The Empire of Civen

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The Empire of Civen

The first human kingdom to be founded after the breaking of Vargainen by the War of the Gods, Civen possesses a warm, hospitable climate, lush farmlands and forests, and shorelines as beautiful as they are productive. Ruled by a democratically elected senate, Civen has codes of laws that are publicly available for all to read, a judicial system of regional magistrates appointed for life, and a strong tradition of separation of church and state. While in the past century the goals of Civenites have become largely economic, the country was founded by a military unit and grew steadily through uncontested military expansion for its first thousand years.

Ancient History

The Empire of Civen was founded in the year 6 NL by a great human hero from the War of the Gods, Garan Draisson. Draisson led his legion to what was believed to be a large city, but it was soon discovered to be a great stone fortress stocked by The Soldier with magical arms and armor. This fortress-city would become Civen’s capital: Civenopolis. Reptilian forces coveted this warm climate for centuries, and finally besieged Civenopolis in 995 NL. The siege fell apart in 1005 NL after horrific losses finally fragmented the Reptilian armies.

In 1151 NL, Maon, the Avatar of Darkness, became principal advisor to the Emperor Gnaeus Magnus, and shortly thereafter took permanent control of Magnus’ mind with a powerful Compulsion ritual.

In 1182 NL the Civenites, under the leadership of Maon, invaded their eastern neighbor Adecia (now modern-day Vlean), in concert with other invasions from the Tribelands and Gersh. Rapid gains quickly slowed to a standstill against the opposition of the Adecians under the leadership of the great general Paolo Vlean. After the destruction of the city of Nalbendel and great portions of the invading armies in 1184, a band of heroes led by an Avatar of the Stranger named Umiel struck at Maon and severed his link to Gnaeus Magnus’ mind. By 1185 NL, the invaders from Gersh and the Tribelands were retreating.

Even with the influence of Maon gone, Civen refused to relinquish control of their gains in Adecia, and annexed the entire country into the Empire. Civen ruled those annexed territories for three hundred years, until a rebellion in 1480 NL ejected all Civenites from the city of Vleanoa. Civil war ensued, and raged unabated for over one hundred years, until in 1585 NL the governments of Evenandra and Gersh recognized Vlean as a signatory of the Treaty of Ghage, giving the nation of Vlean equal footing as a sovereign nation. This forced the Empire of Civen to cease overt aggression against Vlean, and led to the two countries signing a peace treaty in the Free Town of Pinedale shortly thereafter.

Recent History

Of late, the decades-long civil war with the renegade province of Adecia has come to a close, with the Imperial Senate officially recognizing the name Vleanoa after more than a century of warfare. The peace, orchestrated through Elven negotiations, has brought a boon to the Imperial economy. Trade relations with Vleanoa are opening up, and reconstruction of the battered country has moved many carpenters, stonemasons, and learned architects from the Empire into the region. It is difficult to find a Civenite who considers this peace to be a defeat as the long pall over the Empire is lifting with this new source of commerce. Within a few decades the buildings, fashions, and culture of Vleanoa may be indistinguishable from that of the Empire, but for now each side remains very guarded, with the memories of war vivid in the minds of many.

Cultural Values

In essence, Imperial society divides itself between two ranks: the more numerous civilian citizenry known as the Plebians and merit-based nobility known as Patricians. When the great machine of Imperial culture is running smoothly, the Patricians take counsel from the Plebians and lead them justly. When the machine breaks down, Patricians scoff at the lower class, and occasionally go as far as to withhold services from them. These breakdowns are often dealt with by diplomatic Senatorial envoys from Civenopolis, local Septon mediations, grand banquets sponsored by the local Merchant’s Guild (wherein a large quantity of helpful libations are provided free of charge), or even public duels in the worst of cases. Once the matter is settled, there is enough respect for history and common investment in the success of the Empire that these breakdowns do not repeat themselves for more than a few decades.

