Updates 2017 April

These are pages that were created or modified as a result of the encounter codex update that was added to the wiki in April of 2017. Notes are as short as possible on talk pages, you should read the actual page (by clicking the discuss link at the top) for full descriptions.

Creature Updates

Too numerous to cleanly list here. If you have permissions to view the encounter codex, links will appear below that you can follow to the creatures.

Item Updates


Update April 2017: Theriac now cures lycanthropy.

Rules Updates

At Will Spells

Update April 2017: At will no longer indicates an ability can be used unlimited numbers of times if no number is given. The quantity of use should always be listed with the ability even if that quantity is unlimited. Also specified that a free hand is still required to use at will abilities.

The Blunt Call

Update April 2017: Clarified situation where if a player takes "blunt poison" damage such as from a blunt attack with a goblin iron weapon the poison condition will go away in 10 minutes (otherwise the blunt damage wouldn't be healed). Same for "blunt disease" and the diseased condition.

The Charm Call

Update April 2017: Now when a character is charmed by a repeatable ongoing effect (dubbed here as a charm aura) such as from Status 3 or a Dryad it is not broken if they are attacked. Instead the character is allowed (and encouraged) to defend themselves (fight back), even though the charm effect continues to make them consider the attacker a friend.

The Curse Call

Update April 2017: Some clarification on this call's interaction with other effects such as disease and already having damage.


Update April 2017: All spells now have a "flag required" field in the quick reference box to make it easier to know which spells need flags. Many spells that didn't previously require flags but should have now do. Basically if the spell has a duration of 10 minutes or longer it probably requires a flag.

Game Days

Update April 2017: Added that npc's are affected by convergence like pc's.

Gender Specific Monsters

Update April 2017: Added this page.

Great Weapons

Updates 2021: Changed the playtest of hoplite style to make it a permanent rule available without special permission. Added skill restrictions and clarified nuances for using hoplite style.

  • Source: June 2021 staff meeting.

Update June 2019: Added that a playtest is underway for hoplite style. See the rules marshal or second if you wish to be approved to participate.

Update April 2017: When halving damage to call slay if a creature is not affected by caps on their normal damage, the slay also keeps scaling.


Update April 2017: This definition was created as part of the EC update added in April 2017.


Update April 2017: The limit of one "game day duration" immunity has been removed. Instead the immunities that fit that description are in a list on this page, and a character can only benefit from one of them.

Updates 2022 January: Removed Primal Form from the mutually exclusive immunity list. Clarified what immunity to a school of magic does.

Monster Intelligence

Update April 2017: This information was made public so that players would have better information on how to role-play the different levels of NPC creature intelligence.

Kill Conditions

Update April 2017: Kill condition always has a subtype now, either "(Damage Type)" or "(Special)".

Updates September 2021: Added that if a creature gains resilience (which makes them immune to killing blows), kill conditions can still be met, prevent regeneration from the kill condition. Source: Pat and Jimmy

Updates 2022 January: Added that when out of combat for a full minute kill condition will heal lesser injuries.

The Mana Burn Call

Update April 2017: This is an old combat call that is back with a new definition.

Update 2020: This combat call is gone once more. It was used so infrequently no one understood what it did.

Pit Traps

Update June 2019: Changed how Shadowskin interacts with Pits. You now DO take the leg wounds.

Update April 2017: The default effect is now always defined as two automatic leg wounds. Other effects are still possible, but if none are listed this is the default.

The Sanctuary Call

Update April 2017: Added cant pull items like weapons back in if stuck out.

Removed the words "or leave" from the sentence "Only magic spells can enter or leave a sanctuary effect."

Added the paragraph: "Because only magic may enter the sanctuary effect if a character partially exits the effect (including, but not limited to, swinging a weapon outside of the effect), the parts of the character (and any gear) that exited the sanctuary can't be brought back into the sanctuary effect."

Update July 2018: Clarified that projectile weapons can be fired out of the sanctuary.

Tag Bags

Update April 2017: Nothing has changed with how tag bags work. Rules that were previously in odd locations have been added to this page, specifically regarding how normal, poison, and acid calls work with tag bags.

Updates 2022 January: Added that tag bag spells can be delivered via missile weapons (bows and crossbows).

Chosen five

Update April 2017: Now immune to ALL smite calls. Was previously just calls from other chosen.

Updates 2022 January: Added the ability to choose to lead a greater sermon.

First Aid

Update April 2017: In the somewhat unusual circumstance of a character taking a "blunt poison" or "blunt disease" attack this skill now removes the resulting poisoned or diseased condition. It should also be pointed out that first aid does NOT heal body points from blunt damage (those will heal in 10 minutes), this is not a change.

Medium Five

Update April 2017: Anti-magic effects on a corpse will prevent speak with dead from working.

Status Five

Update April 2017: Now prevents medium fives ability from compelling you to tell the truth.


Update April 2017: This spell fails to take effect if you cast it while your hands are not empty.

Memory Loss

Update April 2017: This spell always needs to be delivered by tag bag, even if cast as a curative on a willing target.

Purify Spirit

Update April 2017: This also removes the effect of the spell Weaken.

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