Cheatsheet 4

Magic Skills
Skill Name Skill Point Cost Prerequisite(s) Brief Description

Magic Power Points 1 None Gain one power point. This skill may be taken up to twenty times.

Rituals of Aegis 1 20 Power Points, All Aegis spells Participate in Aegis Rituals

Rituals of Battle 1 20 Power Points, All Battle Spells Participate in Battle Rituals

Rituals of Compulsion 1 20 Power Points, All Compulsion Spells Participate in Compulsion Rituals

Rituals of Enchantment 1 20 Power Points, All Enchantment Spells Participate in Enchantment Rituals

Rituals of Nature 1 20 Power Points, All Nature Spells Participate in Nature Rituals

Rituals of Necromancy 1 20 Power Points, All Necromancy Spells Participate in Necromancy Rituals

Rituals of Restoration 1 20 Power Points, All Restoration Spells Participate in Restoration Rituals


Rituals are reusable items that allow a character to create effects similar to spells but more powerful. Some specific rituals are one use consumable items, the ritual will indicate if this is the case. In addition to the requirements listed here each ritual has its own additional conditions that must be met in order to cast it.

Most rituals will require specific components that are consumed or items that must be present to perform the ritual, these items must be on hand. Ritual components are always consumed unless the ritual says otherwise, other components the ritual will state if they are consumed or not. Some components list an item as a focus. A focus is an object that must be present for the ritual to work, but it is never consumed when the ritual is cast.

The caster of a ritual must have all appropriate ritual skills for each school in the ritual, a physical copy of the ritual that is being cast, and the correct ritual components to cast the ritual (which will be listed on the ritual you are casting). Some rituals require more than one eligible caster to perform.

Written items such as scrolls, rituals, and tomes have a fixed incant written down on them. When using one of these items you must read the incant exactly as it appears in writing. Even if you have these words memorized you are required to have enough light to read the text by and are expected to role-play reading the text from the paper.

If you meet all of these criteria all you must do to perform the ritual is follow the directions that are written on the ritual you are casting.

Some rare rituals can only be obtained by acquiring a variety of scarce components. At minimum these rituals require a ritual quill (which is consumed in the crafting of the ritual), 5 doses or ritual ink, ritual paper, ritual binding elixir, the essence of the ritual in question (which may list additional required components), and the intent for the ritual (which will determine the incantation the finished ritual will have). When these items are gathered and turned in via pre-production a permanent copy of a ritual is created. Some of these rituals can only be used by the person who created it and are labeled as "Creator Bound"

Magical School Master Title

A character that has taken the magic power point skill 20 times, knows all 10 spells from a specific school, and knows the corresponding ritual skill for that school, earns the title "magical school master" or "master mage" for short.

A master mage can choose one spell from that school (on the character sheet circle the spell you select). When casting the chosen spell they pay one less magic power points to a minimum of 1. This does not stack with other reductions to cost unless the other source says it stacks.

Aegis Magic School
Spell Cost/ Level Prerequisite Duration Range Target Flag Dispel Brief Description

Magic Armor 1 1 Magic Power Point Game day or until expended Touch Character person Yes Target touched gains 2 points of magic armor

Toughness 1 1 Magic Power Point 10 minutes Touch Character person Yes Target touched gains 2 body points

Spirit Shield 2 Level 1 Aegis Spell Game day or until discharged. Touch Character person Yes Prevents next poison or acid effect against target.

Anti-Magic Shield 2 Level 1 Aegis Spell Game day or until discharged Touch Character person Yes Prevents the next spell to hit the target

Sanctuary 3 Level 2 Aegis Spell 10 minutes Touch Fixed location focal point ground Yes Creates a 20 foot protective bubble around caster

Improved Magic Armor 3 Level 2 Aegis Spell Game day or until expended Touch Character person Yes Target touched gains 4 points of magic armor

Anti-Magic Aura 4 Level 3 Aegis Spell One minute Touch Character person No Target is protected against all spells

Synchronize 4 Level 3 Aegis Spell Special Touch Character person Yes Target gains the effects of most Aegis spells up to level 3

Poison Immunity 5 Level 4 Aegis Spell Game Day Touch Character person Yes Target is immune to all poison and acid attacks.

Aura of Reflection 5 Level 4 Aegis Spell Game day or until discharged Touch Character person Yes Deflects the next 4 spell that hit the target.

Battle Magic School
Spell Cost/ Level Prerequisite Duration Range Target Flag Dispel Brief Description

Magic Strike 1 1 Magic Power Point 10 Minutes or Until Discharged Touch Melee weapon weapon Yes Melee weapon's next hit deals '4 damage'

Strength 1 1 Magic Power Point 10 Minutes Touch Character person Yes Target inflcits +1 melee damage

Magic Swarm 2 Level 1 Battle Spell Instant Tag Bag Character(s) hit n/a Creates four darts dealing 4 'magic' damage

Spellburst 2 Level 1 Battle Spell 10 minutes Touch Character Yes The next spell you cast generates handfuls tag bags.

Slaying Swarm 3 Level 2 Battle Spell Instant Tag Bag Character(s) hit n/a Creates four tag bags that deal 4 'magic slay' damage.

Transcendence 3 Level 2 Battle Spell Game Day Touch Character Person Yes Generate extra tag bags.

Combat Prowess 4 Level 3 Battle Spell 10 Minutes or Until Discharged Touch Character Person Yes Gain access to all combat skills or if you already have them an extra master's strike

Maelstrom 4 Level 3 Battle Spell One Minute Tag Bag Character(s) hit n/a Throw unlimited tag bags for 1 minute dealing 4 'magic' each.

Battle Mastery 5 Level 4 Battle Spell Game Day Touch Character person Yes You may use any weapon or shield, and are immune to all magic damage.

Devastation 5 Level 4 Battle Spell 1 minute Tag bag Character(s) hit N/A Throw unlimited tag bags for one minute dealing 4 magic slay damage each

Compulsion School of Magic
Spell Cost/ Level Prerequisite Duration Range Target Flag Dispel Brief Description

Disengage 1 1 Magic Power Point 1 Minute Tag Bag Character(s) hit Yes Creates four darts that cause 'disengage'

Weaken 1 1 Magic Power Point 10 Minutes Tag Bag Character hit Yes Creates two darts that inflict weaken.

Charm 2 Level 1 Compulsion Spell 10 minutes Tag bag Character hit Yes Creates a dart that causes 'charm'

Silence 2 Level 1 Compulsion Spell 1 Minute Tag bag Character hit Yes Creates 2 tag bags that cause 'silence'

Pin 3 Level 2 Compulsion Spell 10 Minutes Tag Bag Character hit Yes Creates a dart that causes 'pin'.

Memory Loss 3 Level 2 Compulsion Spell Permanent after next event Tag bag OR Touch Character hit Yes, until next Event Creates a dart that causes 'memory loss'.

Heroism 4 Level 3 Compulsion Spell 10 minutes Touch Character Person Yes Set body to 10, but take a wound after battle

Terror 4 Level 3 Compulsion Spell 10 minutes Tag Bag Character Yes Generates 1 tag bag that calls for terror

Dominate 5 Level 4 Compulsion Spell 10 minutes Tag bag Character hit Yes Creates two darts that cause 'dominate'

Mind Blank 5 Level 4 Compulsion Spell Game Day Touch Character person Yes Target is immune to all compulsion spells

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