
Magic Rules

Magic brings the elements of fantasy to the game. While these rules are certainly important to the game, new players only need to understand how to cast spells when they are ready to do so, prior to that as long as you know what happens when you are hit by a spell that is enough.

About Magic in the Kingdoms of Novitas

Magic represents the varied fantasy elements in Kingdoms of Novitas. Players are allowed to represent their magic as being from any source so long as casting the magic fulfills all normal magic rules.

Magic comes in several forms in Kingdoms of Novitas.

Casting Spells

Casting Spells

In order to cast a spell a character must know the spell and have at least as many magic power points as the cost (which by default is the level) of the spell they want to cast. Some spells may have additional specific requirements detailed in the spell's entry. Finally the caster must also have at least one hand free.

A hand is considered free if there is nothing held in that hand and the arm has free unrestricted movement. You must be able to fully raise your hand and can't hold anything between your arm and your body. When using an item to cast a spell if that item is not worn on your body you must have it in hand, in which case it does not count against your hand being 'free'. If the target of a spell is an object the caster has in hand, that does not count against your hand being 'free'. Characters with both arms wounded cannot cast spells. Worn gear never hinders casting by itself (such as armor and passive bucklers).

If these conditions are met, the player will then make a incantation for the spell. After this has happened the magic power points for the spell are consumed and the spell is successfully cast. If the spell requires a flag you must provide it at this time.

Spells have ranges to determine what they can affect. You are not required to be able to see your target in order to cast a spell.

  • Tag Bag: This is the longest range a spell can have. These spells are delivered by a tag bag which is thrown at the target.
  • Touch: A touch effect is delivered to a willing or helpless target by "touch"
  • Self: A spell with a range of self can only benefit the caster. When a consumable is made from a spell with a range of self, only someone who knows that spell can use that consumable.

All spells have a duration they will last. When the duration runs out the effect is over. Each spell's description will indicate how long that spell lasts. Spells last their full duration unless the effect is dispelled first. A caster can voluntarily dispel a spell they have cast at any time by touching the spell's target. If the target is conscious and unwilling to have the effect dispelled then they may not be dispelled this way. If the caster of a spell dies, spells they have cast continue functioning as normal. A spell that is dispelled ends immediately as if its duration ran out.

After a spell is successfully cast you may need to explain to the target what effect the spell will have. Combat related spells typically explain what they do through combat calls made, other spells may require more explanation because players should not be required to know the effects of every possible spell. Try to be especially patient when explaining effects to new players who may be required to break character in order to understand what effect a spell will have.

The Magic Power Point Stat

Magic power points also called "power points" are a resource used to cast magic. A character gains a number of magic power points based on how many times they have taken the magic power point skill. These points automatically refresh to full each shift when convergence happens. If a player cannot remember how many magic power points they have spent they are honor bound to assume they have spent the highest number they believe they have spent, even if this brings them to 0 points remaining.

It is possible to refresh magic power points before convergence occurs, generally through alchemy items, but sometimes through other means. Even with the benefit of such items, a character can only use so many magic power points between convergences. A character can only spend a total of 20 magic power points between any two convergences unless an ability or effect explicitly allows them to break that limit.

At will spells and abilities have no magic power point cost.

Verbal Components for Spells

One of the requirements for cast a spell is for a character to speak an eight word (minimum) verbal incantation. The name of the spell must be used in the incantation and counts towards the eight word minimum.

An incant should be spoken loudly and clearly enough that players standing 10 feet away know that a spell is being cast. A gag will prevent a character from casting spells. Incants do not need to be spoken word, they can be sung, chanted, or otherwise role-played. You may not bluff one spell then cast a different one (such as by putting multiple spell names in your incant), the incant must clearly convey EXACTLY what you are casting. Likewise a spell cannot be gibberish or worked into a conversation, it must both be clear that you are casting and what you are casting.

If the incant is partially finished and a player takes a hit, the spell being cast is interrupted. This includes a hit that you are immune to. The assumption is that even if you are immune to a gout of flame (or whatever) it still is disrupting to be hit by it. Pausing in the middle of an incant for more than a moment will also cause an incantation to be interrupted. When an incant is interrupted nothing is lost, but the incant must be restarted from the beginning.

Written items such as scrolls, rituals, and tomes have a fixed incant written down on them. When using one of these items you must read the incant exactly as it appears in writing. Even if you have these words memorized you are required to have enough light to read the text by and are expected to role-play reading the text from the paper. For some rituals this also requires knowing the appropriate language for texts not written in common. Scrolls only ever require read magic to read.

Abilities listed as being used "at will" can be cast or used with no incant.

At Will Abilities

Abilities listed as being used "at will" can be cast or used with no incant. At will spells and abilities have no magic power point cost. Spells that are cast at will still require a free hand.

Previously if an at will ability did not indicate how many times it could be used it could be used an unlimited number of times. This is being changed so that at will no longer indicates how many times an ability can be used (the ability should give that answer). If you encounter an at will ability that doesn't specify how many times it may be used please notify the site administrator.


Spells have ranges to determine what they can affect. You are not required to be able to see your target in order to cast a spell.

