About Combat and Combat Safety in Novitas

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About Combat and Combat Safety in Novitas

Combat in Novitas is a real life talent where character skill has only limited effect. Players over the course of an event will almost certainly find themselves in combat. There is no realistic way for a player to officially remain out of combat during an event. Ambush without prior warning is legal and fairly common. Should players have medical reasons to worry about these things they are the ones responsible for taking appropriate steps to safeguard themselves.

It is also a player's responsibility to respect other players. For example don't keep hitting someone who is down simply because you can. All players are there to have fun.

Combat and safety referees are always right. Failure to follow their instructions will result in immediate expulsion. Combat and safety referees have the right to inspect any weapon, shield, armor or tag bag at any time even if that item has already passed a previous inspection. Battle damage and wear happens. They have the right to have an item removed from the game for safety concerns.

Physical contact for combat purposes is never permitted. A player may not charge another player or do anything else that would force another player to move in order to avoid physical contact. Players may not grapple, wrestle, or otherwise entrap or impair limbs during combat. You may not grasp another player's weapon in combat. It is permissible to use a weapon to attempt to push or pull a shield or another weapon out of the way.

Players should never bring real world weapons into the game.

Related Rules

Safety and Physical Contact

Safety is a paramount concern at Kingdoms of Novitas. Concerns about safety take priority over all other situations. Any player ignoring the safety rules will be dealt with more harshly than violation of other rules whether that violation is intentional or not.

All gear that will be used in combat must be inspected by an approved member of the rules workgroup before it can be brought into the game.

Real world weapons have no place at Kingdoms of Novitas. If you wish to carry a utility knife for camping purposes you MUST have it approved by Chris Soukup or John Spencer.

Physical contact is a very important subject that should be taken very seriously for the safety and comfort of all players. There is no physical contact allowed in combat ever. Contact with boffer weapons is different than physical contact for these purposes. Players are allowed to act as though they are physically fighting if all involved parties have given clear verbal consent in advance, these situations should be purely for theatrical purposes.

Other than weapon contact in combat situations, physical contact is permitted only when both players consent. Any rule that involves two players interacting where physical contact might get involved can be summarized by that last sentence.

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