Pin Calls

These are pages that relate to the effects that cause, ignore or otherwise interact with the Pin spell call.

Pin Calls

A character affected by pin must keep their feet both firmly adhered to the ground for the next 10 minutes. The victim is otherwise unhindered and may turn and twist in any fashion they like so long as they do not move their feet. Nothing can prevent the character affected by pin from being attached to the ground by both feet. The only exception is that if the character is on their knees when the pin hits they will have their knees pinned instead of their feet.

If the pin was caused by a spell it represents the belief that you can't move your feet. When the pin come from a creature ability or an alchemy compound like a tanglefoot bag, it represents a substance keeping the character from moving their feet.

The pin call never inflicts damage.

Unless modified by another call (such as poison) pin is a compulsion spell effect. Compulsion spells do not count as compulsion spells if there is a type listed, such as dominate undead.

Categories: Combat Calls | Spell Calls | Category

Page last modified on March 08, 2017, at 03:03 PM
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