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School: Restoration
Type: Basic
Skill(s) Required: Rituals of Restoration
Components: 3 Restoration Ritual Components, 1 Ritual Candle, Optional Additional Components
Duration: Instant
Range: Touch
Target: Character(s)
Flag Required: No
Brief Description: Cure various ailments and conditions
Item Number: K184
GM Required No


Directions: Light the candle. Walk amongst all characters being affected by the ritual and touch each of them on the head or shoulder. Read the incantation.

Incantation: That which ails you holds you tight, but let this moment make things right. Cut the strings and find the cure, make this tainted function pure. Your addled days have reached an end as magic bandage comes to mend.

Effect: Choose one:

  • Remove one Hex from one character.
  • Remove a Hexed Item from one character, this may require an additional component specific to the Hexed Item.
  • Remove the Poisoned Condition from any number of characters.
  • If a Compulsion Ritual Component and a second ritual candle are used as additional components remove the Memory Loss Condition from any number of characters
  • If a Wolfsbane is used as an additional component remove the Lycanthropy Condition from any number of characters who have not fully turned.
  • If a Rejuvenation Elixir is used as an additional component remove the Diseased Condition from any number of characters.
  • If a Theriac is used as an additional component remove one Plague Condition from any number of characters, this may require other additional components specific to the plague being cured.

Related Rules

Hexed Condition

A hex is a detrimental condition (aka a debuff) generally given temporarily by fragile trap tags. They can also be given for long time periods from hexed items.

Each hex will have specific rules for what drawback it inflicts, as well as how long it lasts.

If you aren't willing to wait out the effect of a hex (or for a hexed item that lasts longer) you'll need a remedy ritual to cure them.

Hexed Items

A hexed item is a jinxed or cursed object (we can't call them cursed because that means the curse call in our system). All hexed items are difficult to get rid of, otherwise their drawbacks would be easy to avoid. Once a character has picked up a hexed item that is not attuned to a character it immediately becomes attuned to them. After being attuned a hexed item can't be dropped, though it can be stored on the person it has attuned to (they don't need to keep it in their hands just on their person).

The event someone acquires a hexed item it counts as slotless, but if you begin an event with a hexed item it MUST occupy the item's normal slot following all magic item slot rules which often means you can't equip other items to that slot (unless it's a ring, wand, buckler, shield or weapon).

A hexed item will list that it is one in it's entry in the identify magic listing. As well as how to break the hex. Generally when a character obtains a hexed item as part of a plot, an npc will let you know out-of-character that the item is hexed.

Some hexed items will be labeled in their entry as "Transferable" this means that the hexed item can be passed to someone who voluntarily takes it. Magical compulsion CAN be used, but you can't surprise someone by putting it in their hands and say it's theirs now. When this happens the new person immediately becomes attuned and can no longer drop it as described above. "Transferable" hexed items can't be given back to someone who has successfully given it away.

To get rid of a hexed item typically requires the remedy ritual to be performed. Many hexed items will require a special ritual component as part of that ritual. When a special ritual component is required it will be listed in the items identify magic listing entry.

Upon being removed a hexed item will say that it is either destroyed (return it to logistics) or transformed (inform logistics and it will gain new stats - which the gm's can find in the item's non-public description).

A sample Hexed item's entry:

Martial Length Sword of Nox's Boon, Bearer has the diseased condition that can't be cured. Hexed item (Transferable, Requires a remedy ritual with a vial of troll's blood to remove, Destroy on removal)

Plague Condition

A plague is a disease that has been magically enhanced to be more potent. Plagues last until cured, and will come with some sort of drawback.

Plagues are given an item number even though they are not an item. This is so that players have a way of looking up the information regarding the plague should they become infected or when a character casts diagnosis on them. The plagues drawbacks will be listed there.

Each plague will have a trigger event that causes it to spread, a specific action that will result in another character becoming infected. For example a possible trigger might be touching an infected person. Once infected a character gains the Plague condition and will spread it further if the trigger is met again.

Curing a plague requires both alchemy AND magic and is done through the remedy ritual. Many plagues will require a special ritual component as part of that ritual. When a special ritual component is required it will be listed in the items identify magic listing entry.

Once a character has been cured of a specific plague they cannot become reinfected by that specific plague and will cure others using the same trigger condition that normally spreads the infection.

A sample plague's entry:

Frailty Plague. While affected by this plague you are capped at dealing 1 damage. Trigger: physical contact with an infected person. Requires a remedy ritual with a sprig of Madweed to cure.

Diseased Condition

A diseased character is not allowed to run, they are too ill to move quickly. Furthermore while diseased the character has -1 to their total body and -1 to any weapon damage.

The diseased condition is challenging to remove, there are no spells that accomplish this goal. Instead alchemical items must be used such as a Theriac, a Catholicon or a Rejuvination Elixir.

Categories: Restoration Rituals | Basic Rituals | Rituals

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