Poison Immunity

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Poison Immunity
Type: Aegis
Level: 5
Prerequisite: Level 4 Aegis Spell
Duration: Game Day
Range: Touch
Target: Character
Flag Required: Person
Dispel: Yes
Brief Description: Target is immune to all poison and acid attacks.

Poison Immunity

Poison immunity creates a powerful magic field around a recipient increasing that absorbs poison and acid. This is an immunity effect that will stop all attacks with the poison or acid calls that hit the character, negating all damage and effects.

Poison immunity will also protect against all ingested poisons consumed by the character and alchemical traps. This spell has no effect on ingested poisons, the poisoned condition, or trap effects already affecting a character when the spell is first cast.

Detailed Information

Incompatible Immunities

No combination of effects can make you invulnerable to all damage. The last effect received that would create an invulnerable situation is automatically prevented.

The following spells and effects may not stack with each other unless an ability explicitly allows them to:

Poison Calls

When a player is successfully hit by an attack with the "poison" call they are now considered poisoned until the condition is cured.

When the poison call is added to any attack even a spell effect such as pin that attack no longer counts as a spell. This means that immunities to spell or compulsion effects no longer apply. The attack is now a poison effect.

A shield may fully block any attack that makes the poison call, preventing any effect to the bearer.

Acid Calls

Acid damage is a special kind of damage that can destroy shields.

When a shield blocks an attack with the acid call it prevents the effect of that attack to the bearer but this has an effect on the shield, which could become destroyed.

Should a shield block four points of acid damage during an event then that shield is temporarily destroyed. While it is destroyed the bearer automatically takes any damage that is inflicted on the shield, so it immediately should be dropped. In order to repair a destroyed shield, it must be set down, and someone must role-play repairing it while someone casts mend armor on it.

When the acid call is part of an attack, that attack never counts as a spell. This means that an immunity to spell effects does not apply. The attack is an acid effect.

No Effect Calls

This is one of the few defensive calls in the system. It is used to indicate when an opponents offensive combat call doesn't have any impact on another character. This could be because of an immunity or because of a one use spell or effect such as from Spirit Shield.

A "No Effect" call must be made whenever an attack successfully hits you but does not inflict damage (or does not take effect in the case of spells) so that the attacker knows-that-you-know the attack successfully hit and so that they know they may need to attack with something different.

Ingested Poisons

An ingested poison is a type of poison. Ingested poisons are consumables generally given to other characters through subterfuge and trickery (or just when they are helpless). It should be noted that ingested poisons only give the poisoned condition if they cause a poison call or otherwise specifically say they do. Even if they do not give the poisoned condition a character with an immunity to poison is still immune to ingested poisons.

To use an ingested poison it must be role-played being poured into a drink or onto food (assuming you can't somehow trick someone into drinking the poison straight out of the vial), then a green dot is applied to the container, typically on the bottom. This green dot gives characters with the herbalist skill a chance to identify that the food or drink is not safe before anyone ingests it. In the event that someone ingests the poison they should then be notified of exactly which poison they consumed.

Blade poisons, ingested poisons, and thrown poisons all require the herbalist skill to use. If a character attempts to use any of these types of alchemy compounds they fail to use the item successfully and suffer the effects as if the item were used on them.

Categories: Aegis Spells | Spells | Level Five Spells | No Effect Calls | Immunities | Poison Calls | Acid Calls

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