Gershan Thunder

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Gershan Thunder
Alchemy Level:5
Flag Required:No
Herbalism Required to Use:Yes

Gershan Thunder

Never willing to be outdone, the finest brewers in Gersh made the finest drink in the land. Not everyone can handle it however.

This ingested poison inflicts one poison torso wound on the imbiber.

Detailed Information

Wound Calls

This very rare call comes from extremely powerful attacks that inflict massive damage. The wound call will always come with a location attached, for example 'torso wound'. If you are affected by this call you immediately take the wound(s) indicated.

When the wound call comes from an attack in combat, a limb wound becomes a torso wound if that limb is already injured (just like any other weapon hit to that location would become a torso wound). If the call comes from a trap it does not upgrade to a torso wound (if you somehow fall into a pit trap with broken legs, there is no further effect).

By itself this call cannot be prevented. However if it is combined with another call and that call can be prevented the wound can be prevented. For example a "poison torso wound" would be prevented by something that prevents poison.

Poison Calls

When a player is successfully hit by an attack with the "poison" call they are now considered poisoned until the condition is cured.

When the poison call is added to any attack even a spell effect such as pin that attack no longer counts as a spell. This means that immunities to spell or compulsion effects no longer apply. The attack is now a poison effect.

A shield may fully block any attack that makes the poison call, preventing any effect to the bearer.

Categories: Items | Alchemical Items | Level 5 Alchemical Items | Wound Calls | Poison Calls

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