Imperial Plebians are who are often referred to when the term “Civenite” is used. These are individuals that contribute some portion of their life to the betterment of the Empire, usually in the form of taxes or civil service, but who generally live their life for themselves. A successful Plebian has a small reserve of savings, has a modest but clean home, pays his taxes, is educated and hardy, and has an honorable profession that helps feed, clothe, educate, sustain, amuse, or inspire the rest of the Empire. This is the foundation of Imperial society. Plebians are a working class, and have a wide array of jobs and pathways open to them. Artists, Septons, merchants, artisans, farmers, actors, accountants, soldiers, teachers, sewer workers, apiarists, sailors, drovers, scriveners, builders - the list of typical professions is long. These are necessary people doing necessary things, and are the heart of the Empire.

Imperial Patricians are noteworthy individuals raised from the Plebian ranks by virtue of some excellence to lead and manage the Plebians. The Imperial Senate receives hundreds of petitions for Patricianship a year, and usually only awards a half-dozen or so titles. Often, a Patrician who is head of a Household will gather a collection of Clients. These Clients are a group of Plebians whom a Patrician both leads and is supported by. For example, a Patrician who establishes a University would have his professors as his Clients. They would become his counselors and teachers while he made sure they had the best resources and living spaces possible, and in such a way there would be a mutually successful relationship between the Patrician and his Clients. While a Patrician is expected to lead all Plebians in his vicinity it is to these Clients that he or she devotes a greater portion of time and resources. In turn, these Clients provide political and financial support as necessary. In this way, Patricians are always ‘about something’. This role is usually tied to the initial reason for their societal uplifting.

Though some Patricians may “buy” their title from less-than-honorable sources (a Senator in poverty can be a terrible thing indeed), this is typically frowned upon and thought to be “low” behavior. Patricianship is semi-hereditary. The offspring of a Patrician family is assumed to be a Patrician by virtue of blood until his or her 25th year. If by that time the offspring has done nothing to earn his own merit, he is expected to voluntarily surrender the title to his head of household. Failing to surrender a title voluntarily in this instance is cause for the head of household to strip the offspring of name and title alike. This is a sad duty for the Patrician, who will go into a state of mourning as if he had lost a son or daughter.

Patricians are required to sponsor Forum debates, serve as Judges according to their city’s election cycle, better the Empire in whatever way they can, and rally Plebians in times of emergency (such as forest fires, searching for a missing child, etc). Not all Patricians have earned a third name: that is a high honor. Patricians are eligible to run for election to the Imperial Senate, or serve as Consuls.

Other balances and tensions exist as well, such as those between immigrant and native, farmer (Chora) and urbanite (Polis), military and citizen, and others – but the primary tension at play in any interaction will be between that of the Plebian and Patrician.


The Empire supports free primary schooling for the citizens of its cities, but Choran farmers and miners may be too far away to take advantage of this opportunity. By age ten, an Imperial student has a basic understanding of mathematics, the Common tongue, Imperial morality and Imperial etiquette. From this age a student may become an apprentice to a Master Tradesman, may begin training for eventual entrance into the military, may join a Septly cloister, or may begin studying for entrance into one of the Imperial Academies. The costs associated with these later endeavors fall upon the parents or guardians themselves, though the Banking Guild provides loans and liens to assist in these regards where appropriate.

Education is seen as a tool that betters the Empire by ensuring that each citizen has the chance to achieve his full potential. Education is not compulsory, however, and there is very little bigotry between the educated and uneducated within the Empire. An individual is accorded merit in whatever field he pursues, regardless of the nature of the pursuit. It is just as natural for a farmer to help a sorcerer repair a broken wagon wheel as it is for that sorcerer to enchant a farmhouse against accidental fire.

Education helps an individual engage in a cornerstone institution of Imperial culture: debate. Public debates at local forums are not uncommon, nor poorly attended. Within the context of Forum (when not in use for official Imperial government functions) debates, all may speak freely without worries over status wealth or title. As with all things, these public debates are judged by virtue of merit and merit alone. Being open to new ideas is lauded, where holding steadfastly to a failing position is seen as foolhardy.


