Searching Other Players

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Searching Other Players

Because not every player wants physical contact there are two methods to search other players for loot. These methods are referred to as "physical" and "detailed" searches. If the searcher has no wish to touch others they can by default do a detailed search. Physical searches only happen if both players allow it. When initiating a search, players can ask "Detailed or physical" or declare "I'm going to search you now" to the fallen character who should respond with their preferred method. Alternately a player can simply begin doing a detailed search right away "I search your pockets (etc)".

A detailed search is done by describing where on the other player you are going to search. Examples include: inside of pouches, pockets, boots, the character's mouth, hands, or inside of a skeleton's skull. It is often helpful to ask if anything on the target is glowing blue to distinguish if there are any magic items (which therefore are not garb and lootable). The player being searched is honor-bound to give up anything in the corresponding locations.

A physical search is exactly what it sounds like, you physically reach in pockets and other places to see what you find. The player being physically searched has no obligation to help you, but can't hinder you either. A player being physically searched can opt to go to a detailed search at any time if they don't wish to continue with the physical search.

Players also have an option to just hand over anything lootable on them when a search is declared.

After a NPC is searched it is common practice to drag the NPC's body off into the woods, indicating to other players the character has been searched, and indicating to the NPC that they can respawn or return to logistics as appropriate.

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