  • Tag Bag: This is the longest range a spell can have. These spells are delivered by a tag bag which is thrown at the target.
  • Touch: A touch effect is delivered to a willing or helpless target by "touch"
  • Self: A spell with a range of self can only benefit the caster. When a consumable is made from a spell with a range of self, only someone who knows that spell can use that consumable.


Some items have ranges to determine what they can affect.

  • Ingested: This item must be consumed either directly out of the vial it is in, or in the case of ingested poisons it can be concealed in a drink or food item.
  • Thrown: This item in-game represents a delicate vial that will break when thrown at a target. This is represented with a tag bag that is thrown at the intended victim. The item must be close at hand before the tag bag can be thrown.
  • Touch: This item must be applied like a balm or a cream to the intended willing or helpless recipient.
  • n/a: This item is almost certainly a permanent item represented by a prop that is used by using that prop.

Tag Bags

Tag bags are used as a form of attack for spells, items, and occasionally for monster abilities. When a tag bag hits a friendly target it still has its full effect. Tag bags that miss still expend a use of whatever attack was being delivered. Only the first object hit is affected by a tag bag, so if a tag bag bounced off the ground and then hits a target, that target is not affected.

A player can only throw one tag bag at a time unless an ability allows them to throw more than one. When an ability allows a player to throw more than one tag bag, a player that is hit by multiple tag bags at the same time only takes the effect of that attack once no matter how many tag bags hit them.

A player may not carry tag bags in their hands unless they have cast a spell within the last minute that has a range of tag bag. This is meant to ensure that if you see someone holding a tag bag, it is clear they have an active spell (they are "armed" with a magical ball of eldritch energy). Tag bags created by a spell become inert after 1 minute if not thrown.

In order to deliver a spell with a range of tag bag you MUST throw the tag bag, you may not reach out and touch the person with the tag bag.

Spells with a range of tag bag can be delivered by missile weapons. Bows and crossbows may be fired instead of throwing a tag bag, replacing the normal weapon call with the call for the spell. When this happens the projectile fired follows all the rules for a tag bag making the same call.

Spells and some items use tag bags. If a tag bag makes contact with anything worn by a player it counts as hitting that player where ever that item makes contact with the player (so arm for a melee weapon, torso for a cloak). Tag bags never hit too light. Although tag bags should not be aimed at the head if they happen to hit a player's head the player should take the hit to their torso.

If a shield is struck by a tag bag what happens is based on what kind of attack struck the shield. When the tag bag represents a spell or other magical effect you take any effects the tag bag would inflict to the arm holding the shield. When a tag bag deals normal damage with no additional calls it may be fully blocked by a shield preventing that damage with no further effect. A shield may fully block any attack that makes the poison call, preventing any effect to the bearer. When a shield blocks an attack with the acid call it prevents the effect of that attack to the bearer but this has an effect on the shield, which could become destroyed.


All spells have a duration they will last. When the duration runs out the effect is over. Each spell's description will indicate how long that spell lasts. Spells last their full duration unless the effect is dispelled first. A caster can voluntarily dispel a spell they have cast at any time by touching the spell's target. If the target is conscious and unwilling to have the effect dispelled then they may not be dispelled this way. If the caster of a spell dies, spells they have cast continue functioning as normal. A spell that is dispelled ends immediately as if its duration ran out.

Items that duplicate spells, such as scrolls and potions make the user count as the person casting the spell for the purposes of voluntarily dispelling an effect.

Items such as those created with alchemy last the duration listed and can't be voluntarily dispelled, but can be removed with items such as dilution solution.

Game Days and Convergence

A game day is the time between two instances of convergence.

Convergence represents the time in-game that the world's ley lines fluctuate with power. It occurs every six hours starting at midnight each day (so 12am, 6am, 12pm, and 6pm).

When convergence occurs any expended magic power points are restored to full and limits regarding usage per game day reset. Spells that have a duration of game day end when convergence occurs. Abilities that state they can only be used "once per game day" no longer count as having been used once a convergence happens.

It is not uncommon for players to yell "convergence" when the time comes so that other players are aware.

Non-player characters are affected exactly the same way as player characters are during convergence.

Spell and Item Effects - Stacking Effects

Any time a spell, potion, poison, magic item, alchemical item, tinkering item, ritual, etc. does something to a player that is known as an "effect". When a character is affected by multiple effects there are rules on how they interact.

For the purposes of this page a one-time effect is any effect that has a limited number of times it happens. This could mean something that applies to your next attack, or your next four attacks.

A character cannot benefit at the same time from a spell (or effect) with the same name twice. In all circumstances the second instance of that spell (or effect) has no impact (as if it had never been cast or used).

Effects that apply to the "next" time something happens can't stack either. A character can't use two of the same blade poison that applies to their next attack, in order to have it apply to the next two attacks. The second blade poison in this scenario would be wasted.

If multiple spells (or effects) have different names but the same type of bonus (such as increasing body or magic armor) they can stack together. This will likely result in a character being impacted by a cap. Only effects that explicitly let you go beyond a cap of a stat let you break those limits. When crafting each bonus crafted onto a piece of gear is counted as a separate effect and therefore you couldn't craft the same bonus onto an item multiple times unless that bonus says it can be crafted more than once.

