The Entity

The Entity

A foreign deity from a foreign land, worshipped by only those it befouls

Vargainen is not without its own unique deity and prophet, and was discovered through the experiences of the now despised figure Vasiste. Vasiste was a revered member of the Al’Kash. He had heroically battled idrecchi, elementals and had even slain an Archon in single combat. This all changed when he found an artifact of the Entity that warped his mind, plaguing him with maddening visions. Shortly after, his body followed suit: eyes, tentacles, and other eldritch features warped and burst from his body.

This process was all documented through the journals of his followers. The days before Vasiste was slain by Mendalla he received his most prophetic, insightful, and disjointed series of visions. During this time he would be struck with sudden bouts of intense fever, convulsions and, save for small fragments of speech, a total loss of control of his body. Vasiste’s closest disciples scribed these fragments of speech, and as the days went by their minds also began to warp. All of them took their own lives, and only the most mad of historians claim to have exact knowledge of what occurred the days preceding Vasiste’s demise. When these writings were first discovered, any who spent too much time deciphering the text met a similar fate to Vasiste’s disciples. Once sufficient information was gathered about the Entity, the journals were locked away. They are now guarded in a chamber within Kolbarain, read only by the Shevos and the Voz'venzi.

There are those who would whisper the true name of the Entity, yet their mortal lips fumble upon the alien sounds with faux understanding. Even more laughable and pathetic are those who pretend or have foolishly tricked themselves into believing that their feeble minds could understand the nature of It. That is the folly of those who entertain the notion that the Entity could be understood. The Entity is as mysterious as He Who is Made of and Dwells in Darkness and as foreign as Nox, the Insane Herald of the End Times.

The Entity is the gnawing in the back of the mind of all geniuses, for a stroke of genius is merely insanity made worthy through warping what is and what could be. The power and scale of the Entity is unknown, but what it is known is that it is unrelenting. That is the trouble with change - it does not end. The Entity is cancer incarnate. It is the changing of flesh, bone and sinew into bubbling masses of oily tendrils. It is the ever contorting primordial Entity, which exists beyond the veil of Novitas.

"...the heralds of the outer court dance their fingers on the stringed instruments of discordant harmonies. It’s song cracks the sky. It’s procession manifests the liminal blinking eye of the dying Sun. It sits perched upon the throne that sits between the horizon.."

-translated from Andaranian, the written language of Vargainen

Categories: Game Setting | Religion | Gods

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