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School: Necromancy
Type: Basic
Skill(s) Required: Necromantic Rituals
Components: 1 Ritual Candle, 2 Necromancy Ritual Components
Duration: Game Day
Range: Touch
Target: Building
Flag Required: Building
Brief Description: Sanctify or unhallow a building.
Item Number: K184
GM Required No


Directions: Light the ritual candle and spread the necromancy ritual components on the ground as you read aloud the ritual's incantation. Repeat the incant at each entrance to the building. Consume the ritual component and begin the effect.

Incantation: Undead horde, let us rectify, leave this place with Sanctify! 'Or' Give me a realm where no living can follow; a place of my own I create with Unhallow!

Effect: Sanctify or unhallow a building for the game day.

Related Rules

Sanctify Calls

Sanctify seals a building with magical energy that prevents the undead from entering it. Sanctify will not protect temporary buildings. This effect also does not prevent undead from casting spells, tossing thrown weapons or firing missile weapons into the warded building.

When cast on a building, all of the building’s doors and windows glow with magical energy and no undead regardless of their strength may enter. When cast on a period tent, the doors are considered to be the only valid entry points; no other means of escape or access are permitted, such illegal actions include, but are not limited to: crawling under walls, disassembling tents, and so on.

Anti-magic shield will not allow any undead to pass through the barrier. An undead creature protected by anti-magic aura or an ethereal sealant may freely enter and move around in a sanctified structure as they desire.

The source of the sanctify effect must be inside the building when the effect is created but may enter or exit once the effect is in place. The effect will force out any undead that are in a building once cast. Undead being forced out of the building may cast spells as they are exiting, and any affected undead that become dissipated count as having exited the building. If the undead's only means of exit is blocked by enemies, the undead may fight their way out of the building. Should escape be impossible, affected creatures should cower in terror, taking no action.

Within one minute of creating this effect every ingress and egress point of the building must have a blue flag visibly attached to it. If the effect's creator fails to do this, the effect fails and undead may freely move in and out of the building. It is not legal to hang blue flags on portals in preparation to create this effect, however it is not required that the creator hang the flags personally and may employ as many free hands as needed to get the flags in place.

Unhallow Calls

Unhallow seals a building with foul magical energy that prevents the living from entering. Unhallow will not protect temporary buildings. This effect does not prevent creatures from casting spells or firing missile weapons into a protecting building.

Limited use effects like anti-magic shield and aura of reflection will not allow a creature to pass through the barrier. A dispel effect can end the unhallow effect. Living creatures under the effects of the spells ghastly visage, abomination, or anti-magic aura, as well as the alchemy compound ethereal sealant may enter an unhallowed area.

When cast on a building, all of the building’s doors and windows glow with magical energy and no living creatures, regardless of their level, may enter. When cast on a period tent, the doors are considered to be the only valid entry points; no other means of escape or access are permitted, such illegal actions include, but are not limited to : crawling under walls, disassembling tents, and so on.

An unhallow effect's creator must be inside the building when the effect begins but does not need to remain present for the effect to continue afterwards (and in fact they may be forced to leave the area by the effect). The unhallow effect will force out any living creatures that are in a building once the effect is created. Creatures being forced out of the building may cast spells as they are exiting, and any affected creatures that become dissipated count as having exited the building. If a living creature's only means of exit is blocked by enemies, the affected creature(s) may fight their way out of the building. Should escape be impossible, they will instead cower in terror, taking no action.

With in one minute of creating this effect every ingress and egress point of the building must have a blue flag visibly attached to it. If the creator fails to do this, the effect fails and creatures may freely move in and out of the building. It is not legal to hang blue flags on portals in preparation to create this effect, however it is not required that the creator hang the flags personally and may employ as many free hands as needed to get the flags in place.

Categories: Necromancy Rituals | Rituals

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