When an effect allows you to call for something different with a weapon than you would normally call, you must choose which call to use when you make your attacks. If the something different only applies to the "next successful hit", and you choose not to use it when you make that hit, the effect is wasted.

For example if a character who deals 2 damage with each melee attack has a sword that deals "Nature" damage and they apply Scorpion's Kiss to that weapon so that it can deal "poison weaken" damage for the next successful hit. When they make that successful hit against an opponent they can choose to call "2 nature" or "poison weaken". They may not call "2 Nature poison weaken". Regardless of the effect they choose, the Scorpion's Kiss will be expended after that successful hit.

With defenses a relevant immunity applies before any one-time effects apply.

If a character has two different one-time effects that both prevent an attack the higher level one applies first. Should two one-time effects be the same level, the one that is more limited in what it applies to is used first.

No combination of effects can make you invulnerable to all damage. The last effect received that would create an invulnerable situation is automatically prevented.

The following spells and effects may not stack with each other unless an ability explicitly allows them to:

Limits (Caps) to Character Stats

Each character has a natural maximum limit on certain stats generally referred to as a "cap" that can only ever be exceeded by rare effects which explicitly allow a character to break that cap. Rules and abilities that exceed a cap are said to "break cap" or say a character can go past a certain limit. Non-player characters follow these same rules when they are from the playable PC races but may be exempt from these limits if they are other races or creature types.

Weapon damage, body, magic power points, production points, crafting points, physical armor, and magical armor are all affected by these caps. There is also a limit on using spells imbued in magic objects.


Spells Navigation

Spells are divided into seven schools of magic, with each school containing five levels of spells. There are two spells available at each level within a given school, which makes for a total of 70 spells available to players. Each spell consumes 1-5 magic power points, which is determined by the level of the spell.

Schools of Magic

The ability to preform rituals in each school is also often categorized with spells. In this wiki they can be found with magic skills. Although these skills are not actually "spells", successfully completed rituals do allow for spell-like effects. For a more detailed description, please see the rituals entry.

When we update the rules, periodically a spell is made obsolete and replaced by a new one. Older spells are still in this wiki for reference so that if an older player returns to the game with magic items or scrolls that cast that spell they know what new spells to replace them with.

Aegis Spells

Aegis Magic School

Aegis magic creates powerful defensive auras that protect caster from magical and physical attack. There are no spells in Aegis that deal with worn armor or shields, only magical protections. Aegis magic is an exclusively defensive school and contains no inherently offensive spells.

Aegis Magic School
Spell Cost/ Level Prerequisite Duration Range Target Flag Dispel Brief Description

Magic Armor 1 1 Magic Power Point Game day or until expended Touch Character person Yes Target touched gains 2 points of magic armor

Toughness 1 1 Magic Power Point 10 minutes Touch Character person Yes Target touched gains 2 body points

Spirit Shield 2 Level 1 Aegis Spell Game day or until discharged. Touch Character person Yes Prevents next poison or acid effect against target.

Anti-Magic Shield 2 Level 1 Aegis Spell Game day or until discharged Touch Character person Yes Prevents the next spell to hit the target

Sanctuary 3 Level 2 Aegis Spell 10 minutes Touch Fixed location focal point ground Yes Creates a 20 foot protective bubble around caster

Improved Magic Armor 3 Level 2 Aegis Spell Game day or until expended Touch Character person Yes Target touched gains 4 points of magic armor

Anti-Magic Aura 4 Level 3 Aegis Spell One minute Touch Character person No Target is protected against all spells

Synchronize 4 Level 3 Aegis Spell Special Touch Character person Yes Target gains the effects of most Aegis spells up to level 3

Poison Immunity 5 Level 4 Aegis Spell Game Day Touch Character person Yes Target is immune to all poison and acid attacks.

Aura of Reflection 5 Level 4 Aegis Spell Game day or until discharged Touch Character person Yes Deflects the next 4 spell that hit the target.

Magic Armor

This spell surrounds the recipient with a skin tight magic field that acts as two points of magic armor.


Toughness grants 2 body points which don't break caps.

Spirit Shield

Spirit shield grants a shield that prevents the next attack with the poison or acid call that hits the character, negating all damage or effects.

Alternately spirit shield will prevent the next ingested poison consumed by the character. However the spell has no effect on ingested poisons or a poisoned condition already affecting a character when the spirit shield is first gained. Lastly this can also prevent the next alchemical trap tag to affect the character.

Anti-Magic Shield

Anti-magic shield creates a powerful magic field around the target that absorbs the next offensive magic spell to hit them. The shield is a one time prevention effect that automatically negates the next offensive spell effect that hits the character. They simply call 'no effect' when this happens. Creature special abilities that act like spell effects, such as a 'terror' call from a bagman, are also stopped.

If you are hit by an attack that could trigger the shield but which doesn't apply to you the shield is not consumed. For example if you are a living creature hit by pin undead the attack would normally have no effect so the shield is not consumed.


Sanctuary creates a twenty foot diameter protective bubble centered around a flag or a tag bag placed in a fixed (unmovable) location. If you leave the area of the sanctuary the spell ends immediately.

Improved Magic Armor

Improved magic armor grants 4 points of magic armor.

