Rituals of Aegis

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Rituals of Aegis
Skill Tree:Magic Skills
Prerequisite(s):20 Power Points, All Aegis spells
Skill Point Cost:1
Brief Description:Participate in Aegis Rituals

Rituals of Aegis

May participate in Aegis rituals.

Also a requirement of becoming a Magical School Master in the Aegis school.

Upon learning this skill you may get free copies of the harmony and mirrorball ritual from logistics.

Related Rules


Rituals are reusable items that allow a character to create effects similar to spells but more powerful. Some specific rituals are one use consumable items, the ritual will indicate if this is the case. In addition to the requirements listed here each ritual has its own additional conditions that must be met in order to cast it.

Most rituals will require specific components that are consumed or items that must be present to perform the ritual, these items must be on hand. Ritual components are always consumed unless the ritual says otherwise, other components the ritual will state if they are consumed or not. Some components list an item as a focus. A focus is an object that must be present for the ritual to work, but it is never consumed when the ritual is cast.

The caster of a ritual must have all appropriate ritual skills for each school in the ritual, a physical copy of the ritual that is being cast, and the correct ritual components to cast the ritual (which will be listed on the ritual you are casting). Some rituals require more than one eligible caster to perform.

Written items such as scrolls, rituals, and tomes have a fixed incant written down on them. When using one of these items you must read the incant exactly as it appears in writing. Even if you have these words memorized you are required to have enough light to read the text by and are expected to role-play reading the text from the paper.

If you meet all of these criteria all you must do to perform the ritual is follow the directions that are written on the ritual you are casting.

Some rare rituals can only be obtained by acquiring a variety of scarce components. At minimum these rituals require a ritual quill (which is consumed in the crafting of the ritual), 5 doses or ritual ink, ritual paper, ritual binding elixir, the essence of the ritual in question (which may list additional required components), and the intent for the ritual (which will determine the incantation the finished ritual will have). When these items are gathered and turned in via pre-production a permanent copy of a ritual is created. Some of these rituals can only be used by the person who created it and are labeled as "Creator Bound"

Categories: PC Creation | Skills | Magic Skills

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