The Sept is venerated within the Empire, and the Dark Three are cursed, as is proper. But worship is usually a private affair, with small altars being established in unused nooks of a citizen’s home. Religious worship centers around the usual affairs: birth, death, marriage and hardship. Again, these tend to be private affairs, with the use of candles and ritual language instead of grandiose ceremony. Sometimes a particularly comforting Septon may visit an individual’s home to help in these matters.

Imperial Septons have an unusual role in an Empire rife with debate: they must never challenge the authority of the Empire. These Septons work to ensure that the gods harmonize with the Empire. If given a choice, Imperial citizens would typically side with the Empire over the gods themselves. To believe too strongly in the gods, after all, is to become their servant, and servants very rarely ever earn their merit. While some see it otherwise, this is the prevailing mindset of those within the Empire. The gods exist for personal comfort and understanding; they do not rule. Rulership of the Empire is strictly a mortal affair.

Temples to the Sept exist within the Empire, but are usually humble affairs. The greatest cloister within the Empire is found in Epidaurus. Taking up an entire city block, the faithful will make a pilgrimage to the holy city at least once in their lifetime. While it is not as meaningful as a pilgrimage to the Great Cathedral of the Elves, it is enough to satisfy the average Imperial.

Attendance at services and sermons is small compared to other countries of Novitas. As such, Imperial Septons have developed a certain humility about their station, which ironically seems to make them all the more endowed with the grace of the Sept. Imperial Septons are patient, understanding, and listen more than they preach. They are well-trained counselors, peacemakers, and academics. They find themselves in the role of healer, negotiator, teachers, and advisors more than anything else. Imperial Septons may not become Patricians due to a perceived conflict of interest.


The economy of Civen is driven by a vast collection of natural resources, skilled craftsmanship, learned skills for hire, artistry and culture, and deep financial reserves.

On the individual level, one may pursue any profession one wishes. Of course, proper Imperial parents expose their children to many different experiences and watch for signs of aptitude. If these aptitudes are noticed, they will be cultivated through apprenticeships, formal education, or even by hosting a fete and making sure the son or daughter in question is seated next to a skilled master of the craft in question.

A man who does his job well will earn his worth, and coin becomes something of an indicator of merit for the artisan, working, and merchant classes. But coin is only the beginning, of course. Like all merit-driven Imperial citizens, each longs to be awarded a third name in recognition by the Imperial Senate itself for one’s deeds and skills.

On the larger level, most trades within the Empire are mediated by appropriate Guilds. Leatherworking Guilds, Lumber Guilds, even Theater Guilds exist within the Empire. All these specialist Guilds fall under the greater Merchant’s Guild, of course, which directly advises the Imperial Senate, sets proper tariffs, and dictates which professions are closed for entry. At times, this seems draconian, and many a hopeful has been denied apprenticeship by Guild dictate. However, in this way the Guild makes sure that no single profession becomes overfull and unprofitable due to too much competition within the Empire.

The Imperial Merchant’s Guild holds great sway, with financial resources that rival the whole of the Empire itself. It has been responsible for both blacklisting and whitelisting Patrician and Military promotions, and there are murmurings that it has even impacted Senatorial elections. It holds the liens of many General’s farms while they are away making war, it piously supports the construction of new temples to the Sept in exchange for certain favors, and it is an unspoken secret that the Senate maintains a strict but informal no-lending/loaning policy with the Guild due to their power and guile. While the Guild has no official power, this should not be confused with being powerless.

The Empire creates many products that as of yet cannot be reproduced anywhere else. The secret of bending lumber without breaking it, used in the construction of ships is the best example – Imperial ships are the best and fastest. Imperial academies have developed a program that produces perfect recall in some students. Another secret is in its perfume industry. It is known that the Perfumer’s Guild imports many Leviathan carcasses from Gersh, but exactly how this is used in the process is not understood. Recently, the Empire has developed an alchemical amalgam called “curry” which adds a great deal of flavor to any meal it dusts. Rumors have begun circulating that a tool for making water and fire move iron has been developed, but as of yet the engineer in question has not invented an application for this discovery. Be sure though that if a way to use such a device exists, the Empire will find it. One of the Empire’s most undervalued inventions is its paved roads, which allow speedy travel with limited maintenance and upkeep. All paved Novitas roads lead to and from Civenopolis.

