. This bonus cannot be dispelled, it is treated as a permanent improvement to your armor's physical armor points that is always active. This bonus does not stack with the enhance armor spell. Physical armor has a cap of 4 points.

Items which grant +1 or +2 bonus magic power points are treated like gaining additional ranks of the magic power point skill which refresh at convergence as normal. A character can only spend a total of 20 magic power points between any two convergences unless an ability or effect explicitly allows them to break that limit.

Ornamenting Enhancement Costs

Stats Bonuses With Normal Caps Craft Points

+2 Production Points 4
+4 Production Points 8
+4 Craft Points 8
+1 Magic Power 8
+2 Magic Power 12

Enhancements Description Craft Points

+1 Armor Point to Armor Increase the armor points of armor by 1, (see here for details). 8
Nature Immunity Grants immunity to nature damage until removed. 12

Imbued Spells Description Craft Points

Imbue with a 1st Level Spell The item can cast the chosen level one spell once per event. Can take multiple times to stack more uses per event. 4
Imbue with a 2nd Level Spell The item can cast the chosen level two spell once per event. Can take multiple times to stack more uses per event. 8
Imbue with a 3rd Level Spell The item can cast the chosen level three spell once per event. Can take multiple times to stack more uses per event. 12
WandsCraft Points
Lesser Wand4
Normal Wand8
Major Wand12

RodsCraft Point Costs
Rod of 1st Level Spell8
Rod of 2nd Level Spell12
Rod of 3rd Level Spell16

Tinkering Gear

Specialized gear that can only be crafted with the tinkering skill.

Tinkering Gear
Name Slot Used Skill Required to Create Crafting Costs Encampment Item Lootable Description

Light Tubes None Tinkering 1 4 crafting points, 20 coin No Yes A single bulb flashlight or a 1-3 LED light

Lock and Keys None Tinkering 1 4 crafting points, 20 coin No Yes A lock and key

Magic Lock Box None Tinkering 1 4 crafting points, 20 coin No Yes A magic box that casts magic lock once per gd

Ritual Candle None Tinkering 1 4 crafting points, 20 coin No Yes A specially made candle used when performing rituals

Ritual Quill None Tinkering 1 4 crafting points, 20 coin No Yes A quill used in the production of level 4 and 5 scrolls

Grounding Wire Ankle Tinkering 2 8 crafting points, 40 coin No Yes Protects against magic damage once per event

Shackles of Grounding None Tinkering 2 8 crafting points, 40 coin No Yes Magical shackles permanently ground the wearer.

Magic Lock Picks None Tinkering 4 16 crafting points, 80 coin No Yes Dispels magic locks, and automatically picks mundane locks on containers 4/ event.

Contraption Accesory Master Tinkering 24 crafting points, 100 coin No Yes A portable trap that can contain a beneficial effect up to level 5

Elven Steel Dish None Legacy Item Uncraftable No Yes A single dish (bowl or cup) that cannot be poisoned


Containers or tripwire traps crafted with tinkering which can then load trap tags

Name Slot Used Skill Required to Create Crafting Costs Encampment Item Lootable Description

Trap - Level One None Tinkering 1 4 crafting points, 20 coin No No A trap that can be armed with a single trap tag

Trap - Level Two None Tinkering 2 8 crafting points, 40 coin No No A trap that can be armed with up to 2 trap tag

Trap - Level Three None Tinkering 3 12 crafting points, 60 coin No No A trap that can be armed with up to 3 trap tags

Trap - Level Four None Tinkering 4 16 crafting points, 80 coin No No A trap that can be armed with up to 4 trap tags

Trap - Level Five None Tinkering 5 20 crafting points, 100 coin No No A trap that can be armed with up to 5 trap tags

Encampment Items

Non-lootable items kept at adventuring groups in-game homes.

Encampment Items
Name Slot Used Skill Required to Create Crafting Costs Encampment Item Lootable Description

Basin of Purify Spirit None Tinkering 2 8 crafting points, 40 coin Yes No Casts purify spirit 6/ event with a head dunk.

Workshop None Tinkering 2 8 crafting points, 40 coin Yes No Grants 4 addition craft points to a single character.

Anvil of Mend Armor None Tinkering 2 8 crafting points, 40 coin Yes No Casts mend armor 10/ event.

Carpet of Dissipate None Tinkering 2 8 crafting points, 40 coin Yes No Casts dissipate on users.

Font of Insight None Tinkering 2 8 crafting points, 40 coin Yes No Cast diagnosis on yourself up to 10/ event

Grounding Stone None Tinkering 3 12 crafting points, 60 coin Yes No Everyone in the encampment becomes grounded.

Shielding Stone None Tinkering 3 12 crafting points, 60 coin Yes No Spend 10 minutes at your encampment to gain anti-magic shield.

Barrier Stone None Tinkering 3 12 crafting points, 60 coin Yes No After one minute in your encampment gain 4 points of magic armor 2/ event.

Curtains of Magic Lock None Tinkering 4 16 crafting points, 80 coin Yes No Casts magic lock 20/ event.

Greater Workshop None Tinkering 4 16 crafting points, 80 coin Yes No Grants 8 craft points per event for one character.

Music Box of Sanctuary None Tinkering 4 16 crafting points, 80 coin Yes No Creates sanctuary effect as long as music plays, 6/ event.

Plating Pool None Tinkering 4 16 crafting points, 80 coin Yes No Casts enchant weapon 6/ event"

Talisman of Warding None Tinkering 4 16 crafting points, 80 coin Yes No Prevents Wraiths, Banshees, and Poltergeists from entering a structure. Counters the detect life call.

Library None Tinkering 5 20 crafting points, 100 coin Yes No Grants a party one free lore request per event

Soothing Masterpiece None Tinkering 5 20 crafting points, 100 coin Yes No After 10 seconds benefit from heal body and mend armor 12/ event

Veil of Warding None Tinkering 5 20 crafting points, 100 coin Yes No Creates a sanctify or unhallow effect for 10 minutes 6/ event

Alchemist's Laboratory None Master Tinkering,
Ornamenting 5
24 crafting points, 100 coin Yes No Savants may use to gain 5 production points breaking cap

Annulment Statue None Master Tinkering 24 crafting points, 100 coin Yes No Prevents sanctify and unhallow effects in your encampment.

Ley Line Beacon None Master Tinkering 24 crafting points, 100 coin Yes No When ley lines brings you to this item you arrive dissipated.

Totem of Resilience None Master Tinkering 24 crafting points, 100 coin Yes No After 1 minute gain resilience which refreshes.

Related Rules

Tinker One

Allows the crafting of level 1 tinkering items and the production of level 1 trap tags. Also allows characters to alter the props for magic items.

Craft Points and Related Skills

Craft points are used with the ornamenter skill to craft magic objects, with the weaponsmith skill to craft enhanced weapons, and the tinker skill to creating tinkering items. A character only spends crafting points when you first check-in for an event. In order to create items you'll have to learn to use the pre-production system. Unlike production points you may not purchase additional crafting points at check-in.

Spells (generally only third level and lower) can be imbued into magic objects to create per event items with one use per event. The spell being imbued must be known by the character crafting that object or be provided by a consumable such as a scroll (the character must be able to read magic to use a scroll). Other characters, or other imbued items do not count as providing access to a spell.

Characters are capped at a total of 20 crafting points from all sources.

Categories: Crafting and Production Rules | Crafted Items | Tinkering Items | Item Rules | Items

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