Anti-Magic Aura

Anti-magic aura creates a powerful magic field around the recipient that prevents all spells, both harmful or beneficial (including restoration magic). During the minute the spell lasts it automatically prevents any spell effects that hit the character.

Anti-magic aura stops creature special abilities if they are represented as a “spell effect” such as the terror ability of a bagman.


The recipient of synchronize immediately receives the effects of toughness, anti-magic shield, spirit shield, and improved magic armor. Each spell has its normal duration.

Poison Immunity

Poison immunity creates a powerful magic field around a recipient increasing that absorbs poison and acid. This is an immunity effect that will stop all attacks with the poison or acid calls that hit the character, negating all damage and effects.

Poison immunity will also protect against all ingested poisons consumed by the character and alchemical traps. This spell has no effect on ingested poisons, the poisoned condition, or trap effects already affecting a character when the spell is first cast.

Aura of Reflection

Aura of reflection creates a powerful magic field around the recipient that no effects the next four offensive spells that hit it. This affects the first four tag bag spells (or reap spirit spells) that hit the character.

For one minute after each of these no effect calls the target may throw a tag bag with the exact same call that was no effected at any other target of their choice. These tag bags do not benefit from the Transcendence spell.

There are two special exceptions. The dispel call and the reap spirit spell are both still prevented, consuming one charge each, but do not allow you to throw a tag bag.

Aura of reflection prevents creature special abilities if they are manifested as a “spell effect” such as a 'terror' attack from a bagman.

Battle Spells

Battle Magic School

Battle magic allows the magic user to focus their power into destructive magic in the form of touch and ranged spells. High-level battle magic spells allow the character to generate multiple effects creating a virtual storm of magical power. Battle magic is used mainly as a weapon and has few defensive spells.

Battle Magic School
Spell Cost/ Level Prerequisite Duration Range Target Flag Dispel Brief Description

Magic Strike 1 1 Magic Power Point 10 Minutes or Until Discharged Touch Melee weapon weapon Yes Melee weapon's next hit deals '4 damage'

Strength 1 1 Magic Power Point 10 Minutes Touch Character person Yes Target inflcits +1 melee damage

Magic Swarm 2 Level 1 Battle Spell Instant Tag Bag Character(s) hit n/a Creates four darts dealing 4 'magic' damage

Spellburst 2 Level 1 Battle Spell 10 minutes Touch Character Yes The next spell you cast generates handfuls tag bags.

Slaying Swarm 3 Level 2 Battle Spell Instant Tag Bag Character(s) hit n/a Creates four tag bags that deal 4 'magic slay' damage.

Transcendence 3 Level 2 Battle Spell Game Day Touch Character Person Yes Generate extra tag bags.

Combat Prowess 4 Level 3 Battle Spell 10 Minutes or Until Discharged Touch Character Person Yes Gain access to all combat skills or if you already have them an extra master's strike

Maelstrom 4 Level 3 Battle Spell One Minute Tag Bag Character(s) hit n/a Throw unlimited tag bags for 1 minute dealing 4 'magic' each.

Battle Mastery 5 Level 4 Battle Spell Game Day Touch Character person Yes You may use any weapon or shield, and are immune to all magic damage.

Devastation 5 Level 4 Battle Spell 1 minute Tag bag Character(s) hit N/A Throw unlimited tag bags for one minute dealing 4 magic slay damage each

Magic Strike

Any character legally wielding the affected melee weapon will call for 4 damage (potentially breaking cap) on their next successful hit. This uses the damage type of the weapon being used. If cast on a great weapon this can be halved for 2 slay damage.


Strength empowers the recipient, enabling them to deal one additional damage with melee weapons up to normal caps.

Magic Swarm

Magic swarm creates four tag bags that each inflict 4 'magic' damage.

Slaying Swarm

Slaying swarm creates four tag bags that deal 4 'magic slay'


The spellstore spell allows a weapon to hold a single different magical spell within it for use later. The wielder of the weapon enchanted by spellstore may recite the incant for the second spell to cast that second spell. The weapon's bearer can cast the second spell like using a consumable item with one use in all ways, except that the weapon isn't consumed.

Within one minute of casting spellstore on a weapon a second spell that has a range other than self must also be cast. This second spell is cast following all the normal rules for spell casting except that the second spell doesn't need a target, it targets the weapon.


Maelstrom creates magic darts continuously for 1 minute. There is no limit on how many darts maelstrom can create in that minute. The darts deal 4 'magic' damage.


Ruin can be cast in one of two ways.

Either the caster can choose to have one minute to throw an unlimited number of tag bags that inflict 4 'acid' damage each. When cast this way the spell has a range of tag bags.

Alternately the caster can cast this on a weapon to allow it to inflict their weapon damage in 'acid' damage. This replaces the weapon's regular calls. If cast on a weapon the spell has a range of touch.

Battle Mastery

Battle mastery grants immunity to attacks with the "magic" call.

Furthermore battle mastery grants the ability to use all weapons and shields regardless of prerequisites or actual character skills. These skills do not change the damage a character deals. The spell simply allows the character to use any weapons or shields on hand. Other effects can change the character's damage as normal.


