Cheatsheet 11

These calls indicate an offensive spell effect. They never inflict damage. If the call is paired with poison the attack is not a spell. Every player should try to know what these calls mean. If you have to ask questions to learn an effect, don't be afraid to do so, these can take a while to learn.

Offensive Spell Calls
Source of Call Description Call

Banish Forces a target to dissipate for 10 minutes 'Banish'

Charm Forces a target to become more friendly for 10 minutes 'Charm'

Curse Inflicts the curse condition, reducing body to 1 'Curse'

Disengage Prevents others from acting with hostility towards the caller. 'Disengage'

Dispel Removes magical effects from target. 'Dispel'

Dominate Forces a target to follow 'Attack, Defend, Move, Stop, or Loot Yourself' orders 'Dominate'

Enfeeble Prevents target from incanting for spells or rituals 'Enfeeble'

Grounding Keeps a character from vanishing or benefiting from illusions 'Grounding'

Memory Loss Erases victims memory of the last 10 minutes. 'Memory Loss'

Pin Traps targets feet to the ground. 'Pin'

Silence Prevents a target from using their voice in-game. 'Silence'

Terror Freezes, pins, silence, weakens, and disengages target 'Terror'

Weaken Causes the victim to strike for half damage with physical attacks. 'Weaken'

These calls announce information about a spell effect and are never used offensively. The player affecting group are likely to affect players and they should try to learn them. The NPC affecting ones generally only impact NPC's, so players can take more time to learn what they do.

Player Affecting Announcement Spell Calls
Source of Call Description Call

Detect <Type> A call used to detect things of the type called. You must respond out of game with the type listed if you match it!' 'Detect <Type>'

Dissipate Allows a character to escape danger by becoming intangible and unfindable. 'Dissipate'

Sanctuary Creates a 20 foot bubble of physical peace around the caster. 'Sanctuary'

Unhallow Prevents the living from entering an area. 'Unhallow'

NPC Affecting Announcement Spell Calls
Source of Call Description Call

Ghastly Visage Caller tricks undead into thinking they are also undead. 'Brains'

Sanctify Creates hallowed ground that drives off undead 'Sanctify'


Poisoned Condition

A character who has the poisoned condition cannot have wounds or their body points healed until the poisoned condition is removed. There are a variety of different ways that a character might gain the poisoned condition but not all poison effects give the poisoned condition

Typically the poisoned condition is removed by the spell Purify Spirit or an item such as a Theriac or a Catholicon.

Diseased Condition

A diseased character is not allowed to run, they are too ill to move quickly. Furthermore while diseased the character has -1 to their total body and -1 to any weapon damage.

The diseased condition is challenging to remove, there are no spells that accomplish this goal. Instead alchemical items must be used such as a Theriac, a Catholicon or a Rejuvination Elixir.

Lycanthropy Condition

A character can become a lycanthrope after becoming infected by the lycanthropy condition and not being cured in time.

All lycanthropes have two forms, their natural form, and their bestial form.

Whenever a character takes a wound or body damage from any melee attack delivered by a lycanthrope in their bestial form they become infected by the lycanthropy condition. The lycanthropy condition is not a disease. Characters must be treated with items such as wolfsbane or theriac that specifically cure the lycanthropy condition before the end of the next event after being afflicted (representing being treated before the current phase of the moon comes again). If this does not happen, an infected PC effectively dies, becoming an NPC were-creature from then on.

Page last modified on September 27, 2021, at 07:27 PM
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