Cheatsheet 3

Combat Skills
Skill Name Skill Point Cost Prerequisite(s) Brief Description

Body One 1 None Have 1 body point total

Body Two 2 Body One Have 2 body points total

Body Three 3 Body Two Have 3 body points total

Body Four 4 Body Three Have 4 body points total.

Buckler Fighting 1 None Use a buckler

Shield Fighting 1 Buckler Fighting Use a shield

Melee Use 0 None Use non-martial weapons (under 35 inches long). Deal 1 damage in melee.

Melee Training 2 None Use martial weapons (35 - 45 inches long).

Great Weapon Training 2 Melee Training Use of great weapons (over 45 inches long)

Two Weapon Fighting 2 Melee Training Dual wield two non-martial weapons.

Two Weapon Expert 3 Two Weapon Fighting Dual wield one martial and one non-martial weapon.

Two Weapon Master 4 Two Weapon Expert Dual wield two martial weapons.

Melee Proficiency 3 Melee Training Deal 2 damage with melee weapons

Melee Expert 4 Melee Proficiency Deal 3 damage with melee weapons.

Melee Master 5 Melee Expert Deal 4 damage with melee weapons.

Missile Training 2 None Use missile weapons. Missile weapons deal 1 damage.

Missile Proficiency 2 Missile Training Missile weapons deal 2 damage or '1 pierce'.

Missile Expert 2 Missile Proficiency Missile weapons deal 3 damage or '1 pierce'.

Missile Master 2 Missile Expert Missile weapons deal 4 damage or '2 pierce'.

Thrown Weapon Training 2 None Use standard thrown weapons. Deal 1 damage with thrown weapons.

Thrown Weapon Master 3 Thrown Weapon Training Deal 2 damage with thrown weapons. Possibly use larger thrown weapons.

Weapon Master Title

A character who has learned all 20 of the combat skills earns the title of "weapon master".

Twice per game day a weapon master may execute a "master's strike". This lets the weapon master add either the "slay" or the "pierce" call to a weapon attack. Furthermore that attack allows the character to hit for the appropriate amount of damage with a cap of up to 4 damage if they would normally be capped at a lower amount of damage.

A weapon master may wield great javelins or great spears with a second weapon or a shield. When they do this normal caps apply. While this is taking place you are only allowed to make stabbing attacks with the great javelin, never swinging attacks. A weapon held in the off hand can be swung as normal.

General and Knowledge Skills
Skill Name Skill Point Cost Prerequisite(s) Brief Description

Estimate Value 2 None Know monetary value of non-magical treasure

Identify Magic 2 None Know the function of magical treasure

First Aid 1 None Helps to prevent bleeding out. Allows feeding potions to helpless characters. You can heal blunt torso wounds. Ask simple questions about wounds.

Herbalist 2 None You can safely use poisonous alchemical items

Language Skills 1 None Speak and be literate in one common or (with plot marshal permission) a rare language, may be taken multiple times.

Read Magic 2 None Allows you to use magic scrolls

Savant Title

A character who has learned all of the following skills earns the title of "savant".

Savants may produce a copy of any alchemical item, potion, or scroll in their possession as if they knew/ possessed the requirements (such as the spell) to make it. All other normal production rules (such as costs) still apply.

Savants also gain an additional 5 points of production which break cap.

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