Military: The Legions of the Empire

The military of the Empire is the largest in all of Novitas, but after many decades of war, finds itself exhausted. Fewer and fewer recruits have been joining in the last few years, so those that remain have fought ever harder for Imperial glory. While the populace has not lost faith, all the citizens of the Empire are relieved by the onset of peace.

Any may enter the military, though promotion is strictly a matter of merit. While the son or daughter of an Imperial Hero may earn some natural respect, the ethos of the Empire demands that he or she must prove merit through deed. Immigrants may join the Legions as well, though they are typically given the worst assignments and are regarded with a bit of natural suspicion. Military service is one way in which these newcomers may be awarded their citizenship.

Imperial military might is divided into its Legions. Vast tomes have been written about the structure and function of the famous Civenite Legions, and the details therein are too numerous for this document, though easily attainable elsewhere.


The government of the Civen Empire consists of a number of publicly-elected Senators who gather in the capital city of Civenopolis to litigate on matters of taxation, economics, criminal law, military doctrine, public works and construction, to hear the claims of grand criminality, and other matters that affect the whole of the Empire. Senators must be of Imperial birth, of an age greater than twenty years, and in good moral standing. Usually, citizens hoping for election display their concern for the Empire by funding public works, serving in the military, championing a local popular cause, or by finding some other way to inspire voter turnout. The end result? Imperial Senators are strong, savvy, rich, educated, and when needed, cunning leaders.

Slavery in Civen

Slavery exists in the Empire, though certainly there are plenty of idealists who argue against the institution. Slavery exists as a last resort for two situations: poverty and crime. A Plebian in the direst of economic situations may elect to sell himself into slavery to repay debts and sustain his family. No one may sell another into slavery, by Senatorial decree. Slavery also exists as an institution by which criminals may repay their societal debts.

Slave treatment is a direct reflection on the slave owner. Abusive treatment detracts from an owner’s individual merit, and is a source of shame. For this reason, there is a trend in some communities to refuse to own a slave.

Slaves perform many tasks within the Empire. From hard punishing labor, to agricultural work, to skilled labor projects, to teaching children of Imperial citizens, to managing finances, slaves can fulfill any number of roles. Slaves are also eligible to earn merit, though such merit does not necessarily grant freedom. Meritorious slaves may earn perks as decided by their owners.

Slavery is a permanent institution while indentured servitude has a finite duration. Both exist within the Empire. Both slaves and indentured servants are not considered citizens of the Empire, even if they originally were. Thus a slave may not vote, participate in Forum debates, make use of Imperial banks, or petition their resident Patrician. Additionally, slaves and indentured servants may not serve in the military, own land, or retain third names. Slaves may marry with their owner’s blessing. Children born from such unions are always born free.

The Tables of the Empire

The Empire is a place of laws. The Eleven Tables are the basis for all law and society within the Empire. Crafted by Draisson’s First Legion itself in the earliest days of Civenopolis, these granite carvings are replicated in all chambers of law or punishment within the Empire. It is the duty of the Senate, their Consuls, the Legionnaires, and all citizens of the Empire to uphold and support these laws. Many of them are extensions of common law practice elsewhere in Novitas, and unless one plans to take up residency in Civen itself, are not particularly interesting to study:

Table I: On Procedure for Court and Trials

  1. If anyone summons a man before the magistrate, he must go. If the man summoned does not go, let the one summoning him call bystanders to witness and then take him by force.
  2. If he shirks or runs away, let the summoner lay hands on him.
  3. If illness or old age is the hindrance, let the summoner provide a team. He need not provide a covered carriage with a pallet unless he chooses.
  4. Let the advocate of a noble be himself a noble; for one of the plebians, let anyone that cares, be protector.
  5. When the litigants settle their case by compromise, let the magistrate announce it. If they do not compromise, let them state each his own side of the case, in the comitium of the forum before noon. Afterwards let them talk it out together, while both are present. After noon, in case either party has failed to appear, let the magistrate pronounce judgment in favor of the one who is present.
  6. If both are present the trial may last until sunset but no later.