For 1 full minute after casting devastation the caster may continuously create tag bags that deal four "magic slay" damage. There is no limit to how many darts can be created in that minute.

Compulsion Spells

Compulsion School of Magic

Compulsion is the school of scholars and tricksters, and contains spells that affect the target’s mind in strange ways. Compulsion is highly aggressive - but none of the spells directly cause damage. Instead, they create effects such as stuns and mind crippling fear. Compulsion is very potent in the fact that armor and body points offer a target no protection from its effects. Because of this, compulsion is very useful in defeating powerful foes like trolls or experienced adventurers.

Compulsion School of Magic
Spell Cost/ Level Prerequisite Duration Range Target Flag Dispel Brief Description

Disengage 1 1 Magic Power Point 1 Minute Tag Bag Character(s) hit Yes Creates four darts that cause 'disengage'

Weaken 1 1 Magic Power Point 10 Minutes Tag Bag Character hit Yes Creates two darts that inflict weaken.

Charm 2 Level 1 Compulsion Spell 10 minutes Tag bag Character hit Yes Creates a dart that causes 'charm'

Silence 2 Level 1 Compulsion Spell 1 Minute Tag bag Character hit Yes Creates 2 tag bags that cause 'silence'

Pin 3 Level 2 Compulsion Spell 10 Minutes Tag Bag Character hit Yes Creates a dart that causes 'pin'.

Memory Loss 3 Level 2 Compulsion Spell Permanent after next event Tag bag OR Touch Character hit Yes, until next Event Creates a dart that causes 'memory loss'.

Heroism 4 Level 3 Compulsion Spell 10 minutes Touch Character Person Yes Set body to 10, but take a wound after battle

Terror 4 Level 3 Compulsion Spell 10 minutes Tag Bag Character Yes Generates 1 tag bag that calls for terror

Dominate 5 Level 4 Compulsion Spell 10 minutes Tag bag Character hit Yes Creates two darts that cause 'dominate'

Mind Blank 5 Level 4 Compulsion Spell Game Day Touch Character person Yes Target is immune to all compulsion spells


Disengage creates four tag bags that can be thrown with the call 'disengage'.


Weaken creates two tag bags that inflict the "weaken" call.


The charm spell creates a single tag bag that inflicts 'charm'.


The silence spell creates two tag bags that make the 'silence' call.


The pin spell creates a single tag bag that inflicts 'pin'.

Memory Loss

The memory loss spell creates a single tag bag that inflicts 'memory loss' alternately this spell can be delivered by touch to a helpless or willing subject.

Memory loss can also be used to cure another individual of someone else's memory loss effect once it has been identified with the diagnosis spell. You may cure memory loss effects you have caused without requiring diagnosis.


This is an obsolete spell or item, it has been removed from the system.


This is an obsolete spell or item, it has been removed from the system.


The dominate spell creates two tag bags that inflict 'dominate'

Mind Blank

The mind blank spell makes it's target immune to all compulsion effects that hit them.

Enchantment Spells

Enchantment School of Magic

Enchantment magic allows the caster to bestow powerful temporary magic abilities on physical objects. Enchantment also grants the caster the access to the powerful dispel magic spell which allows them to tear down the magical defenses of other casters. Enchantment is the school of effects related to magic itself and physical objects.

Enchantment School of Magic
Spell Cost/ Level Prerequisite Duration Range Target Flag Dispel Brief Description

Magic Lock 1 1 Magic Power Point Game day Touch An entryway or container building or object Yes Magically hold a door or container closed

Enhance Armor 1 1 Magic Power Point Game day Touch Worn armor armor Yes Armor's protection increases by +1 point

Enchant Shield 2 Level 1 Enchantment Spell Game day or until discharged Touch Shield shield Yes Shield touched absorbs next effect that would bypass or damage it

Silvershine 2 Level 1 Enchantment Spell 10 Minutes Touch Weapon weapon Yes Weapon touched deals 'silver'

Enchant Weapon 3 Level 2 Enchantment Spell 10 minutes Touch Weapon weapon Yes Weapon touched deals 'elven steel' damage

Spellstore 3 Level 2 Enchantment Spell Event or until expended Touch Weapon weapon Yes Stores a spell in a weapon to be cast later.

Dispel Magic 4 Level 3 Enchantment Spell Instant Tag bag Character, object, or magic field n/a Creates a dart which causes 'dispels magic'.

Ablative Armor 4 Level 3 Enchantment Spell Game day or until discharged Touch Worn armor armor Yes Gives worn armor 2 points of monstrous armor.

Shadow Skin 5 Level 4 Enchantment Spell 10 Minutes Touch Character person Yes Target touched is immune to normal damage.

Wraithbane 5 Level 4 Enchantment Spell Game Day Touch Weapon weapon Yes A weapon deals +1 'elven steel' damage

Magic Lock

Magic lock will hold shut any one portal (such as a window or door) or container (such as a trunk or box lid) for the duration of the spell. A caster cannot use magic lock to hold a portal open, only closed. Magic lock also renders the portal invulnerable to being broken or tampered with for the duration of the spell.

Enhance Armor

Enhance armor reinforces a suit of armor (which must have a standard armor prop), raising its physical armor value by one point for the duration of the spell. If the armor is repaired with mend armor during the duration of enhance armor this bonus point will also be repaired. When the enhance armor spell wears off reduce the wearer's current armor points by one.

