Updates 2021

Rules Additions

Waiver Updated

Updates 2021: The waiver that each player signs before playing the game is now being signed digitally. It has been updated for Covid and a link to the waiver and instructions on where to send it have been add to this page.

Great Weapons

Updates 2021: Changed the playtest of hoplite style to make it a permanent rule available without special permission. Added skill restrictions and clarified nuances for using hoplite style.

Weapon Master Rule

Updates 2021: Added that weapon masters may wield a great javelin or great spear with a second weapon or a shield (as previously outline in the hoplite style playtest).

Master Crafted Items

Updates 2021: Added this term.

Item Attunement

Updates 2021: Added item attunement rules. These existed to some extent previously, but were not as detailed.

Maelstrom and Mageblades

Updates 2021: Added that Maelstrom may not be channeled through a mageblade. This should have always been the case but the spell had not been updated previously.

Source: Pat


Free Hands and Casting Spells

Updates 2021: Clarified what counts as a free hand.

Magic Objects

Updates 2021: Clarified that you can (and in fact should always) use the special material call of weapons that aren't identified but are obviously a particular material because of the paint job.

The Disenchant Ritual

Updates 2021 Clarified that the disenchanted item must be a lootable or owned item.

Banish Calls

Updates 2021: Clarified that you are helpless when banished.

Dissipate Calls

Updates 2021: Clarified that while dissipated you can't move (except for safety reasons) or take actions.

Staves of Wizardry

Updates 2021: Clarified that a master's staff can only be used by one character per event.

Not New but Not Previously Documented

Appropriate prop materials

Updates 2021: Added a brief discussion on materials, specified that duct tape can never be visible.

Weapon materials

Updates 2021: Added that Duct Tape and Cloth Covered weapons are not permitted. This is not new but wasn't previously documented. Source: Dustan.

Categories: Updates

Page last modified on August 17, 2021, at 07:01 PM
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