Cheatsheet 7

Everyone should know these basic game information calls.

Game Information Calls
Source of Call Description Call

Game Hold Everyone stops what they are doing immediately and repeats the call 'Game Hold' or 'Hold'

Game On Used after a game hold or time stop to indicate a return to normal play '3, 2, 1, Game On'

Time Stop Players stop what they are doing and cover their eyes and ears 'Time Stop'

These are the only calls in the game that are used to respond to another players attack. Every player should know what these calls mean.

Defensive Information Calls
Source of Call Description Call

No Effect Announces to another player that a previous call had no effect 'No Effect'

Immunity Announces to another character that a previous call had no effect. 'No Effect'

Light Blows If blows are significantly too light, players within reason can ignore the hit 'Light'

Fast Blows If blows are too rapid, players within reason can ignore the hit 'Too Fast'

Hard Blows If an opponent is hitting too hard they need to know it 'Hard'

Hand An opponent hits your hand which is holding a weapon so you don't take the hit. 'Hand'

These calls indicate that a special kind of damage is being dealt. Some of them give negative conditions if you take damage from them. Every player should know what these calls do.

Combat Information Calls (Special Information for an attack)
Source of Call Description Call

Numbers The amount of damage an attack will deal if successful. No number means 1 damage. '1', '2', '3', etc

Normal A standard attack. No special call required. 'nothing' or 'Normal'

Wound Causes a wound to a specified location that typically cannot be prevent 'Torso Wound'

Blunt Blunt wounds last only 10 minutes or can be healed normally. 'Blunt'

Poison Causes the poisoned condition. Makes a spell call mundane, shield-blockable, 'Poison'

Goblin Iron Deals poison damage. 'Poison'

Disease If wounded or body points are damaged gives the diseased condition. 'Disease'

These calls cause attacks to ignore certain specific defense abilities. You only need to know these calls if you have a defense (such as armor, shields, and spell effects) that tells you to pay attention to one of these calls.

Modifier Calls
Source of Call Description Call

Acid Destroys shields after four damage. Makes effects mundane, always shield-blockable. 'Acid'

Slay Deals full damage to monstrous creatures. 'Slay'

Pierce Ignores a target's armor 'Pierce'

Smite Removes damage requirements, kill conditions, and ability to dissipate or cast ley lines 'Smite'

These calls modify the type of damage an attack deals. Some creatures require a certain type of damage to be hurt and others are immune to some types of damage. You only ever need to know any of these calls if you have a weapon or ability that attacks for that damage type, or you have a defense related to one of these calls.

Damage Type Calls
Source of Call Description Call

Magic A damage type created by some spells 'Magic'

Silver Some targets are only hurt by this call. 'Silver'

Elven Steel Counts as silver and elven steel for overcoming defenses. 'Elven Steel'

Poison Causes the poisoned condition. Makes a spell call mundane, shield-blockable, 'Poison'

Blight Counts as poison, and blight for overcoming defenses. Causes the poisoned condition 'Blight'

Nature Some targets are only hurt by this call. 'Nature'

Primal Counts as 'nature', and 'primal' damage for overcoming defenses. 'Primal'

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