Enchant Shield

Enchant shield magically enhances a shield prop to allow it to prevent the next single effect that hits the shield which it would not simply block. This means it stops spells and acid effects.


Silvershine temporarily enhances a weapon to change the damage it deals to "silver" damage. The weapon does not count as a silver weapon for any other purposes, and may still have blade poisons applied to it.

Enchant Weapon

Enchant weapon temporarily changes a weapon's damage call to elven steel. This does not make the weapon count as an elven steel weapon for any other purposes, and it may still have blade poisons applied to it.


While under the effects of spellburst whenever you cast any other spell that produces tag bags you may throw a "handful" of tag bags for each tag bag that spell would normally have generated.

Dispel Magic

The dispel magic spell creates a single tag bag that can be thrown to cause 'dispel magic'.

Ablative Armor

Ablative armor creates two monstrous armor points. These two armor points automatically take any damage they are eligible to take before any magic armor you might have. Because this spell doesn't actually change your armor's number of physical armor points (and therefore cannot be mended) these 2 monstrous armor points are not subject to the physical armor cap.

All of this means that the next two attacks that don't have "pierce", that hit your armor are reduced to one damage.

Ablative armor must be cast on physical worn armor, it cannot be cast on a character or on a helmet.

Shadow Skin

Shadowskin creates a dark and wispy magical barrier around the figure it enchants. The spell covers the target’s entire body. This barrier makes the target immune to all normal damage including "blunt normal" damage. Any other calls that hit the player still have their normal effect.


Wraithbane temporarily enhances a weapon to deal elven steel damage and causes that weapon to hit for one additional damage up to normal caps. This does not make the weapon count as an elven steel weapon for any other purposes, and it may still have blade poisons applied to it.

Nature Spells

Nature School of Magic

Nature magic focuses the raw power of the elements into magical effects. Nature magic is balanced, offering a character an equal mix of utility, item enhancements, offensive and defensive spells. The offensive capability of nature magic, though useful, is not equal in power to that of battle magic. Nature magic also gives the caster power over certain elemental creatures and well as the power to deal elemental damage.

Some wonder why mend armor fits into this school, rather than Aegis or Enchantment. Aegis is the school of magical barriers, which means it only appears like a spell related to armor belongs there. Mend armor has nothing to do with Aegis. Enchantment deals with magical enhancement of equipment, improving things to become more powerful. Mend armor doesn't change the armor, only returns it to what it was once before. Mend armor is in nature because nature includes coaxing physical objects back to their proper state.

Nature School of Magic
Spell Cost/ Level Prerequisite Duration Range Target Flag Dispel Brief Description

Conjure Stones 1 1 Magic Power Point 1 Minute Tag Bag Character(s) hit Yes For 1 minute throw an infinite number of 1 damage tag bags

Mend Armor 1 1 Magic Power Point Instant Touch Worn armor, natural armor, or shield n/a Repairs physical armor.

Dissipate 2 Level 1 Nature Spell 10 minutes Touch Character above head Yes (circumstancially) Target dissipates.

Pin Nature 2 Level 1 Nature Spell 10 Minutes Tag Bag Character(s) hit Yes Generates four pin nature tag bags

Elemental Weapon 3 Level 2 Nature Spell 10 Minutes Touch Character weapon Yes Weapons carried deal nature damage or generate four 4 nature damage tag bags or generate two 4 primal damage tag bags.

Stoneskin 3 Level 2 Nature Spell Game day Touch Character Person Yes Gain 2 points of natural armor.

Banish 4 Level 3 Nature Spell 10 minutes Tag bag Character hit Yes (if caster can see through dissipate) Creates a dart which inflicts 'banish'

Ruin 4 Level 3 Nature Spell 1 Minute Tag Bag or Touch Character(s) hit or weapon none or weapon Varies For 1 minute a weapon deals acid damage or throw unlimited 4 acid damage tag bags.

Ley Lines 5 Level 4 Nature Spell Instant Self Self Above head n/a Allows the caster to magically move to their designated home

Primal Form 5 Level 4 Nature Spell 10 Minutes Touch Character person Yes Take on aspects of an elemental.

Mend Armor

The mend armor spell will repair damaged armor or shield. When cast on armor it will repair any physical armor points lost from battle, restoring the armor back to its full value. This includes any bonuses the armor may have from being enhanced by magical effects.

Alternatively it can be cast on a shield that has been destroyed by "acid" damage. mend armor will return the shield to working condition. When cast this way you must role-play repairing the shield.

Mend armor can also repair natural armor points if a character has them with a separate cast of the spell.


This is an obsolete spell or item, it has been removed from the system.


The dissipate spell allows the target one use of the dissipate call.

Elemental Dart

This is an obsolete spell or item, it has been removed from the system.

Elemental Weapon

Elemental Weapon can be cast in one of two ways.

Either for the duration of the spell any weapons wielded by the character swing for nature damage. You must choose this effect if you are drinking a potion of elemental weapon.

Alternatively generate four tag bags that call for 4 nature damage. For every two of these tag bags created you may instead create one tag bag that calls for 4 primal damage. These tags can't be delivered by arrows.


