First Game Expectations

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First Game Expectations

Before their first event, players should at least skim the basic game mechanic rules. An introduction to the game will also be presented to all new players are the beginning of each event, which new players must attend at least once. At this 30 minute session essential safety rules, and the basics of the game will be gone over among other things.

It's critical that every player knows the safety rules and the code of conduct.

Beyond that over time you'll be expected to learn the game mechanic rules but as you do other players will work with you to teach you. We don't accept ignorance as an excuse for not knowing these rules, but the penalties for not knowing game rules are minimal, we try our best to be understanding about learning game mechanics. The most basic thing to remember is if you are in combat and you don't know a rule, you're always right taking the worst in-game wound you can take (this will be explained).

All players need to have read and understand the code of conduct (featured on this page).

Finally all players will need to fill out a waiver. This can be done from home by downloading, digitally filling it out, and emailing it to before attending the game and is the preferred method.

If you have any questions about anything contact Brandon Febles or Michael Maneri.

Code of Conduct

Last updated: 7/20/2018

We do not tolerate harassment of people at our events in any form.

In order to take action, we need to know about any incident during the event.

Everyone is entitled to a harassment-free event experience, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, or physical appearance.

Harassment includes, but is not limited to, inappropriate physical contact, unwelcome sexual attention, offensive verbal comments, deliberate out-of-game intimidation, stalking or following someone, making harassing photography or recordings, and disrupting talks or other events. Anyone asked to stop any unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately.

Furthermore, discussion of real-world religions or politics is never appropriate during a Kingdoms of Novitas event.

A request to “stop” or “leave me alone” means exactly that. If anyone engages in harassing behavior, the event staff may warn the offender, remove the offender from the area, or expel the offender from the event with no refund at the discretion of an MVGC, Inc. officer.

If you feel that you are being harassed, or if you notice someone violating event or camp policies, we respectfully suggest the following:

If you feel comfortable doing so, point out the inappropriate behavior to the persons involved. Often this will solve the problem immediately.

If you do not feel comfortable talking with the persons involved, or if talking to them does not resolve the issue, please report the situation, in person, immediately to ANY member of the Kingdoms of Novitas staff, who will take you immediately to a Marshal.

Try to provide a name and/or a physical description of the person or persons involved.

In order to take action, we need to know about any incident during the event.

Engaging in sexual activity inside public structures is strictly forbidden. A public structure is any building rented by the organization for communal use, to include lean-tos, A-frames, cabins, lodges, and pavilions.

When you engage in this behavior in public, you are making some other players deeply uncomfortable. It is not right that they should feel it necessary to leave a public space because of your behavior. No, constructing a blanket fort does not make where you are private. No, you may not assume - or even ask - if everyone present is okay with it and carry on. Just don't.

Please restrict your intimate relations with others to your own tents, or simply do not engage in this level of intimacy at KoN events.

Any updates to this policy can be found here:

Categories: Fundamental Rules

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