Table II: On the Gathering of Evidence for Trial

  1. In the event that the crime has been committed in the presence of witnesses, their testimony will be deemed as evidence.
  2. Witnesses to a crime will be summoned by either litigant, or by order of the magistrate.
  3. He whose witness has failed to appear may summon him by loud calls before his house every third day.
  4. If one is summoned as a witness and if he does not give his testimony, let him be noted as dishonest and incapable of acting again as witness.

Table III: On Indebtedness

  1. One who has confessed a debt, or against whom judgment has been pronounced, shall have thirty days to pay it in. After that forcible seizure of his person is allowed. The creditor shall bring him before the magistrate. Unless he pays the amount of the judgment or some one in the presence of the magistrate interferes in his behalf as protector the creditor so shall take him home and fasten him in stocks or fetters. He shall fasten him with not less than fifteen pounds of weight or, if he choose, with more. If the prisoner choose, he may furnish his own food. If he does not, the creditor must give him a pound of meal daily; if he choose he may give him more.
  2. On the third market day let them divide his body among them. If they cut more or less than each one's share it shall be no crime.
  3. Against a foreigner the right in property shall be valid indefinitely.

Table IV: On Paterfamilias - The Rights of Fathers Over The Family

  1. The father shall have sovereign authority over the family, provided that in doing so he does not conflict with the laws of Civen.
  2. A deliberate act against one’s father will be considered as severely as treachery against the state.
  3. The punishment for the murder of one’s spouse shall be decided upon by the family of the deceased. In the event that no family remains, the punishment will be death.
  4. Both patricide and matricide shall be considered a sacrilege, and punishable by death.
  5. A dreadfully deformed child shall be quickly killed. The father may decide on a suiting method to achieve this.
  6. A child born after ten months since the father's death will not be admitted into a legal inheritance.
  7. If a father sells his son three times, the son shall be free from his father.

Table V: On Legal Guardianship and Inheritance

  1. Children should remain under the guardianship of their father. If no father remains, their mother. If neither parent is living, they shall be the responsibility of the closest adult relative. In the event no relative exists, it shall be the responsibility of the local state to provide for them a suitable guardianship.
  2. As a man has provided in his will in regard to his money and the care of his property, so let it be binding.
  3. If one has no heir and dies intestate, let the nearest male relative have the inheritance. If there is no such relative, let the remaining members of his family have the inheritance.
  4. If one is mad but has no guardian, the power over him and his money shall belong to his male relatives and the other members of his family.

Table VI: On Acquisition and Possession

  1. When one makes a bond and a conveyance of property, as he has made formal declaration so let it be binding.
  2. A beam that is built into a house or a vineyard trellis may not be taken from its place.
  3. Usucapio of movable things requires three months possession for its completion; but usucapio of an estate and buildings is six months.
  4. Any woman who does not wish to be subjected in this manner to the hand of her husband should claim her property as her own every three months, and so interrupt the usucapio of each three month period.

Table VII: On Land Rights

  1. Let the roads be kept in order. If they have not paved it, a man may drive his team where he likes.
  2. Should a tree on a man’s property be bent crooked by the wind and lean over his neighbor’s property, the neighbor may take legal action for removal of that tree.
  3. A man might gather up fruit that was falling down onto another man's property.
  4. All land within the borders shall be considered the property of Civen, unless otherwise specified.

