Chosen Level One

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Chosen Level One
Skill Tree:Roleplaying Skills
Prerequisite(s):Game Master Approval
Skill Point Cost:4
Brief Description:Gain a title. Create a semi-permanent shrine that can protect an area.

Chosen Level One

Grants an appropriate title chosen by the player (typically "Septon").

Players must choose an established religions to be the chosen of.

Once a religion is chosen, it may not be changed at a later date.

The chosen one skill allows the character to set up a shrine to their deity (or deities).

Should the character forsake their god(s), all chosen skills are lost and all previously earned benefits become null and void.

Related Rules


A shrine is a sacred location which is typically created by a character with the chosen role-playing skill. All chosen are capable of setting up a shrine with an appropriate object to act as the centerpiece for that shrine. Shrines can be either holy or unholy which will impact what game effect the shrine generates.

Shrines are capable of producing a sanctify effect, an unhallow, or a sanctuary effect depending on who creates them and where they are created.

A shrines effect is constantly ongoing once activated and may not be dispelled. Desecrating a shrine through role-playing will end the effect generated by the shrine.

Shrines set up in a building provide an effect of either sanctify OR unhallow. Shrines set up outside provide the effect of sanctuary. These effects last indefinitely while the chosen prays at their shrine.

The effect created by the shrine is determined by the player, when the chosen one role-playing skill is purchased, and may not be changed at a later date.

The prop you use to represent the shrine must be approved by the props and atmosphere marshal, Christina Mevec.

Shrines must be activated by an obvious and audible ritualistic action. The first time a shrine is set up you must have it witnessed by a game master or marshal to verify that it was set up correctly. Subsequent activations are honor based. A shrine does not need to be kept in a fixed location, however it should not be trivial to set up. For example if you travel and find an interesting temporary location to build a shrine, and afterwards monsters attack that is fine. If while travelling you encounter monsters, and this prompts you to set up a shrine to create a sanctuary this is not what is intended by moving a shrine.

Only one shrine can be active in a single structure at a time. For an additional shrine to be activated in the same structure, the first must be disrupted or deactivated before the second shrine can be activated.

Categories: PC Creation | Skills | Roleplaying Skills | Titles

Page last modified on March 24, 2022, at 11:52 PM
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