Alchemy Item Templates

Alchemy Item Box Template

For information boxes on alchemy item pages.

Sample Call

(:include templates.alchemy#startbox#endbox basepage=items.affectionconfectionalchemy:)

The Template

|| border=1 align=right width=300px
||! [[skills.alchemy|Alchemy]] Level: || {$:level} ||
||! Duration: || {$:duration} ||
||! Range: || {$:range} ||
||! [[rules.flags|Flag Required]]: || (:if equal "{$:flag}" "":)None(:else:){(ucfirst "{$:flag}")}(:ifend:) ||
||! [[skills.herbalist|Herbalism]] Required to Use: || {$:skill} ||
(:if equal {(ucfirst {$:scarce})} "Yes":)
||! Scarce: || Yes ||

Small Box Template

For printing alchemical consumables (and essences)

Sample Call

(:include templates.alchemy#startsmall#endsmall basepage=items.affectionconfectionalchemy:)

The Template

|| border=0 width=100% cellpadding=0px
||Alchemy Level: {$:level} ||Scarce: (:if equal {(ucfirst "{$:scarce}")} "Yes":) Yes (:else:) No (:if end:) ||
(:if ! equal {(ucfirst {$:type})} "Essence":)
||[[skills.herbalist|Herbalism]] Required to Use: {$:skill} ||Duration: {$:duration} ||
||Flag Required: (:if2 equal "{$:flag}" "":)None(:else2:){(ucfirst "{$:flag}")}(:if2end:) ||Range: {$:range} ||
||Ritual Essence ||||

Alchemical Item Reference Table Header

To start quick reference tables about alchemical items

Sample Call

(:include templates.alchemy#startheadertemplate#endheadertemplate heading="Alchemical Items":)

The Template

(:table border=1 align=center:)
(:if ! equal {$$heading} "":)(:headnr colspan=7:) {$$heading}(:ifend:)
(:headnr align=center:) Name
(:head align=center:) Level 
(:head align=center:) [[rules.duration|Duration]]
(:head align=center:) Type
(:head align=center:) Requires Herbalism
(:head align=center:) Scarce
(:head align=center:) Description

Alchemical Item Reference Table Row

For the data in quick reference tables about essences

Sample Call

(:include templates.alchemy#startrow#endrow basepage="items.affectionconfectionalchemy":)

The Template

(:if true:)
(:cellnr align=center:) [[{$FullName}|{$Title}]] 
(:cell align=center:) {$:level}
(:cell align=center:) {$:duration}
(:cell align=center:) (:if [ equal "{$:range}" "Tag Bag" || equal "{$:range}" "Thrown"]:) Thrown Alchemical (:elseif equal "{$:range}" "Ingested":) Ingested (:elseif equal "{$:range}" "Touch":) Oil (:else:) {$:range} (:ifend:)
(:cell align=center:) (:if equal "{$:skill}" "Yes":)Yes (:elseif:) No(:ifend:)
(:cell align=center:)(:if equal "{$:scarce}" "yes":)Yes (:elseif:) No(:ifend:)
(:cell align=center:) {$:description}

Essence Reference Table Header

To start quick reference tables about essences

Sample Call

(:include templates.alchemy#startessenceheader#endessenceheader heading="Essences":)

The Template

(:table border=1 align=center:)
(:if ! equal {$$heading} "":)(:headnr colspan=7:) {$$heading}(:ifend:)
(:headnr align=center:) Name
(:head align=center:) Scarcity\\
(:head align=center:) School
(:head align=center:) Description

Essence Reference Table Row

For the data in quick reference tables about essences

Sample Call

(:include templates.alchemy#startessencerow#endessencerow basepage="rareitems.arcanearsenal":)

The Template

(:cellnr align=center:) [[{$FullName}|{$Title}]] 
(:cell align=center:) {$:level}
(:cell align=center:) {{$:ritual}$:type}
(:cell align=center:) {$:description}

Alchemical Body Layout

For the layout of alchemical pages.

Sample Call

(:include templates.alchemy#startbody#endbody basepage="items.affectionconfectionalchemy":)

The Template

(:include templates.blurbheader#starttemplate#endtemplate page="{$FullName}" name="{$Title}":)\
(:if equal {(ucfirst {$:obsolete})} "Yes":)
(:include templates.obsolete#starttemplate#endtemplate thing="Alchemical Item" replaced="{$:replace}":)
(:if2 equal {*$FullName} {$FullName}:)

(:if2 end:)

Essence Box

For the information boxes on pages for Essences

Sample Call

(:include templates.alchemy#startessencebox#endessencebox basepage=rareitems.arcanearsenal:)

The Template

|| border=1 align=right width=300px
||! Scarcity Level: || {$:level} ||
||! Scarce: || Yes ||

Essence Body Text

For the body text of pages describing essences

Sample Call

(:include templates.alchemy#startessencebody#endessencebody basepage=rareitems.arcanearsenal:)

The Template

(:include templates.blurbheader#starttemplate#endtemplate page="{$FullName}" name="{$Title}":)
(:if equal {(ucfirst {$:obsolete})} "Yes":)
(:include templates.obsolete#starttemplate#endtemplate thing="Essence" replace="{$:replace}":)
(:if2 equal {*$FullName} {$FullName}:)

(:if2 end:)
Carried in this vial is the essential magic needed to create the {{$:ritual}$Title} ritual.  To see how to create the ritual follow the directions on Ritual Paper.  

When completed the finished ritual has the following effect: ''{{$:ritual}$:effect}''

Categories: Templates | Page Class Templates | Quick Reference Templates

Page last modified on August 27, 2022, at 09:34 PM
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