Spell Information Templates

Spell Basic Info Box

The quick info box on the upper right hand corner of all spells

Sample Call

(:include templates.spells#startbox#endbox basepage="spells.magicarmor":)

The Template

(:table border=1 align=right width=300px cellpadding=5px:)
(:cellnr align=center colspan=2:) [[{$FullName}|{$Title}]]
(:headnr align=center:) [[spells.spells|Type]]: 
(:cell:) (:if equal {(ucfirst {$:school})} "Any":)Any(:else if equal {(ucfirst {$:school})} "Hybrid":)Hybrid(:else if:)[[rules.{$:school}school|{(ucfirst "{$:school}")}]](:ifend:)
(:headnr:) Level: 
(:if ! equal {(ucfirst {$:scarce})} "Yes":)
(:headnr align=center:)Prerequisite: 
(:cell:)(:if2 equal "{$:level}" "1":)1 [[rules.magicpowerpointstat|Magic Power Point]] (:elseif2 equal "{$:level}" "2":)Level 1 {$:type} Spell(:elseif2 equal "{$:level}" "3":)Level 2 {$:type} Spell(:elseif2 equal "{$:level}" "4":)Level 3 {$:type} Spell(:elseif2 equal "{$:level}" "5":)Level 4 {$:type} Spell (:if2end:)
(:headnr:)[[rules.flags|Flag Required:]]
(:cell:)(:if equal "{$:flag}" "":)None(:else:){(ucfirst "{$:flag}")}(:ifend:)
(:headnr:)Brief Description:
(:cell:)(:if equal {(ucfirst {$:obsolete})} "Yes":)(:include templates.obsolete#starttemplate#endtemplate type="spell or item":)(:else:){$:shortdescription}(:ifend:)

Scroll Printing Info Box

Sets up the layout for physically printing scrolls. Note this is early code and needs a lot of unnecessary variables passed to it, this could be cleaned up considerably.

Sample Call

(:include templates.spells#startsmalltemplate#endsmalltemplate page="spells.magicarmor" <many other variables>:)

The Template

||border=0 width=100% cellpadding=0px
(:if ! equal "{(ucfirst {$:scarce})}" "Yes":)||School: {$:type}  level {$:level} (:else:)||Rank: {$:level}(:ifend:) ||Flag: (:if equal "{$:flag}" "":)None(:else:){(ucfirst {$:flag})}(:ifend:) ||
||Duration: {$:duration} ||Range: {$:range} ||
||Target: {$:target} ||Dispel: {$:dispel} ||
(:if equal {(ucfirst {$:scarce})} "Yes":)
||Scarce: {(ucfirst {$:scarce})} ||||

Spell Page Body Text

Layout for the main body of all spell pages.

Sample Call

(:include templates.spells#startbody#endbody basepage=spells.magicarmor:)

The Template

(:include templates.blurbheader#starttemplate#endtemplate page="{$FullName}" name="{$Title}":)
(:if ! equal {(ucfirst {$:obsolete})} "Yes":)
This is an obsolete spell or item, it has been removed from the system.

Potion Printing Info Box

Layout for physically printing potions.

Sample Call

(:include templates.spells#startpotion#endpotion page=spells.magicarmor:)

The Template

||border=0 width=100%
||Type: {$:type} level {$:level} ||Flag: (:if equal "{$:flag}" "":)None(:else:){(ucfirst {$:flag})}(:ifend:) ||
||Duration: {$:duration} ||Dispel: {$:dispel} ||
||Scarce: (:if equal "{$:scarcepotion}" "":) No (:else:) {(ucfirst {$:scarcepotion})} (:ifend:)||||

Spell Reference Table Header

Starts the table for quick reference charts about spells.

Sample Call

(:include templates.spells#startheadertemplate#endheadertemplate heading={$Title}:)

The Template

(:table border=1 align=center width=100%:)
(:if ! equal {$$heading} "":)(:headnr colspan=9:) {$$heading}(:ifend:)
(:headnr align=center:) [[rules.spelllist|Spell]] 
(:head align=center:) Cost/ Level 
(:head align=center:) Prerequisite 
(:head align=center:) Duration
(:head align=center:) Range
(:head align=center:) Target
(:head align=center:) Flag
(:head align=center:) Dispel
(:head align=center:) Brief Description

Spell Reference Table Row

Provides details for spells in a spell reference chart. Each spell should have its own row calling this.

Sample Call

(:include templates.spells#startrow#endrow basepage=spells.magicarmor:)

The Template

(:cellnr align=center:) [[{$FullName}|{$Title}]] 
(:cell align=center:) {$:level} 
(:cell align=center:) (:if equal "{$:level}" "1":)1 [[rules.magicpowerpointstat|Magic Power Point]] (:if equal "{$:level}" "2":) Level 1 {$:type} Spell(:if equal "{$:level}" "3":) Level 2 {$:type} Spell(:if equal "{$:level}" "4":) Level 3 {$:type} Spell(:if equal "{$:level}" "5":) Level 4 {$:type} Spell (:ifend:) 
(:cell align=center:) {$:duration}
(:cell align=center:) {$:range}
(:cell align=center:) {$:target}
(:cell align=center:) {$:flag}
(:cell align=center:) {$:dispel}
(:cell align=center:) {$:shortdescription} 

Scarce Scroll Table Header

Table start for any reference chart for scarce scrolls.

Sample Call

(:include templates.spells#startscarceheadertemplate#endscarceheadertemplate heading="Scarce Scrolls":)

The Template

(:table border=1 align=center width=100%:)
(:if ! equal {$$heading} "":)(:headnr colspan=9:) {$$heading}(:ifend:)
(:headnr align=center:) [[rules.spelllist|Spell]] 
(:head align=center:) Level 
(:head align=center:) Brief Description

Scarce Scroll Row

Provides details about scarce scrolls. Each row in the chart should call this for a different item.

Sample Call

(:include templates.spells#startscarcerow#endscarcerow basepage="rareitems.ritualpaper":)

The Template

(:cellnr align=center:) [[{$FullName}|{$Title}]] 
(:cell align=center:) {$:level} 
(:cell align=center:) {$:shortdescription} 

Categories: Templates | Page Class Templates | Printing Templates | Quick Reference Templates

Page last modified on August 29, 2022, at 04:22 PM
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