Table VIII: On Torts and Edicts

  1. If one has maimed a limb with unjust cause and does not compromise with the injured person, let there be retaliation.
  2. If one has broken a bone of a freeman with his hand or with a cudgel, let him pay a penalty of forty coins. If he has broken the bone of a slave, let him have twenty coins. If one is guilty of insult, the penalty shall be ten coins.
  3. If a patron shall have devised any deceit against his client, let him be accursed.
  4. Any person who destroys by burning any building or heap of corn deposited alongside a house shall be bound, scourged, and put to death by burning at the stake provided that he has committed the said misdeed with malice aforethought; but if he shall have committed it by accident, that is, by negligence, it is ordained that he repair the damage or, if he be too poor to be competent for such punishment, he shall receive a lighter punishment.
  5. If one is slain while committing theft by night, he is rightly slain.
  6. It is unlawful for a thief to be killed by day, unless he defends himself with a weapon. Even though he has come with a weapon, unless he shall use the weapon and fight back, you shall not be killed. And even if he resists, first call out so that someone may hear and come up.
  7. Cutting the right hand from a thief is permissible during the day. If this occurs and the stolen property has been returned, the punishment of the thief will be deemed fulfilled.
  8. A person who had been found guilty of giving false witness shall be hurled down from the Hydrian Rock.
  9. No person shall hold meetings by night in the city.

Table IX: On Public Law

  1. Anyone convicted of treason against the Empire of Civen will rightfully be cursed by the Sept and exiled or given capital punishment, depending upon the severity of his betrayal.
  2. The penalty shall be capital for a judge or arbiter legally appointed who has been found guilty of receiving a bribe for giving a decision.
  3. He who shall have roused up a public enemy or handed over a citizen to a public enemy will be deemed a traitor and must suffer capital punishment.
  4. Putting to death of any man unconvicted, whosoever he might be, is forbidden.
  5. Slavery will be permitted within the boundaries of the Civen Empire.

Table X: On Sacred Law

  1. None is to bury or burn a corpse in the city.
  2. The women shall not tear their faces nor wail on account of the funeral.
  3. If one obtains a crown himself, or if his chattel does so because of his honor and valor, if it is placed on his head, or the head of his parents, it shall be no crime.
  4. The Empire of Civen shall prohibit the practice of any form of magic craft deemed potentially dangerous to society.
  5. Similarly, the Empire of Civen shall prohibit the worship of any deities deemed potentially dangerous to society.

Table XI: On the Senate and Republic

  1. The Empire of Civen shall justly possess a republican system of law and government, founded in order to best represent its people.
  2. Two senators shall be chosen from each legislative district.
  3. A senator shall be elected by a plurality vote in his district.
  4. A senator must be of Civenite birth, more than twenty years of age and in good moral standing with the people and the Gods.
  5. The capital of Civenopolis, in keeping with tradition and the sacred number of the Sept, shall always possess seven districts within the city limits.
  6. At the first of each year, the two parties of the Senate will call forth their party leaders. These two men will act as Consuls for the following year.
  7. In times of national strife, the Senate may deem it necessary to call forth a dictator to serve for a term of six months, unless the term is increased by legal means.
  8. If a dictator refuses to give up his power after said term, he may rightfully be forcibly removed, exiled, or killed.
  9. Anyone who acts against the Empire by supporting monarchy or tyranny within Civen shall be exiled indefinitely. Anyone who attempts to instill these forms of government will be justly executed.

Supplements and Amendments

  1. Marriages should not take place between plebeians and patricians.
  2. If a slave shall have committed theft or done damage without his master's knowledge, the action for damages is in the slave's name.
  3. The region now known as “Vlean” will no longer be considered part of the Empire of Civen.
    1. The Region of Vlean may be reconsidered as part of the Empire upon re-conquest at some future date.
    2. The worship of Grak, Nox, and Darkness is hereby prohibited and deemed a capital offense.
  4. Women shall hereby be permitted the same positions, opportunities, and ranks as men in both government and military.
  5. Whatever the people had last ordained should be held as binding by law.

Places of Interest


The heart of the Empire, Civenopolis is the greatest city in Novitas. Urbane, wealthy, learned, cosmopolitan, it is the center and model of all Imperial life.

