Heal Mortal Wound

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Heal Mortal Wound
Type: Restoration
Level: 3
Prerequisite: Level 2 Restoration Spell
Duration: Instant
Range: Touch
Target: Other Character
Flag Required: None
Dispel: n/a
Brief Description: Target heals a torso wound.

Heal Mortal Wound

Heal mortal wound will heal another character of a torso wound who is still bleeding out and not yet dead. This has no effect on limb wounds or body points, though it can be cast on characters with these injuries.

Detailed Information

Poisoned Condition

A character who has the poisoned condition cannot have wounds or their body points healed until the poisoned condition is removed. There are a variety of different ways that a character might gain the poisoned condition but not all poison effects give the poisoned condition

Typically the poisoned condition is removed by the spell Purify Spirit or an item such as a Theriac or a Catholicon.

Bleeding Out

A torso wound will knock a character unconscious. Once unconscious they will "bleed out" in 10 minutes. Characters with the first aid skill can increase the time it takes to "bleed out" by an additional 10 minutes with appropriate role-playing. If the bleeding isn't stopped in time the character will die.

Categories: Restoration Spells | Spells | Level Three Spells | Potions | Healing

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