What to Bring to Game

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What to Bring to Game

"What should I bring to my first game?"

The answer is really contingent on whether or not you'll have a character ready by then. Newer players are encouraged to play a full event of NPC roles to rack up some experience and get a better feel for the game. In this case you'd need just some simple non-descriptive garb to last you two days. The props marshal has created this quick list of suggestions on amazon to give you an idea of what a basic npc kit should have.

If you have fun and want to build an even better NPC kit the props marshal's recommend these items here for a more comprehensive kit.

A guide to good footwear: 2021 guide to boots

Sample first timer’s kit

  • PC garb.
    • Includes: Boots, medieval trousers/skirt, tunic/blouse, belt, belt pouch, cloak.
    • Only needed if you are going to play a PC
  • NPC garb.
    • Includes: Boots, neutral colored trousers, tunic.
    • Can't be your PC garb (it's ok to use the same boots and pants, just look different)
  • Electric lantern
    • No brand-names showing
    • Glowsticks are allowed at night as well.
    • The site is very dark at night, you'll likely want something.
  • Extra Food for the weekend
    • The inn will provide some food for in-game coin.
    • If you have special diet restrictions you should bring your own food to ensure your needs are met
    • You may also want additional food for the evening after the game is done.
  • Drink for the weekend
    • Water is available on site
    • The inn typically sells soda and an assortment of pre-made powdered drinks.
    • If you want something more be sure to bring it.
    • No alcohol is allowed at the game site, ever.
  • Medications (if applicable)
  • Boffer weapon (Weapons are available for NPCs)
  • Sleeping bag/blankets/pillow
  • Sign-in Fee ($30) cash (we don't have a way to easily take credit cards on site)
  • mug/ goblet
  • A feast kit: bowl, spoon, fork (Optional, game food aims to be finger food, players bring other things)
  • Toiletries
  • Towel (showers are available Spring, Summer and Fall)
  • Seasonal gear: bug spray, thermal underwear, wool socks, gloves, hat, scarf, extra drink, firewood.
  • An open mind and a good attitude!
  • Later additions to your kit might involve things like armor, rucksacks, a trap kit, rope, canteen, extra weapons, magical treasures earned in the game, your coin and gems, a journal, quill and ink, chalk, candles, encampment props, etc. If you think you can use it, and you can carry it… go nuts.
  • An ID to verify you meet the age requirement.

Things to Avoid

  • Spending too much on armor that doesn't pass KoN armor rules and guidelines.
  • Spending too much on weapons that won't pass KoN weapon rules and guidelines
  • Expecting garb to be provided (it won't be, NPC's are provided accessories to augment existing garb)
  • Real weapons
  • Wandering around as just a spectator.
  • Alcohol. The game site is always dry. We want to maintain a healthy relationship with our hosts and respect their rules.

Related Rules

Choosing Appropriate Garb

In order to be the most immersive game possible it is important that players wear appropriate garb to maintain the proper atmosphere. It is a requirement that players who are in-game be wearing appropriate garb at all times. Players can and often should have pieces of garb reviewed by members of the props and atmosphere staff to determine if they are appropriate for the game.

As this is a fantasy game with no specific historical time period to draw on, there is a variety of acceptable garb. Often accurate garb is a matter of making sure certain modern features are not present.

The most basic set of garb a brand new player should bring to game is a tunic and black sweatpants or scrubs. This gives them something to wear under NPC garb that won't clash. After about a year of coming to game, you should have your own NPC garb to work with. Players will need additional different garb to wear for a player character.

This article has useful guidelines on how to build your initial wardrobe.

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