Memory Loss Calls

These are pages that relate to the effects that cause, ignore or otherwise interact with the Memory Loss spell call.

Memory Loss Calls

A character struck by a memory loss call instantly loses all recollection of the previous ten minutes. This effect lasts indefinitely and will become permanent (uncurable and undiagnosable) if not cured by the end of the next event after the effect takes place.

Nothing physically happens to a character when they are inflicted with memory loss, wounds remain the same, gear remains the same. The target will simply concoct some reason why things are the way they are. No amount of logic or reasoning will ever make the subject remember the lost ten minutes. Players who are failing to play in the spirit of this spell may be directed by a game master or member of the rules staff on how to better role-play their loss of memory.

In order to cure memory loss the effect must first be diagnosed with the spell diagnosis. Once it has been diagnosed the effect can be removed by either the dispel magic or memory loss spells. If one subject has been affected by several memory loss effects, they can all be diagnosed with a single casting of the diagnose spell but each memory loss effect must be cured individually.

The memory loss call never inflicts damage.

Unless modified by another call (such as poison) memory loss is a compulsion spell effect. Compulsion spells do not count as compulsion spells if there is a type listed, such as dominate undead.

Categories: Combat Calls | Spell Calls | Category

Page last modified on March 08, 2017, at 03:25 PM
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