Tinkering Level: | 4 |
Type: | Alchemical |
Duration: | 10 Minutes |
Scarce: | No |
Fragile: | No |
Anti-Magic Venom
Related Rules
Enfeeble Calls
The enfeeble call prevents it's target from using incantations for spells or rituals for 10 minutes. Any spell or ritual effect that would require an incantation is prevented.
If a character is capable of casting a spell with no incant required they may still cast that spell while enfeebled.
The enfeeble call never inflicts damage.
Unless modified by another call (such as poison) enfeeble is a necromancy spell effect.
Poison Calls
When a player is successfully hit by an attack with the "poison" call they are now considered poisoned until the condition is cured.
When the poison call is added to any attack even a spell effect such as pin that attack no longer counts as a spell. This means that immunities to spell or compulsion effects no longer apply. The attack is now a poison effect.
A shield may fully block any attack that makes the poison call, preventing any effect to the bearer.
Categories: Items | Trap Tags | Level 4 Trap Tags | Traps | Enfeeble Calls