The banish spell creates a single tag bag that inflicts the 'banish' call.

Ley Lines

When a character casts ley lines they instantly travel back to a predetermined physical location using the ley lines of Novitas. The location is chosen at the start of an event and may be changed between events or during an event by spending one minute at the chosen location ritually attuning.

Upon completion of the incant to cast this spell the caster is instantly removed from the physical world. Hold up a blue flag and proceed back to your bound location as directly as possible. Other characters cannot be brought with you or instead of you. When a player benefits from ley lines, they drop any sparks they are holding and anything in their hands.

Primal Form

The character becomes immune to nature damage for the duration of this spell. In addition, the character's attacks deal primal damage.

Additionally the character generates 4 tag bags that call for dominate nature.

Necromancy Spells

Necromancy School of Magic

The school of necromancy grants a character protection from, and limited influence over, undead creatures, as well as a limited ability to affect the living with curses and afflictions. Low level necromancy spells are defensive in nature, used to repel undead creatures, disguise the living from the dead, and lay to rest the freshly deceased preventing their return to life as undead. Higher level necromancy spells allow a caster to gain undead abilities, control the undead, and employ them for his or her own purposes. Specialist necromancers will often find that they feel somewhat useless during the day. It is not until the sun goes down that the true power of a necromancer becomes evident.

The use of high level necromancy is frowned upon because it attracts the attention of wandering undead. The lands surrounding the lairs of habitual users of high level necromantic magic are often infested with uncontrolled undead. Necromancers are often shunned and forced from settlements in fear that their magical arts will attract undead, and in many places law prohibits the use of high level necromancy.

Necromancy School of Magic
Spell Cost/ Level Prerequisite Duration Range Target Flag Dispel Brief Description

Ghastly Visage 1 1 Magic Power Point 10 minutes Touch Character person Yes Target may call 'Brains'.

Reap Spirit 1 1 Magic Power Point Special Touch Unconscious or dead character No Steal a target's spark.

Pin Undead 2 Level 1 Necromancy Spell 10 minutes Tag Bag Character(s) hit Yes Generate four tag bags that call for pin undead.

Creeping Rot 2 Level 1 Necromancy Spell 10 minutes or 1 minute Touch or tag bag Weapon or creature(s) hit none or weapon Yes or n/a Enhance a weapon or create two darts to deal 4 Poison damage

Brackish Boon 3 Level 2 Necromancy Spell 10 Minutes Touch character yes Yes Poison heals the target instead of normal healing

Curse 3 Level 2 Necromancy Spell 10 minutes Tag bag Character hit Yes Creates a dart which inflicts 'curse'

Enfeeble 4 Level 3 Necromancy Spell 10 Minutes Tag Bag Creature Hit no Yes Creates a tag bag that causes enfeeble

Detect Spark 4 Level 3 Necromancy Spell 10 Minutes Touch Character Touched no Yes Target may call Detect Life and/ or Detect Undead 4 times in any combination.

Abomination 5 Level 4 Necromancy Spell 10 minutes Touch Character person Yes Target touched gains monstous body and other bonuses

Dreadlord 5 Level 4 Necromancy Spell 10 Minutes Self Self yes Yes Gain undead traits and control undead

Ghastly Visage

The ghastly visage spell allows a character to make the brains call as often as desired during the spell's effect. An affected character gains no undead abilities, benefits or drawbacks only the appearance of a lesser undead creature chosen when the effect is granted.

While under the effects of ghastly visage a character may freely enter an unhallowed area.

Reap Spirit

Reap spirit allows a character to steal another unconscious or dead character's spark. When cast on an unconscious character this spell also causes a killing blow to that character and if the target is not immune to killing blows, the target's spark is taken.

If the caster is already holding their limit of reaped sparks (typically 1) and they attempt to cast this spell it will still cause a killing blow and still counts for meeting a kill condition if appropriate, but no spark is taken.

Some creatures with great fortitude may require reap spirit to kill them permanently. When reap spirit is successfully cast upon an undead target, the life force of the creature is far too weak to be absorbed into the caster and is instead destroyed, preventing the reanimation of that creature.

Repel Undead

This is an obsolete spell or item, it has been removed from the system.

Creeping Rot

Creeping rot can be cast in one of two ways.

It can be cast to create two tag bags that each inflict 4 "poison" damage. When cast this way the spell has a range of tag bag, a duration of 1 minute, and is not applicable to be dispelled.

Alternately it may be cast to change a weapons damage to poison. When cast this way the spell has a range of touch, duration of 10 minutes, and is affected by dispel magic.


The curse spell creates one tag bag that deals "curse".

Brackish Boon

The target becomes immune to restoration effects, but is now healed by most poisons. If the target is ALSO immune to poison from another source it will prevent the benefits of this spell.

Poison damage delivered by a weapon is taken normally. Poisonous darts do no damage and instead heal body equal to the damage they would have done. Non-damaging poison effects (such as 'poison pin', or 'poison curse' heal all limb wounds instead of their normal effect. Ingested poisons ignore their normal effect and heal based on the items level; Level 1 heal all lost body points; Level 2 or 3 restores limb wounds and heal lost body points; Level 4 or 5 heal Torso wounds, limb wounds, and lost body points.