Sol Centura

A resort city, where the pleasures of the flesh are celebrated in open air salons and spas. Sex, massage, regimented stretching, music, art, and culinary treasures can all be found here.


The womb of ships. It is here that the secrets of Imperial shipbuilding are practiced.


Home to the Imperial Academy of Magic. The red towers of this school can be seen for miles.

Mount Heratodus

An inactive volcano, where it is said the Craftsman’s forge is hidden.


The so called “Mother’s Heart”. A city devoted to the sorcery, learning, and sciences surrounding the healing of the body and the mind. Home to the largest Sept temple within the Empire.


A military city in all respects near the Terran border. Corinium is home to the Corinium Military Academy a greatly distinguished forge for crafting young men into loyal soldiers of the Empire.


Home to the School of War. A place where the finest gladiators are trained. Driven warriors will attend this academy before joining a Legion or mercenary company. A desert city. Home to the Prostitution Guild.

Haphis Ridges

A white marble city, Haphis builds upwards along the cliff face worn away by the ocean. Tiger safaris around the region are not uncommon.

Relationships with other Countries

The Freelands

The Freelands are considered to be a wild and trustworthy land. They have no law whatsoever and this makes leaving on an adventure for only the bravest or most desperate. While it is said a mother may safely walk unescorted with babe in arms anywhere in the capital, no such security exists in these wildlands. Were it not for the absolute necessity of the trade routes and access provided by the Freelands, most Civenites wouldn't venture there at all.

Dellin Tribelands

The tribelanders are seen as a brutish and uneducated lot. Some trade of value exists between merchants and certain clans, but the aggressive and unclean lifestyle of most tribelanders put off many a civilized merchant. They are generally tolerated in Civen — that is at least until they begin damaging property and committing assault. At such a point, their welcome is swiftly revoked.

Realm of Evenandra

Trade is good between the nations with raw materials traded to the elves for exquisitely wrought finished goods. The High Elves may be a little snooty, but they are seen as decent folk.

Kingdom of Gersh

Gershen trade is welcome in the southern human nation. While both nations practice slavery, their methods in doing so differ greatly. Snow Goblin adherence to contracts makes international dealing smooth when it does occur.

Great Forest

Civenites trade with those in the Great Forest primarily for alchemical supplies and some exotic spices and fruits. The elves trade for goods and rarely accept coin, which makes trade slightly more difficult. Wood elves are known to free slaves and defend them if they cross into the forest. Such actions often act as a point of culture clash. There are Verdurans in the Great Forest that make some of the finest wooden artifacts in the realm, and while volume is small, it is always profitable to trade with them.

Kingdom of Terra

No major culture clashes exist between Civenites and Terrans. Terrans make fine things and Civenites pay well for them. Those with a propensity to hold a grudge and rural-minded folk still harbor ancestral resentment for the Terrans because they closed up their gates and waited out the Avatar War, but the more "modern" thinkers have long since gotten past that sentiment.

Theocracy of Vlean

Civen recently acknowledged Vlean as an entity on the world stage, a stance much attributed to outside political pressure by other nations. As such, only the diehards and conservatives still refer to Vleanoans as "rebel scum" and "traitors" in public. Vleanoan commerce has opened slowly and somewhat warily due to the restrictive trade and travel policies that still unnerve many Civenites seeking to deal with them.

Other Information (Unsourced)

Dominating the south of Novitas, the Empire of Civen is the cream of human civilization, boasting large cities, robust trade, and levels of freedom and democracy seen in no other land. Civen is ruled by a Senate, which is directly elected by the population’s citizens. Citizenship in Civen is bestowed at birth to everyone, and upon reaching their majority at twenty-one all citizens are entitled to vote. If the Empire has lately stagnated, it is still the shining jewel of humanity’s endeavors, and while it may outwardly seem that the gods of the Empire are money and trade, the reality is that everyone there worships the Sept. That they are less outwardly devout than some does not lessen their inner faith in the gods.

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