Ornamenting Item Templates

Ornamenting Box Template (mk II)

For quick information boxes on the right hand corner of ornamenting pages.

Sample Call

(:include templates.ornamenting#startbox#endbox basepage="items.torsoslot":)

The Template

|| border=1 align=right width=300px
||! [[rules.itemslots|Slot Used:]] || {$:slot} ||
(:if ! equal "{$:slotq}" "":)||! Slots Available: || {$:slotq} ||(:ifend:)
||! [[skills.ornamenter|Ornamenting Rank Required]] to create || 1 Rank per 4 [[rules.craftingpointstat|Craft Points used]] ||(:if ! equal "{$:otherskill}" "":) 
||! Additional Skills Required: || {$:otherskill} || 
||! [[rules.coin|Coin Cost to Create]]: || (:if ! equal "{$:fixed}" "":) {$:fixed} (:else:) 5 coin per [[rules.craftingpointstat|craft point used]] (:ifend:) ||
||! [[rules.itemslots|Maximum Craft Points]] || {$:cap} ||
||! [[rules.theft|Lootable]]: || Yes ||
||! Brief Description: || {$:description} ||
(:if ! equal "{$:paired}" "":)|| Props that typically come in pairs, should be in pairs except in rare and exceptional circumstances ||||(:ifend:)

Ornamenting Reference Table Header (mk II)

To start quick reference tables about ornamenting items

Sample Call

(:include templates.ornamenting#startheader#endheader heading="Ornamenting Crafted Items":)

The Template

(:table border=1 align=center:)
(:if ! equal {$$heading} "":)(:headnr colspan=7:) {$$heading}(:ifend:)
(:headnr align=center:) Name
(:head align=center:) [[rules.itemslots|Slot]]
(:head align=center:) [[skills.skills|Skill]] Required to [[rules.craftingpointstat|Create]] 
(:head align=center:) [[rules.craftingpointstat|Crafting Costs]]
(:head align=center:) [[rules.itemslots|Maximum]] [[rules.craftingpointstat|Craft Points]]
(:head align=center:) [[rules.theft|Lootable]]
(:head align=center:) Description

Ornamenting Reference Table Row (mk II)

For rows of data in ornamenting quick reference tables.

Sample Call

(:include templates.ornamenting#startrow#endrow basepage="items.torsoslot":)

The Template

(:cellnr align=center:) [[{$FullName}|{$Title}]] 
(:cell align=center:) {$:slot}
(:cell align=center:) [[skills.ornamenter|Ornamenting]](:if ! equal "{$:otherskill}" "":),\\
{{$$page}$:otherskill} (:ifend:)
(:cell align=center:) (:if ! equal "{$:fixed}" "":) {$:fixed} (:else:) 5 coin per [[rules.craftingpointstat|craft point used]] (:ifend:)
(:cell align=center:) {$:cap}
(:cell align=center:) Yes
(:cell align=center:) {$:description}

Outdated Versions

Ornamenting Box Template

|| border=1 align=right width=300px
||! [[rules.itemslots|Slot Used:]] || {{$$page}$:slot} ||
(:if ! equal "{{$$page}$:slotq}" "":)||! Slots Available: || {{$$page}$:slotq} ||(:ifend:)
||! [[skills.ornamenter|Ornamenting Rank Required]] to create || 1 Rank per 4 [[rules.craftingpointstat|Craft Points used]] ||(:if ! equal "{{$$page}$:otherskill}" "":) 
||! Additional Skills Required: || {{$$page}$:otherskill} || 
||! [[rules.coin|Coin Cost to Create]]: || (:if ! equal "{{$$page}$:fixed}" "":) {{$$page}$:fixed} (:else:) 5 coin per [[rules.craftingpointstat|craft point used]] (:ifend:) ||
||! [[rules.itemslots|Maximum Craft Points]] || (:if equal "{$$entry}" "2":) {{$$page}$:cap2} (:elseif equal "{$$entry}" "3":) {{$$page}$:cap3} (:elseif:) {{$$page}$:cap} (:ifend:) ||
||! [[rules.theft|Lootable]]: || Yes ||
||! Brief Description: || {{$$page}$:description} ||
(:if ! equal "{{$$page}$:paired}" "":)|| Props that typically come in pairs, should be in pairs except in rare and exceptional circumstances ||||(:ifend:)

Ornamenting Reference Table Header

(:table border=1 align=center:)
(:if ! equal {$$heading} "":)(:headnr colspan=7:) {$$heading}(:ifend:)
(:headnr align=center:) Name
(:head align=center:) [[rules.itemslots|Slot]]
(:head align=center:) [[skills.skills|Skill]] Required to [[rules.craftingpointstat|Create]] 
(:head align=center:) [[rules.craftingpointstat|Crafting Costs]]
(:head align=center:) [[rules.itemslots|Maximum]] [[rules.craftingpointstat|Craft Points]]
(:head align=center:) [[rules.theft|Lootable]]
(:head align=center:) Description

Ornamenting Reference Table Row

(:cellnr align=center:) [[{$$page}|{$$name}]] 
(:cell align=center:) {{$$page}$:slot}
(:cell align=center:) [[skills.ornamenter|Ornamenting]](:if ! equal "{{$$page}$:otherskill}" "":),\\
{{$$page}$:otherskill} (:ifend:)
(:cell align=center:) (:if ! equal "{{$$page}$:fixed}" "":) {{$$page}$:fixed} (:else:) 5 coin per [[rules.craftingpointstat|craft point used]] (:ifend:)
(:cell align=center:) {{$$page}$:cap}
(:cell align=center:) Yes
(:cell align=center:) {{$$page}$:description}

Categories: Templates | Page Class Templates | Quick Reference Templates

Page last modified on August 25, 2022, at 04:23 PM
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