Creates one tag bag that inflicts enfeeble.

Detect Spark

The beneficiary of the spell may call 'detect life' and/ or 'detect undead' up to 4 times in any combination any time in the next 10 minutes.


The abomination spell causes a target to take on some undead characteristics. Affected characters gain the monstrous rule with one exception. Only their body is made monstrous, not any armor (worn armor, natural armor, or magical armor) for damage prevention.

Creatures under the effects of the abomination spell may freely enter an unhallowed area for the duration of the abomination effect.


You gain several features of an undead creature and can command other undead. While this spell effects you, you are immune to restoration magic, compulsion spells, and poison. Furthermore if you do not already possess a kill condition you gain kill condition: magic, silver, elven steel or reap spirit. You may enter unhallowed ground but may not enter sanctified ground.

Finally you may throw up to 4 dominate undead tag bags at any time during the spells duration.

Restoration Spells

Restoration School of Magic

Restoration magic is the purest form of magical energy, allowing the caster to heal the wounded, rid a person of ailments, and even revive the nearly dead. While this school contains no defensive spells, it does have some defenses which allow the caster to temporarily stave off death, even so the Restoration school specialist is often considered as vulnerable to attack.

Restoration School of Magic
Spell Cost/ Level Prerequisite Duration Range Target Flag Dispel Brief Description

Heal Body 1 1 Magic Power Point Instant Touch Character n/a Target heals all lost body.

Diagnosis 1 1 Magic Power Point Instant Touch Character n/a Reveals all various ailments, presence of a spark.

Restore Limb 2 Level 1 Restoration Spell Instant Touch Character n/a Target heals all limb wounds.

Purify Spirit 2 Level 1 Restoration Spell Instant Touch Character n/a Cures target of poisons and physical afflictions.

Heal Mortal Wound 3 Level 2 Restoration Spell Instant Touch Other Character n/a Target heals a torso wound.

Resilience 3 Level 2 Restoration Spell 10 minutes Touch Character person Yes All damage dealt to target is converted to 'blunt'

Panacea 4 Level 3 Restoration Spell Instant Touch Character n/a Heals all body and torso & limb wounds of target.

Triage 4 Level 3 Restoration Spell One minute Touch Character n/a For one minute the caster may cast level 1 & 2 restoration spells with no cost.

Revive 5 Level 4 Restoration Spell Instant Touch Other Character n/a Brings a willing target touched, back from the dead.

Second Breath 5 Level 4 Restoration Spell Game day or until discharged Self Self person Yes Caster receives a revive after dying.

Heal Body

Heal body heals a target's body points. This includes restoring extra points of body the character may have gained from other spells or effects. Heal body has no effect on wounds.


The diagnosis spell allows the caster to discern all ailments and internal effects acting on the target, including poisons, disease, mental illness, magical afflictions, compulsion effects, pregnancy, or sicknesses. For any condition discovered diagnosis will reveal appropriate ways to cure them. If cast upon a corpse, it will reveal the cause and method of death. Diagnosis will detect the presence of the target's own spark.

While using diagnosis the caster is protected from catching any harmful afflictions from examining the subject.

Diagnosis is intended as a means to examine the internal conditions and magical workings of a target, as opposed to identifying the nature of external injuries which are the purview of the first aid skill.

Restore Limb

Restore limb heals a character of all limb wounds. In order for a caster to use this spell on themselves the caster must have at least one non-wounded arm.

Purify Spirit

The purify spirit spell purges a character’s body of dangerous poisons, returning their body to healthy state. A caster is permitted to heal themselves with this spell assuming they are still able to cast magic.

Purify spirit cures the character of the poisoned condition, the effects of weaken, and sometimes other story effects determined by the game master.

This spell does not heal body points, limb wounds, or torso wounds. Purify spirit does not reverse the effects of compulsion spells like pin and does not remove the effects of curses or diseases.

Heal Mortal Wound

Heal mortal wound will heal another character of a torso wound who is still bleeding out and not yet dead. This has no effect on limb wounds or body points, though it can be cast on characters with these injuries.


For the duration of resilience, all damage taken by the target is treated as blunt damage regardless of the source and you are immune to killing blows and reap spirit.


Panacea is one of the most powerful of all restorative spells. It simultaneously heals the target of all torso and limb wounds, and heals any missing body points.


A character under the effects of triage can cast heal body, diagnosis, restore limb, and purify spirit any number of times with no power point cost even if they don't know the spells. All other requirements of casting a spell must still be met, most notably an incant must be said for each spell cast.


Revive can fully heal the body of another willing character that still has a spark, even curing death. When cast revive will heal a character of the poisoned condition, any body damage, limb wounds, and any torso wound, even if the target has bled out and is dead. A poisoned condition is healed at the same time as everything else and doesn't prevent any of the other healing effects.

Second Breath

Second breath is cast in advance and activates as soon as you receive a torso wound (even if it is blunt). When activated you are immediately revived then affected by a special banish that is not prevented by grounding effects. Immediately call "Second Breath". You may voluntarily end the banish by choosing to take the original torso wound that triggered the second breath.

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