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Various runes


A rune is a partially completed magic item, preserved by arts currently lost to Novitas. Each rune will indicate the slot it is intended to occupy, and give rules for what the magic item it creates will do. Using pre-production any player can take a rune and assign it to a well made mundane prop of the appropriate slot. This costs no coin and no crafting points. Doing this will permanently transform the prop into the magic item described by the rune (giving it a brand new item number), and the magic in the rune will be drained (turn it back in to logistics so we can reuse the prop).

The magic stored in runes is unstable. Once removed from their resting places runes will not keep their magic for long. A rune that is not used within 1 year of entering play (the date will be listed in the item description) loses it's magic and must be turned back in to logistics. For this reason runes should get used before their expiration date; An unused rune will expire, but the item it creates is permanent.

Related Rules

Magic Objects

All magic objects must have a treasure ID number. Items without this number should be assumed to be counterfeit. The ID number will inform you what abilities the object has. You must be able to identify magic to use the special abilities of an object. There is one exception to this rule. If a weapon is made with a special material (elven steel, silver, goblin iron, razorleaf, or primal) that requires a custom paint job to indicate it, you should still use that material call when attacking with that weapon.

There are four types of magic objects: temporary, per event, permanent, and enchantments. All types of magic objects that duplicate spells require an incant to activate the spell unless the object specifies something different in its description.

A temporary magic object has a finite number of charges which once used leave the object worthless. Temporary objects can typically not be recharged. Players are required to keep track of how many uses an object has remaining (and should the item change hands for any reason you should let the new possessor know how many charges remain).

Objects that are per event never wear out from use, but can only be used a limited number of times per event. These items cast spells but don't require any magic power points from the user to activate. Once the charges of one of these objects is expended it is useless for the remainder of the event.

Permanent objects are always active and are never expended. Because they are always active they should only require an incant to use if they explicitly say they do.

Enchantments are a special type of magic object that is not represented by a prop and thus cannot be stolen or traded. Instead an enchantment is recorded directly on a player's character sheet. In all other ways an enchantment is like other magic objects, including having a second magic object type of temporary, per event, or permanent.

Characters can always identify the presence of a magic object by the light blue glow the item emits in-game. As making every magic object actually glow would be grossly impractical this is represented by players being able to ask each other if an object is glowing.

Item Slots For Magic Objects

With the use of the ornamenter skill and crafting points a character can craft magic items. Magic items may also be found in game. Characters are limited in how many magic items they are able to use. There are 20 potential slots available for PCs to wear magic items. When a character uses a magic item in an item slot, that slot is filled and that character may not use a different magic item in that slot during the same event. The exception to this are weapons, bucklers, and shields; the only limit to how many different weapons and shields you can use is how many you are willing to carry. Skills restrict what combination of weapons and shields you can use at one time however.

Those slots are weapon, shield/ buckler, torso, feet, head, legs, arms, waist, shoulder, back, hand, neck, wrist, ankle, an accessory and two rings slots. Characters are limited to either one rod or one tome. A character can use at most two wands per event.

Some rare loot items are considered "slotless". These items do not take up an item slot.

Magic items that get used by characters become "attuned". Attuning lasts for the event. When an item is attuned it cannot be used by other characters. During game when you use the magical properties of any item, that item becomes attuned. All epic items, master crafted items, and rods in a players possession must be attuned when a player checks in. Other items do not need to be attuned right away. Players do not need to attune all items they own if they do not wish to, but they need to decide at that time which items that they own that they will attune to. Any items not attuned may be loaned/ given to other players to attune to at check in but this cannot be done once the game has begun.

Player owned epic items, master crafted items, and rods which are not attuned at check-in may not be used by anyone that event. New items looted during encounters (recovering an epic item stolen from a PC doesn't count) can be attuned during an event even if they are an epic item, master crafted item, or rod .

Weapons can be used for combat by other players without needing to be attuned, even if the item is attuned to someone else. When this happens the user doesn't benefit from special abilities of the weapon except for properties that can be used unidentified (elven steel, silver, goblin Iron, nature, primal, or a magic weapon).

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