Tag Bags

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Tag Bags
Crafting Points Required: None
Coin Cost: Free
Encampment Item: No
Lootable: No
Brief Description: Biodegradable cloth bags full of bird seed used to deliver ranged spells.

Tag Bags

A downloadable guide with pictures can be found: here.

First, let’s address everything tag bags should and should not be since some variation on size, material, and construction is acceptable.

Tag Bags Should Be:

  • Material should be biodegradable, preferably light and/or bright colored, and with a tight enough weave to prevent birdseed from escaping
  • Filled with birdseed
  • Between 2-4 inches in any dimension or no larger than a tennis ball & no smaller than a golf ball
  • Pliable and soft
  • Sewn closed, tied shut with string, or closed with cloth tape (sewn closed is the preferred method)

Tag Bags Should NOT Be:

  • Made from synthetic fabric, plastic, metal, rubber, or hard materials
  • Filled with anything other than birdseed
  • Larger or smaller than 2-4 inches in any dimension
  • Hard
  • Loose/open/unfinished, closed with staples, pins, plastic ties, tape, etc.

Easy Material Sources:

  • Old bed sheets/pillow cases
  • Old t-shirts

How to Construct a Simple Tag Bag:

There are various methods for making tag bags, but outlined below is what has come to be more or less the standard for KoN. Variations are acceptable as long as they adhere to the guidelines above. If in doubt about your construction method or materials, please ask Christina Mevec. It’s better to find out beforehand if something will or won’t work rather then spend time, energy, and funds on something that may turn out to be unacceptable.

Step 1:

Cut a long rectangle. The long side should be twice the length of one dimension as it will be folded in half when sewn (makes it so there’s one less seam to sew). For example a 3”x8” tag bag will be approximately 3”x4” when completed.

  • There’s a bit of length and width lost to seam allowance, so err on the side of giving yourself a bit extra to work with.

Step 2:

One side (where folded) will be left as is. Sew the other 3 sides together making sure to leave an opening to fill with birdseed.

Step 3:

Fill the tag bag with birdseed. There are various ways to fill a tag bag, but generally a funnel is the easiest. If you don’t have a funnel, you can make one by cutting off the top of a water bottle (Bonus: the bottom can be used as a scoop for the birdseed!). Don’t fill the bag to capacity or it will be more difficult to sew closed and will make the tag bag too hard. Filling it approximately ¾ of the way should provide it with flexibility and give it the heft that makes for a good tag bag.

Step 4:

Close the tag bag. If you’re able to control the seed/opening and take care when doing so, it is possible to use a sewing machine to sew tag bags closed. This should be done with great care, however, as birdseed in your sewing machine is no good for it. The other option is to hand-sew the opening closed.

Make sure to remove any hanging threads, please and thanks.

Categories: Prop Rules | Items | Basic Gear

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