Cheatsheet 10


The game runs because we all make it run for each other. To make that happen everyone who's been at game more than a year should join a working group (many of the groups are happy to take volunteers sooner). We're all in this game together, they all need help, they all need new blood, and you should have a good enough idea of how the game works after a year to make a good contribution!

Come get a look behind the curtain, because the curtain only needs to be there during your PC shift.

Working groups have someone leading them, called a Marshal. They're the final say in their little domain. Under them are people who are learning to be a marshal one day, we call them Seconds. Anybody can be in those positions, you've just gotta be competent, trustworthy, and around long enough to get the ambition (and pain) of wanting to manage your friends.

Once or twice a year the Marshals, Seconds, and one or two wildcards get together for something called a "Staff Retreat" where they talk about what worked, what didn't work, and where they're going to steer their working group in the year ahead.

Each marshal heads a different aspect of the Kingdoms of Novitas game. The marshals each oversee a variety of staff that work with them to help them make the game happen.

Marshal List

Links on players names will take you to their forum profiles on the Kingdoms of Novitas forums so you can contact them.

  • The First Marshal: Oversees the operation of all of Novitas, has the final say in all matters. Is supported by the Ombudsman who can make high level decisions when he is not available. These are the people you should talk to about matters of extreme importance.
    • First Marshal: Christina Mevec, James Vertucci, and Ryan Green
    • Ombudsman:
  • Logistics: Handles character sheets, running sign-in, managing magical loot, paperwork, assigning item numbers, assisting the GMs during shifts with loot, and more. Also handles all internal paperwork, manages waivers & releases.
    • Marshal: Frank Tamburrino
    • Second: Taylor Dean
  • Marketing and Player Outreach: Covers recruiting new players, discreetly handling OOG conflict between players, managing player retention, and more. Manages advertising, KoN evangelism & recuriting on other forums & sites, sometimes t-shirts, conventions.
    • Marshal: Brandon Febles
    • Second: Michael Maneri
  • Operations: Care and feeding of the ranger, care and upkeep of the site, taxes, corporate business, finances, and more. Handles all external paperwork, manages website back end stuff and forum administration. Oversees bookkeeping, maintains physical site repairs and improvements. Manages any corporate reporting.
    • Marshal: Chris Soukup
    • Second: John Spencer
  • Plot and Continuity: Writing plots, approves backstories, runs the NPCs of each shift, responds to lore requests, manages PELs, and more. Handles metaplot, shift plots, continuity, post event letters, character backgrounds, world background, lore requests, and roleplaying skill adjucation. Selects and oversees the game masters who run stories during shifts.
    • Marshal: Ryan Green
    • Second: Gabby Bonilla
  • Props and Atmosphere: Caring for our existing props, ensuring that every player/monster/prop fits with the aesthetic we want at KoN, acquiring new props, painting all you nerds, and more. Checks garb & encampments, handles prop maintenance, organized the prop shed, creates monster & npc costuming, builds npc weapons, and manages racial makeup
    • Marshal: Christina Mevec
    • Second: Liska Gutierrez
  • Rules and Balancing: Making sure the rules are as simple as possible, making rules available to players & GMs who need them, carefully balancing rules while making changes as seldom as possible, and more. Identifies rules & mechanics in need of fixing, handles playtesting, approves new creatures & epic items, manages the games economy, and issues errata or clarifications as necessary.
    • Marshal: Pat Lane
    • Second: James Vertucci

Other Staff

These individuals are NOT marshals or seconds, but still handle some of the labor that keeps the game functioning.

  • Medical:Keeps the first aid kit stocked.
    • Currently Vacant
  • IT Services: Handles back end technical details for the Novitas Forums and this wiki.
    • Frank Tamburrino
  • Inn Director: Oversees the volunteers who run the inn during games. Manages the food: getting it to site, cooking it, and serving it. Takes care of the props and tools needed in the inn.
    • Hannah Vary
  • Set-Up/ Break Down Coordinator: Organizes volunteers to set up and break down the Logistics building before and after each event. Manages the storage shed.
  • Make-Up Coordinator: Run's the make up table during shifts. In charge of keeping the table stocked between games. During games oversees scheduling of the table, training of people running the table, and consistency with creature make-up.
    • Enya Patterson
  • Wiki Administrator: Oversees the information in this wiki. Updates information as needed based on what other Marshals (particularly Rules) tell them.
    • Ryan Green

Page last modified on March 25, 2022, at 12:30 AM
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