Character Death and Retirement

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Character Death and Retirement

A torso wound will knock a character unconscious. Once unconscious they will "bleed out" in 10 minutes. Characters with the first aid skill can increase the time it takes to "bleed out" by an additional 10 minutes with appropriate role-playing. If the bleeding isn't stopped in time the character will die. When a character is bleeding out an enemy can also deliver a killing blow to hasten the process. In this game, death is not the end of a character though. A dead character can still be revived which will return them fully to life.

A character is considered permanently dead only under specific circumstances. Some monsters can cause permanent death. The final rest ritual can cause permanent death to a dead character. Lastly if a character is killed in combat and they are not revived before two convergences pass that character will be permanently dead. Remember the Saturday morning of an event at 6am there is a convergence. Between events there is also a single convergence and characters can permanently die during that convergence while out-of-game. In the event that your character dies after midnight during the fourth shift and is not revived be sure to talk to the plot staff about what could happen to your character.

Each player is allowed a single "newbie death" that can be used only during the first event that a player character has been brought into play. The plot staff will come up with some forced plot element that will allow you to continue playing the same character.

Players are allowed to voluntarily retire their a character if they wish. This can be done in several ways. A retirement could be a PIP where the player works with plot to kill their character in some way (or otherwise make them no longer playable - such as becoming a werewolf). Alternately the character can become an NPC solely under the control of the plot to use when think it would be interesting (and you are available to NPC). Regardless of what happens you can no longer ever choose to play a retired character.

When a player decides to retire a character or when a character permanently dies the player should fill out this form as soon as possible. In the form you will list your characters level, any unspent xp on the character, and any loot that is leaving play with the character. Half of that character's xp will get passed on to another character of yours (which could involve creating a new character to receive it), as well as half of the value of that character's loot.

The props for any loot the character had will either go to logistics (if the prop belonged to the game), or kept (if the prop belonged to the player). These props are no longer game items, but could be used like any other prop, such as for crafting. A good way to tell the difference between which props belong to you and which ones belong to game is, did you pay real world cash for the prop? If you did, it's almost certainly yours, if you did not it is almost certainly property of the game.

Categories: PC Creation

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